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Posts posted by Smoo

  1. Not sure what you're asking - did KOTOR borrow anything from Jedi?  No, completely different studios, completely different engines.  Their lightsaber combat was based entirely on standing in place and playing canned animations while rolling "invisible dice" to see if you hit or not.  Ours was dynamic, player-controlled and relied on hitscans to see where the lightsaber actually hit.  Not that one was better than the other - that's just the difference between an RPG and an action game (though later RPGs would blur those lines to make them more appealing to the mass market of gamers).

    Have you seen the Jedi Knight Galaxies thread, devs been making mod that makes game mmo style sorta so it's like star wars galaxies but with jedi academy combat. There was a video on youtube where quests looked similar to kotor, it has quite alot of potential but still heavily WIP lol sorry if a bit off topic..

    MGummelt likes this
  2. Thanks !


    But I have it for years on old computers :P



    Still one of my favourites, with Atlantica and MidgarV3.




    But I think the map I prefer the most is something completly different. It is called Yavin Twilight, for JKII. Love the atmosphere.

    loved midgarv3, use to join in a final fantasy rp server lol

    RJA likes this
  3. So... I had the misfortune and fortune of having a full weekend where I could just work on rend2 the whole time. It's unfortunate because this only came about because I'm ill. Fortunate because I've been able to get somewhere with adding weather :P


    Here's what I have so far:


    All I'm missing now is to stop it raining indoors and underneath things, and to make it a bit more customisable so that it can do other weather effects. I also need to actually spawn rain around the camera, instead of covering the entire map. When I get around to doing any of that, who knows :)


    So, the fun thing about this rain, is that there are around 250k rain drops, with very little performance impact. It even runs well on my MacBook Air which isn't the most powerful thing in the world :)

    That is so cool :P

    AngelModder likes this
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