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  1. @HUM-3154 thank you! ?
  2. @HUM-3154 Awesome models! Especially the Baby Yoda one! ? Is it possible to have the Baby Yoda model without Yoda's acrobatic animations? With just the regular ones? Thanks! ?
  3. Anyone working on an Ahsoka live-action model? :)
  4. Hey, Jeff! One more tiny request: I was wondering if you could make models for these 2 SW comics characters? Garro (newer SW comics) and Tol Skorr (Dark Jedi from the Republic series)? I'd appreciate it! Thank you, in any case! ? Cheers! P.S. Thank you for the CW Boba saber fix, you rock! ? Garro: Tol Skorr:
  5. Tompa made a Ben Solo Jedi model, you can find it there on his WIP Mega link: https://mega.nz/folder/kItFQKhY#rnk3XDGCplJUR4iNOJQeeQ
  6. Thank you for answering! 1. If you catch the time to fix it, could you then reupload it? Thanks ? 2. Adding tags is a thing you do with Blender or? Cause I've never used that program. If you have a link with a tutorial or something, I'd appreciate it! Cause there are a lot of Mandalorian skins/models on which I'd like to use the jetpack with all the effects! 3. Really? That would be beyond awesome! ? If you get the time, I would be INFINITELY thankful if you made CW cel shaded models of Sha'a Gi or/and Anakin (season 2) from the 2003 CW show. ? Thank you in advance!
  7. Hey Jeff! Amazing work on Jacen/Caedus and Kueller, EU also needed some love. ? I have a few questions: 1. When using your CW Boba model, the lightsaber is invisible. Is there a fix for that? Can you provide it? Thanks! 2. Is there a way to make characters actually have the flames coming out from the jetpack with the playermodel boba_fett trick? I can activate the jetpack but there are no flames or anything. 3. Any plans on making cel shaded models, like the CW models Psyk0Sith made? Any help is appreciated. ? Thanks!
  8. There already is a Cal Kestis model:
  9. Amazing. Thank you, Jeff! ?
  10. This looks amazing! ? Any plans on releasing/sharing this and the redeemed Anakin skin? ?
  11. Anyone working on a Siege of Mandalore Ahsoka mod? ?
  12. Hey there! I was wondering if anyone could make a Second Sister/Trilla Suduri model? ? With or without a helmet.. Or both, if someone feels like it. ? Is there a Second Sister model being worked on in the community at all? Thank you in advance!
  13. Hey, Jeff! Quick question: any plans on working on a Trilla Suduri/Second Sister model? Cheers! ?
  14. It's amazing!! ?
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