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Posts posted by Syko

  1. Have you considered perhaps adding in bot support yourself? There's a bunch of maps that I wish had bot support, but I didn't have the time to mess around with.


    Yeah, there's a lot of great looking maps that I've turned my nose up at since they don't have bot support. If there's a JK2 map you can recommend that's as high quality as the ones I've just linked to and I really like it then I will probably add bot support to it when I have the time. One thing I've always wanted is for the MB2 maps in JKA to have bot support so I could play just base JKA with them.

  2.  I can think of a few maps like the kind I'm describing:
    WLS: CTF Map Pack <-- By the way, CTF_WS3 is probably my favorite custom JK2 map of all time so far. All of the other maps in that pack are really good too; they certainly look like they would have appeared in base JK2. They all have bot support too.


    Bespin Mining Station Really good map, also has bot support.


    Orbital Garden - Really good CTF map. Probably my second favorite JK2 map. Bot support.


    IRG Coruscant - Really good as well, bot support.


    To be honest, I'm just really tired of these maps that look cool in the screenshots, and then you play on them and the layout is terrible and isn't fun at all. These really high quality maps have like 1 64 x 64 pixel screenshot and they are some of the best out there for JK2 multiplayer.

  3. So you want no caulk too right?


    Raven caulked their maps, I'm pretty sure. I pretty much just want a high quality map with bot support that would seem like it would have been included in the base game. If it doesn't have bot support that shouldn't be too bad if the map is good, since I can add my own bot routes. 

  4. I'm looking for some maps for JK2 that are similar to Raven's multiplayer mapping style. By this I mean it should have the following:


    -Bot Support

    -Well-thought-out and fun layout

    -Decent visuals throughout without posters/clan messages, etc


    If you can think of some Jedi Academy maps, I'd like to know of those as well. Basically, I guess you could just say that I want a really good map with bot support.



  5. Sorry about this...I was extremely ****ed off the other day for some RL reasons. I will probably work on this project a little more. Could someone help spior out with his JK3files bot? 


    If not, would it be easier to configure the bot to download one category of mods? I have all JK2 mods downloaded at this point except for the skins.


    Also, would it be terrible if I wanted to upload a .zip of all Jedi Knight 2 maps here to JKhub?

  6. @@Mr.Zz I am closing this project since I don't have the time to continue working on it and since higher res textures are not really necessary. If you want to work on it though you are welcome to use the textures I have already created.

  7. That's why I wouldn't like to see the idea fail because of poorly planning. Besides, remaking an entire map not only would take a long time, but also there's a high chance of breaking the game and then the effort would go to waste. Most projects fail because the succumb under the weight of their own hype. If somebody is really willing to commit to something like this I would like to have a word with them.


    I agree. If we're really going to go all-out with this, an entire team of some of the best modders here should do this. I'm very bad at mod planning and given my lack of free time in real life there's no way I could be the head of this. 



    I think the key to something like this is dedication. I've learned this because of that Jedi Betrayal mod team. The mod is essentially dead, no one just wants to admit that, because no one actually did any work. It's been three years and they still haven't finished one level.


    Why don't we gather some people and set a goal to finish one level: the Kejim level. Even if we can't remake the whole thing at least we could release it just to show what could be done with a 12 year old engine.

    Barricade24 likes this
  8. Is anyone legitimately interested in beginning to remake the Jedi Outcast maps? There's a person on ModDB who is a mapper and is interested in helping out some how.


    It would be REALLY cool if @@Szico VII worked on it. I think my favorite custom JA map of all time is either Atlantica or BlueIce Twilight.

  9. I don't understand. What exactly is in high resolution? Your screen? Besides those random panels with normal mapping (which JK2 doesn't have by the way), the rest doesn't look "HD". I know you probably just started this idea, so there isn't much to criticize, but try to take this advice from someone who has had his fair share of project management (mods, games and at work): don't show anything until there's something solid to show for. Also, I would suggest your combine efforts with @@Syko (his thread is over here http://jkhub.org/topic/2035-jedi-outcast-high-resolution-texture-project/) in order to redraw the textures in higher resolution (it pains me that he's making the new texture size to 4 times the original size, but it's his project and I doubt he wants to listen anyway). There's no point in remaking the levels if the textures are going to look washed out like the originals. Again, please don't take this the wrong way, I don't want you to get frustrated in vain.


    I do appreciate your advice Corto, and I'm sure you have a lot of experience with this sort of thing. The philosophy that I use when I make these textures 4 times the original size is because, if I'm really putting that much work into making it from scratch, I might as well make it as high res as possible. If they are too big and if there is a framerate drop as you say, I simply have to resize them to 2X. When the bumpmapping/normal mapping/whatever improvements for the engine come out, everyone will be glad that we have much higher res textures to compliment them. 


    Also @@SubZero, speaking of the JK2 HD project, what you have so far looks good, but are those textures Raven's or did you make those from scratch?


    I'm not very interested with working directly on the JK2 HD project, as I am not a fan of the Unity engine. I plan for these textures to be used with base Jedi Outcast, when the coders come out with graphical improvements. What I can do instead is give you permission to use my textures in your project as I come out with them. Of couse, you will have to accept my terms to use the textures.

  10. The blurring/noise on the metal looks pretty ugly. I suggest that it be changed a bit.


    Once I add the grunge overlay it shouldn't be that bad.


    Also, I aim to improve those 4 x 1 buttons in the middle. It's just that the amount of detail you have to pay attention to gets maddening over time. The good news is that a lot of this texture is already used as a base for a few other control panel textures, so I won't have to do all of those control panels from scratch. 

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