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Files posted by DarthJava

  1. Star Fox Arwing

    Frankly I am surprised nobody has made this for JK3 sooner! (Unless someone did and I didn't know?)
    To get in game, open the console and type npc spawn vehicle arwing_v2 (yes I made an experimental version before this one but am not releasing it)
    If you've never heard of the Arwing, it's the starfighter from Star Fox games made by Nintendo. I modeled this one roughly around the one from Star Fox 64 (3D). It's a nimble and fast fighter with plenty of firepower. It's probably an unfair vehicle for JK3 for the fact it has more health and shields than the X-wing, out runs the Tie-Fighter, and has linked rapid-fire twin lasers and a homing concussion missile. So if you are dog-fighting against any vanilla JK3 vehicles, it will probably be a forgone conclusion who will come out on top.
    The wings and fins are animated! The wings swing outward and the bottom part of the fins open to reveal the lasers.
    This ship also comes with sounds from Star Fox 64! This website http://www.starfox-online.net/Media/sfx-sf64/ has them to download/direct link.
    Even if you've never played any of the Star Fox games, this is a fun one to fly! If you're wanting to add it to a map, or modify it, just make sure to credit me for the original.
    One last thing... DO A BARREL ROLL!


       (10 reviews)



  2. Starforged Saber Pack

    This is a pack of 16 custom sabers with the "Star-Forged" theme, meaning they have a sort of disrupted/unstable sound set.
    I've been working on these sabers for around a year and a half, mainly for my own use and experimentation. I did go a bit crazy with WavePad and mix, pitch, distort, reverb, and gargle the crap out of some random sounds and add lots of low end bass. If you've got good ears you might even guess the base sound I used! The ignition sound on the longsaber and Fury I made using a mix of high and low tones.
    I modeled a few of the sabers using the MHS Builder from thecustomsabershop.com for ideas, some are just random design, a couple were from Google images, and 1 of them I modeled after one I bought from ultrasabers.com (Aeon)! There are also 3 crossguard sabers included!
    These are, for the most part, vanilla sabers. There are a few tweaks here and there but nothing substantial as far as performance to your base game sabers. The crossguard sabers naturally have an advantage over base sabers, of course.
    The sabers are as follows (using saber <saber ID>):
    Fury - starforged_fury
    Focus - starforged_focus
    Defender - starforged_defender
    Marauder - starforged_marauder
    Aeon - starforged_aeon
    Mortem - starforged_mortem
    Lord - starforged_lord
    Knight - starforged_knight
    Descendant - starforged_descendent (yes I know... typo'd )
    Generation - starforged_generation
    Darth Java's Longsaber - darthj_longsaber
    Sentinel - starforged_sentinel
    Heir - starforged_heir
    Last Alliance - last_alliance_saber1
    Redemption II - last_alliance_saber2
    Venom - last_alliance_saber3
    Enjoy them!


       (9 reviews)



  3. Sith Pureblood

    A player model I modified from the vanilla jedi human male to look like a Sith pureblood from SWTOR.
    My first player model ever so don't be overly critical
    Has team support and custom taunts!
    Installation: Just put zzz_sith_pureblood.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder
    Insects (bugs): There's some clipping with the cape but other than that I think that's it.


       (7 reviews)



  4. Kressh And Sadow Swords

    Installation: Put the "Kressh and Sadow Sith Swords" pk3 file into your GameData/base folder.
    Uninstall: Delete/move file out of the GameData/base folder
    To get in single player: type saber naga_sadow_sword or saber ludo_kressh_sword in your console (watch that typo in Kressh!)
    I have returned!
    After seeing my old Sadow Sith Sword made its way into JKHub, I chuckled to myself honestly. I made a lot of personal mods across different games and my modelling skills have definitely... improved. So I decided to revisit the Sith Sword line! Not only did I remake Sadow's sword, but Ludo Kressh's war blade! After doing some research a little deeper than one sketch of Sadow's sword, I made it look more accurate and realistic. I also tweaked the .sab files too, making them able to switch styles instead of being stuck on Desann's, among other things.
    No, I did not add the static lightning effects to the blades mainly due to the fact it's... annoying and spammy. There is a couple lightning-y effects with blocking and hitting but they're not as spammy in my opinion.
    I'll admit they're not perfect, but definitely better than the old one! Give them a download if you like them! If
    not... download them anyways!


       (4 reviews)



  5. The Sith Sword Pack

    Liked Naga Sadow's and Ludo Kressh's Sith swords?
    Well... Here's some more!!!
    I have left the old versions of Sadow's and Kressh's swords in this pack, so if you still have the old pack replace it with this version.
    To install, put the_other_sith_lords_swords.pk3 into your gamedata/base.
    To uninstall, simply remove it.
    In this pack we have 9 swords to play with (well ok, one isn't really a sword... more like a techblade ) (and also it's technically 10 swords since there's two versions of Naga Sadow's sword)
    As it was pointed out to me, the old version of Sadow's sword didn't have the splits in the blade... so I fixed it.
    Upon request, someone mentioned that Ajunta Pall's sword should be added, so guess what... I added it!
    As I said above, I left the old versions of Sadow's and Kressh's swords in here so your old pack is no longer required
    Here's the list: (if you plan on using in SP type in the console /saber <the names to the right of them>)
    Naga Sadow's Sword(new) naga_sadow_sword or naga_sadow_sword_v2
    Ludo Kressh's Sword ludo_kressh_sword
    Sith War Blade from SWTOR sith_war_blade
    Sith Sword 1 (a random) sith_sword_1
    Darth Java's Sword (yeah I had to add in a classic looking vibroblade ) darth_java_sword
    Darth Drear's Sword (or at least my take on it) darth_drear_sword
    Sword of Ieldis sword_of_ieldis
    Sith Sword 2 (google sith sword and its the 4th or 5th result) red_sith_sword
    Ajunta Pall's Sword (dual bladed) ajunta_pall_sword
    A little on Darth Drear's sword. Very, very little is mentioned about it... other than its purpose.
    This is the description from the book: "...Its shining blade seemed to have been forged from the same black durasteel as the walls around them, and streched as long as Saborous's arm... its lethal edge shimmering and disapearing again as the Sith Lord swung it overhead."
    So basically... it's long, pointy and black... well my brain filled in the rest of the 99% and this is what we got
    Well that's about it, enjoy and thanks for the downloads and support!


       (4 reviews)



  6. Chaos Sword (Final Fantasy)

    A sword used by Chaos from Final Fantasy, by request
    I made the model from scratch, the texture I'll admit was photo sourced (wanted it to be accurate as possible).
    To install put ff_chaos.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder. The un-installation is simply removing the file from said folder.
    To get it in SP type into the console (after you've enabled cheats) saber ff_chaos_sword
    The only performance altering I did is the blade length is 50 as opposed to 40... so it's got some reach. Other than that it's pretty vanilla.


       (4 reviews)



  7. Naga Sadow's Sith Sword

    November Sith Themed Hilt Modelling Contest Entry
    Description: I decided i was (somewhat) worthy to partake in this contest... So I decided to make Naga Sadow's Sith Sword from around 5000 BBY. I've been fiddling around with shaders and voila! I got them to work!
    Accurate and good looking model.
    Sith Sword not a subject often explored in JKA modding.
    Textures look somewhat blurry.


       (3 reviews)



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