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  1. Anybody here heard about gigapixel AI?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Newmodder


      I'm converting about 5 seconds worth of cutscenes form dark forces right now (need screenshots for my empire at war mod), ill tell you how they turn out

    3. Ivanael


      Yeah, it's great. I used it to upscale all the base JKA textures by 4x, and it works for me for the most part, don't know why it crashed for Lancelot, but a few textures are blacked out for some reason, which is why I didn't upload it on here, still have to figure out why it does that. But it looks much better overall.

    4. Ivanael


      And I heard there is software which can upscale the cutscene resolution aswell, which I plan to do sometime, but converting videos is quite more time consuming since each frame has to be upscaled individually, although the software can do it all by itself in one row, just takes a while.

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