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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Something interesting I found out, contrary to what I once thought, Sandtroopers' ammo packs on their shoulders are actually connected to the backpack. I am curious what connects the ammo pack to the shoulder when troopers don't have a backpack.

  2. Just curious, where's that Hutt model from?
  3. One particular thing I wouldn't mind helping out with this mod, is like an optional sound package, that contains a majority of the sounds from DF2. For some reason, when it's mod based off of a another game, I always like to have the sounds of that game to go alone with it.
  4. Sweet, I just downloaded it. Are there any instaliton instructions? I didn't see any in the readme.
  5. I agree, there doesn't seem to be much point in adding a level that wasn't in the game. One idea I had though, is that maybe you could add a secret area on Barons Hed, or Back Home to Sulon where a swoop could be found and driven around.
  6. Update time. I did a little start on the blue Incinerator, it is in the very early stages of development but it is looking good so far.
  7. I now have an update to the Incinerator Trooper, as far as I can tell he is done. I have also completed the red team skin for him. It is a simple pauldron color change and the picture I took really didn't come out that well, so anyway, here are some pics of the Incinerator in his natural environment:
  8. I am thinking of making some adjustments to the Rodian base skin. The way the texture stretches and connects is just awful...

    1. Circa


      Do it! I can add it to my improvement mod for the gold pack, along with your Gran skin I already implemented.

    2. Tempust85


      It could be an issue with UVW mapping though

    3. Barricade24


      The lower leg and the upper leg just doesn't connect that well at all. The colors look for the line stripe look completely different. I'll have a look at the other mercs and see if there is other stuff that can be fixed up.


  9. All right, update time! I have taken Ashura's advice and stuck with opacity ratings between 90% and 100% The result so far has been quite pleasing. I believe I have taken care of all the upper torso items. I may come back and make a thiner chest symbol but we'll see how it goes. Anyway, I have also added the pauldron for the Incinerator Trooper. Increasing the contrast and brightness of the spec image (a black pauldron texture) I was able to make a white pauldron and turn it into an accurate pauldron texture and color. One thing I noticed is that the TFU model has different arm models so I had to "adapt" what I saw on that model with DT's one. I think it works quite well. It is a little complex to explain what exactly I did but, if you look at reference shots of the Incinerator, you'll likely see what I mean. Now, without further delay, here is an image of the current look:
  10. Been awfully quiet lately with updates in the mod forums.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Most of us, I'd say. :P By school I mean college.

    3. katanamaru


      hehe Owww! I threw out ma back!

    4. ChalklYne


      my lack of updates is more about the fact that im working on a very difficult part of the facility, an original part, and fitting it into the regular tie facility is a bit daunting. oh and i got 2 kids and halloween and school and everything. i hope to be done with the tie facility and well into raxus prime soon though nothings really holdin me back now

  11. I have now begun progress on the Incinerator Trooper so far, all I really have is his helmet to show off but I think it is an excellent start nonetheless. Let me know what you guys think.
  12. Okay I've tinkered around some more and I now have an image that has transparency and I have added the new shader tag in, but I am still getting the same results Here is a look at my shader code. How do I get this image to get connected with the gloss shader and not the main image. Is the spec image involved with this? map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor-shine blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA detail alphaGen lightingSpecular tcGen environment
  13. Okay, so it looks like I'm going to need to go PNG style with this image. Thanks I'll tinker around with that hopefully later today.
  14. I believe I have an image set up, but I don't seem to have the shaders correctly set up. How exactly do I go about coding this in? The image I am using is called "armor-shine", this is the one that replaces all the areas I don't want to have the silver metallic in black. I also have a spec image that is in use. Anyway here is a view of my current shader settings: models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor { q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/armor-spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map models/players/shadow_stormtrooper2/gloss blendFunc GL_ZERO GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR detail alphaGen lightingSpecular tcGen environment } } Any help that anyone can provide will be must appreciated. I should also ask: do I need to add any transparency to the image or in the shader code? Because I haven't done that yet.
  15. Noooo!!! They were so beautiful!!! I would have loved to have seen these released
  16. I have been playing around with shaders and I think I may have a suitable test subject for the shine. I was wondering, is there anyway to target only certain parts of the model with the shiny shader? I only need the areas that are silver to have the shine, so I have a feeling I might not to do some transparency work in order to get certain parts to be free from the silver shine. Anyway, let me know what you guys think so far.
  17. I know, I haven't forgotten about Gregor but my focus is really on the TFU Troopers at this moment. I still intend to release him but he has hit the back burner right now, but I will get back to him eventually.
  18. Legal question: Is it legal to submit a file that has part of a texture from another Lucas Arts game or is that considered porting?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      I'm not even sure who would perform legal action against you, frankly.

    3. Tempust85


      I'd say just check with the admins of JKHub, I wouldn't particularly worry about anything else.

    4. Onysfx


      Be carful. The textures are relentless. If any slight texture is ported, it will be, civil war against JKHub.

  19. I might be interested in trying out for some of the characters, if you could send me the script that would be great.
  20. Incinerator Trooper Beta complete. The real thing is ready to commence.

  21. I think they were going a concept route with their character designs. The troopers are based slightly off of the Concept Stormtrooper, which would explain the different looking helmet. I am personally quite interested in seeing Rebels. With regards to the narrator, I would imagine that he is just for Disney XD and not Rebels itself. I honestly expect Tom Kane to return as the narrator.
  22. Expect a Shadow Trooper Customization somewhere in the future.

    1. Onysfx


      You know what we really need? A new SP sub menu to split up customizations, instead of having to scroll all the way through xD.

  23. And some Rodians. Or you can just give the Weequay an E-11.
  24. Hopefully you can still make one when you have more time.
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