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Posts posted by Syko

  1. Now I feel bad for continuing to run this topic off course even further.


    I'll be posting another texture soon hopefully. It's going to be a high resolution version of the control panel that I posted earlier. 

    Circa likes this
  2. That's...interesting. So you don't play any movie related games at all?


    No, not really. Unless you count Star Wars: Apprentice of the Force which I played when I was 15. 


    All of the SW games I've ever played are everything in Star Wars BOPC, JA and KOTOR 2.

  3. I read you guys and we all seem to agree that bringing JO up to date, even if the coders can't get a new renderer to work in there, would be great. I'm playing through JK2 again and the brushwork and level design can be improved a lot without the need of fancy lightning or normal mapping. On the other hand, I see so much talent and dedication and I cannot stop thinking, why redo something that's already done instead of making something completely new, something that reads originality instead of "what you did, we can make better"? I looks like we are only a handful of modders left for this game, most of them already moved on with their lives or to another engine to show up how much detail they can cram up into a single model, I say we open up a thread and discuss what we can do, Star Wars related, as a standalone and original project. Maybe something based on the original trilogy, Pulp Fiction style (multiple stories crossing each other), including not only  light sabers but also short stories about Han and Chewie, old Obi Wan, Luke and Biggs, Boba Fett, perhaps a flashback with young Anakin. I thinking about something that shows/explains some things from the movies that already were there but you had to find out about in comics or novels. There's a lot to work on in there. Think about it.


    Interesting idea, but I would not be interested in working on it. The reason I am trying to improve the graphics of JO is because I like everything about JO itself, from it's story, to characters, to level design, and I think it deserves a much needed visual overhaul, but I think that's all that's necessary. I am not interested in working on an entirely new Star Wars game. I already worked on the Jedi Betrayal mod team for a year and a half and the project is honestly kind of a failure now. No one does anything for it anymore. If you want to work on something completely original, join their team.


    Also, I'm not a fan of making games about the movies directly. I saw the movies, I know what happens, I have no desire to play as the Original Trilogy characters. When I picture them I want to picture actors, not game characters.


    And if I sound a little weird, it's because I just sank 2 hours into another texture and my brain is fried. Need to take a break.

  4. Well, everything @DT said. The texture is not entirely a 2D radar thing like the last two textures I did, so I'm afraid I might have to redo normal mapping and stuff on the texture with the buttons and all.

  5. Great work lervish!


    I recolored that red radar blue so the blue version is done now. 














    Has anyone ever thought of remodeling the JO weapons to be higher poly? That briar pistol looks kind of ugly by today's standards.

    therfiles and Setlec like this
  6. New radar texture. 










    In-game (old is blue, red is new):




    Later today I will recolor that texture blue for the other texture in that screenshot.


    Also, I had no idea PSDs could get so big. The cairn/twall3 texture's PSD is 109 MB...

    Mr.Zz, Circa and therfiles like this
  7. Well, I can work on glass/radar textures in the meantime. That makes things a lot more realistic for me rather than redoing all of the textures. 


    Also, if the maps are going to have to be rebuilt, we should form an entire mod team to remake Jedi Outcast graphic-wise. Maybe by the end it could look something like Mass Effect. 

  8. As much as I honestly would like to (this sort of thing has been on my wishlist for years), I don't really have the skills or time required. Talk to @@Mr.Zz perhaps? He doesn't totally redo textures like you do, but maybe you can teach him if he doesn't already know.


    I don't have the time required either. :P That's why I need a significant amount of help from any other texture artists here. Frankly I don't think I'll be able to continue on making many more textures if there isn't a team working on this. I'm very busy in real life with a job and I have a girlfriend so...yeah. 

  9. Triple Post FTW


    The more I do this, the more I realize that it's going to take a team of people to complete this project. If I get some recruits I can open up another forum or something. Ideally 4-6 people would be best. Does anyone feel like joining up?

  10. That last new texture you made is great, but it's backwards man. :P


    Also, can I ask if you actually looked up the translation of the Aurebesh words on the old texture? I noticed you did different ones so I was curious if you wrote something but too lazy to actually translate it myself, heh.


    I knew someone would ask that. The top white text says "this is mah jedi outcast retexture pack," and the other Aurebesh text is just gibberish. 

  11. One thing you guys can do since I don't have radiant installed is take screenshots of the 2d-wireframe window of your map and color them green and black and post them here. They should look something like this (these are Raven's):




















    Make sure the final image is 1024 x 1024 since these are 256 x 256.


    I know it's a awful lot of work. I wouldn't take on such a task nowadays, not alone at least.My advice would be to wait and see what the coders come up with, graphic wise. And then resume the task of remaking the textures. What I mean is, perhaps the whole game library could be steadily be brought up to a modern warfare level of quality. I would happily take on the task of coordinating a group of modelers to remake player and npc models if that happens.


    I agree, but no matter what engine upgrades they end up doing, they are still going to need higher res textures for it to look like Modern Warefare. I'm also doing this because I own the copyright to the textures and I could give permission for them to be used with OpenJK without people having to buy Jedi Outcast. And, I'm sure these look good in any application for texture artist in any mod team out there if I ever wanted to join any.


    I'm going to set a daily goal of getting two textures done each day. That way, I don't do to many and get sick of it (and spend all day on the computer), and if I loose momentum I'll still be motivated to get just two textures done. 

  13. I still can't find it. I feel like I've seen it all the time, but it's always been the other textures. 


    I remember thinking it was on here:




    ..But it isn't. 


    Given how tough that last texture was, I thought I would do a really easy one. 









  14. I hope you are not too far ahead with the progress because of what I have to tell you. What size are the original textures? 2k by 2k seems rather overkill for the amount of detail you are putting into those textures. Part of the purpose of remaking textures is being able to make them sharper without introducing jagged lines or artifacts into the picture, but the most important thing is to re imagine the original texture with more detail given the fact you have more texture space to work on. Your general idea is good, using a texture overlay to add grit, dirt and scratches is a really good idea, but besides that, there's not much improvement over the original textures. I suggest you use more drop shadows, inner shadows, be careful with the angle of the light when using bevels. Also, you can combine the blending mode of the dirt layer with the "Blend if" option under the Blending Options of the layer. As one of the texture artists for the Dark Forces mod, what I did is try to imagine what I could put in the textures that the lower resolution wouldn't allow the original artists to do. That includes not only small detail like cracks of scratches, but also new geometry, better lighting, etc. Now, this is a staggering task, so I would also suggest you start by redrawing those textures that will allow you to put more detail into them: panels, doors, grates, things that are not flat in nature, etc. I will gladly help you out with photoshop techniques over Google Hangout if you need assistance.

    This is a good idea, but given the gargantuan size of my task already, adding in a large amount of additional details makes finishing this pack an impossibility. Since I have the PSD source files for these textures I could "loan them out" to other texture artists so that they can add additional details and stuff and make it look even better. My job right now is just making them higher res and adding a little more detail.
  15. I remade another texture. This has literally been the hardest and most time consuming texture I have ever made. It took about 2 and a half hours. 


    Original (512 x 256) :




    Mine (2048 x 1024):




    Unfortunately though I literally found no place where this texture is in-game. There's another one that's a lot like it and all of the maps use that (mapd2.jpg). As of yet I can't find a map that uses mapd1.jpg. If someone finds a map that uses this texture, tell me and I'll make an in-game screenshot.

    Circa likes this
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