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Posts posted by Smoo

  1. So I gave this several attempts but to no avail. My server still doesn't show up in the server list. What are some possible problems I might be having that might be causing this? As far as I'm aware of, I've opened the ports to my router.

    Sometimes the host cant see the server in public list, have you tried get a friend to check if they see it or can connect to it first?

  2. So in the past few months I've been chatting with a guy called Nick in the Soldier of Fortune II community (I'm from there aswell)


    And as we want to improve the graphics of the game , in this case maps , we search for ways that haven't been tried before or have been tried but cancelled.


    Well mainly he stumbled onto something awesome which I knew about vaguely as I read it before on TrueCombatElite's forum by Damien.

    What it briefly is is a map completely made out of models work and then bake the lightmap onto the model in 3dsmax or any other 3D Programming tool that allows this.

    This results in very nice shadows but it is a tedious way.


    Same thing can be done when your map made in GTKRadiant is done and in BSP format, import the map into a 3D program and bake your lightmap on it and export the model, import the model with the lightmap on it in GTKradiant and recompile.


    I copied a part of our Skype conversation and put it here for additional info, he was going to make a tutorial but no promises, we'll have to see:


    [26-3-2016 15:09:09] Nick : I create my models inside 3DS max, i mean the map (broken down in models), then uv unwrap them, create the texture. I then create a copy of the whole map. I then select each model separately, and apply a new uvw unwrap, where I downscale de UVW to 20%, so i can fit 25 objects on one light map. Once i'm done, i bake lights, and exports the model for GTK. I create the shader for the textures where the textures are scaled down aswell 5*5

    the reason I use 5*5 instead of 2*2 or 4*4, it's because you can only scale the texture in the shader, and not offset it, so if you scale down a texture, the middle texture is centered, if you do a 4*4, the middle texture is split in 2. I could offset the texture in photoshop, but I found out that 5*5 gives good results anyways, so i stick to it






    - Nick's maps in chronological order








    - Nick's profile



    - TrueCombatElite forum post by Damien (images are missing)




    Here's a few quick screenshots of the extension to the procedural geometry stuff I have been working on.


    I have changed the old grass system to do 3D model ground cover.

    Lighting is now done deferred for speed improvements.

    Real lighting also now comes from glow shaders. Visible in the last screenshot on the fallen tree behind the crystal.












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