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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. therfiles


    Hey there! Welcome to the forums!
  2. Dangit Circa and CrimisonStrife. Now you have me running around a boat whacking people with umbrellas and crowbars.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CrimsonStrife


      nope, one purchase gets a total of 5 copies. I bought it, I gifted it to Circa and another friend, who each got one copy to gift.

    3. Circa


      We should play again soon.

    4. therfiles
  3. My only expertise is with scripting SP mods...I'm not sure if that's what your looking for. You'd get it in the form of a .pk3, but you'd probably need to execute a .cfg in order to run the startup scripts and set the proper binds!
  4. Hey there, sorry for responding so late! I use ICARUS, JKA's scripting language, pretty heavily. The idea is certainly possible...and really cool! The only thing that just wouldn't work would be making the player lose 20 fp, as ICARUS has no control over forcepoints unfortunatly! That being said, I think it could be possible...with a dynamic script and a fixed bind.
  5. Would it be possible to change the mod on daily basis? I think it would be cool to have different gametypes and maplists on a day-to-day basis, so everyone can get what they want. Then we can set up the community calender again so people can reserve time slots for community server events, etc.
  6. Nope But you could do this in ICARUS, I believe...I'm not sure how you'd do math though...I know that there is that +1 operator is there a +.1 operator?
  7. I know this guy had acquired them, but if he made them or stole them, is unknown.
  8. I don't see any links in the OP, but here are some Star Killer mods we currently host. Not sure if that's what you are looking for... @@Assassin: No need to be rude, man.
  9. @@Boothand: It seems to me like a lot of your "ELSE" blocks are not within the original "ELSE". Take a look at MoonDog's example: if ( $get( FLOAT, "block1_note")$, $=$, $0$ ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "null" ); } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "block1_note")$, $=$, $1$ ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "my_fruity_sound1.mp3" ); } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "block1_note")$, $=$, $2$ ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "my_fruity_sound2.mp3" ); } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "block1_note")$, $=$, $3$ ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "my_fruity_sound3.mp3" ); } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "block1_note")$, $=$, $4$ ) { sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "my_fruity_sound4.mp3" ); } } } } } See how the first IF is followed by the ELSE? The next if and else blocks should be in that ELSE. For example. IF Else>(IF ELSE>(IF ELSE>)) Make sense? Another example: IF (something1) actions ELSE IF (something2) actions ELSE IF (something3) actions ELSE etc
  10. I'd say test it out, but I feel that the bowcaster has always been way too overpowered. Perhaps if you slowed the fire rate and decreased the ammo via the weapons.dat, it may help, but I'd just not include it in the first level.
  11. Perhaps you could use a trigger_hurt with a ton of damage or use a script that kills on impact...
  12. @@mrwonko: I know using the parm1 key on NPC spawners works, does it work on other entities? I guess you could make a script that is constantly changing some global variables and then one that checks them and plays the sound. I'll have to think about that for a while...
  13. Hey there! Really cool to see you here at JKHub! You've done some amazing work!
  14. Really nice work! I definitely prefer the robed versions. The un-robed variants seem to highlight the uncharacteristic flatness of the model's head. As for the aging, perhaps you could use GIMP or some other imaging program to isolate the gray hairs (color select) and darken it to a younger hue? Just an idea.
  15. therfiles

    Doctor Who

    A very nice start, but may need a bit more work to get the likeness right.
  16. Epic Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod 11: The Mysteries of the Stallman
  17. Epic Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod 9: The Macintosh Unleashed
  18. Epic Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod 7: A New Start Menu
  19. Epic Bill Gate vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod 5: The Attack of the Vista.
  20. Epic Bill Gate vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod 3: The Return of the Wozniak
  21. Hey there! Glad to have you here at JKHub! I don't know why, but you sound familiar...did you ever go by SecretAgent007 by any chance?
  22. @@MoonDog: Wouldn't something like this work? Using ref_tags and parms would probably work much better in this situation.
  23. Try this, @@PK_Azlon: I just added to the script you created. The sound "FILENAME" is just a placeholder. You'll need to change that. If this doesn't work, I can rig up an example of the system I described earlier, if you like.
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