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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Hmmm...would something like that be possible in SP, though? Any modifying of the Behaved source?
  2. Alright guys. Sorry to bother you all again with another CVAR question, but it's quite urgent. So me and afiNity are hard at work at JKAHP. AfiNity, with the help of Eez, stumbles upon a limit of menus the game can have. 64. The mod we are hard at work making is a role playing game. Cvars are extremely important. Example: one cvar may tell the game what spell the player is casting, another tells the game if the player has the item or not. But it's not that that worries me. There is currently no way other than menus for the game to execute and set cvars/console commands. There is no line in Icarus that lets the user set a console command or change the value of a cvar. There is nothing that lets us do this in GTK. So our only option is using menus, menus that change the desired cvar and/or change the console command and close, causing little to none disturbance to the game. There is a way in Icarus that lets us add more menus, so, it looked like we had a solution. But, alas, no. With only 64 menus, we will quickly run out of menus to use, we will need one for each conversation, each item, each encounter. Does anyone know if there is anyway to set the cvars/commands or if the 64 menu limit is not true? Thanks guys for helping.
  3. I know this, but having never downloaded it, what was so bad about the mod itself?
  4. Are you sure they are not just talking in another language?
  5. Right now, we are working on getting an official website in the works. Also, were trying to add new spells and cool visual effects to the game. Hope to have an update soon!
  6. therfiles


    Welcome! Great to see yah!
  7. Ummm...ok...What's wrong with Turkish authors?
  8. Hey there! Missed seeing you around for a while, but great having you back!
  9. Hmmm...nice and useful site, you have there! I didn't see anything like 'nexthud'...all I can see that do anything hud-wise is "Cg_hudfiles" and "cf_hudcolor", the latter of which I have never heard of. I also saw a command called 'nextframe'. Does that have anything to do with it? Will run some tests today.
  10. It's not to big a deal if we can't figure it out. We could use @eezstreet's hud-jailbreak plugin, if he lets us, when it comes out. But being able to change the hud via console would be so much easier.
  11. Hmmm...interesting. Ui_load does in fact load all the menus again, but the hud suddenly becomes invisible. You have to type "loadhud" in for it to come back, but it's still the original one, not the new one I need loaded. Close, but no cigar.
  12. Very cool and well done! The playermodel is very intriguing...
  13. Hm...I don't think that would work. It needs to seamlessly change the hud, with no disruption to the gameplay. Thanks, though.
  14. Alright. So I have this really cool idea, but I need to be able to change the hud, real-time. So I go in to the console and use "cg_hudfiles" plus my .txt containing the menu loader (default is ui/jahud.txt). This works fine, but It requires me to reload the map "re-devmap it" before it changes the hud. I need it to change as soon as cg_hudfiles changes. I tried a command I found, "loadhud", but it was a dud. Anyone know how to do this? I would be forever grateful!
  15. I'm confused. Is that above code already implemented into the game? I know what he is asking, in fact, I have asked about it before. Using the SPAWN command (I.e. Spawn Misc_Exploding_Crate) is practically useless, because, in sp, spawing an fx_runner or ref_tag is unusable cause I can't add an fx file to use/target name to use.
  16. I still don't see why the base assets are needed to make the start up menu work. I have used such a start up menu, even made one, and it didn't require me to copy assets. The right path would be to have the user manually copy over the assets from base to the appropriate folder. As for Tim asking for permission, there is no doubt that he asked for permission for some things. Ultimately, we have no way of proving whether or not he did get permission. But still, there is no doubt that some authors refused to give their work and it was still used. There are some models that are unique and there are no other alternatives to using them. As for maps, it really seems like he just packaged a ton of them in there, and in some cases, straight decompiled them. It just seems like to me, if you are going to take a map, add entities to make it an SP level, fine. But just packaging an unmodified map(s) in your mod just isn't a good idea, in my opinion. Feel free to express your opinion, bro.
  17. Kotf really saddens me. It has lots of cool features. Some of their Uis...are just...awesome. I would just love to data mine it. He's got websites opening from the UIs...how does he do that? It really seems like he skirts over some of the core features in his videos, like missions. But overall, the mod is just far to cluttered with legal mess and other people's work.
  18. Looking really good! It looks very familiar, what is it based off of?
  19. Sorry to bump this thread, but I have a question regarding something similar. In SP, there is a weapon called "weapon_tie_fighter", but has no effects (minus the emplaced muzzle effect). Would anyone happen to know if there are any effects referenced to this weapon, but are not there? And also, slightly relevant, weapon damages. The concussion alt fire literally kills the target. But, when used by and npc, only 5 hp is taken. Why is this?
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