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Everything posted by Linken

  1. Do you have any models for us to consider?
  2. IMPROMPTU PROGRESS REPORT: 11/13/17 I wanted to show this to you all. Additionally, make sure to join our discord server for more information, updates, and just all around weirdness. Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.
  3. Might be interesting, I'll consider it.
  4. Should add in, when we are ready to start translations, we will put out a call for people willing to do this.
  5. We are planning on doing that, but after beta release.
  6. Thank you for your support. Also keep in mind these are not our maps, they were made by some very talented individuals whom we basically owe our souls to. None of the maps that I'm aware of will be removed between Alpha and Beta, I know we want to add in the Starkiller Base interior map, but that's about it. If the map you're describing is in KOTF already, then it shouldn't be removed.
  7. https://discord.gg/eJDds24 Join our new KOTF discord server!
  8. Link: https://discord.gg/eJDds24 We hope that your stay with us is a pleasant one, please follow all of the rules. In this server you'll be able to see more updates from members of the team, view progress reports, interact with fellow KOTF fans and team members, stay up to date on any possible in-game events, and much more. From all KOTF team members, we hope to see you on there! May the Force be with you.
  9. PROGRESS REPORT 11/4/17 Many cool new things, some improvements, and a special reveal! NEW MULTIPLAYER WEAPONS LPA NN-14 Blaster Pistol (Rey) WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol (Jango Fett) EE-3 Carbine Rifle (Boba Fett) DC-17 Blaster Pistol (Clones) WEAPONS CURRENTLY ADDED E-5 Blaster Rifle (Battle Droid) F-11D Blaster Rifle (First Order Stormtrooper) DC-15S Blaster Carbine (Clone Trooper) DH-17 Blaster Pistol DC-15A Blaster Rifle (Clone Trooper) DC-17M Interchangeable Weapon System (Republic Commando) A280 Blaster Rifle (Rebels) With this update, all multiplayer weapons for the beta have been added into the game. It's been a long time coming, but we've at last hit a milestone which brings us closer to a beta release. We've done as best as we could with balancing, and we are looking forward to any potential feedback you may have for us. CHARACTER SELECTION Fire Phoenix has been very hard at work on creating the menus for character selection. All characters in multiplayer will be playable. If you wish to play as Darth Sidious, Ahsoka Tano, or Senator Bail Organa, you can play as them. All characters have been given an arsenal suited for their play style. Please enjoy this brief demonstration of the character selection process in action. LIGHTSABER SELECTION Additionally, we've begun the process of creating a new Lightsaber selection menu for you to enjoy. This will allow you the freedom to choose any of the lightsabers we've included in the mod for you. This will also include full RGB support, as well as the options of choosing Kylo Ren's unstable red, and the TFU black lightsaber. Additionally, you'll be able to toggle the intensity of the lightsaber glow, and the ignition flare. DISCO​RD After some careful consideration. We have updated our discord server! Now you all can join it! A new post has been made, and here is the link to it. We hope to see you there! https://discord.gg/eJDds24 AN APOLOGY Fire Phoenix made amazing progress on the menus, but that amazing progress took time. I errored when I promised a release date today for the trailer, and I can not apologize enough. To make up for it, I recorded a video of a little something I've been working on recently. I hope you like it. CONCLUSION Missions have officially begun development, I'll have more details about them in the next progress report. Fire Phoenix has still to do a few extra tweaks with the menus, and his last update to me was that he's currently working on the selection menu for the Empire. We hope to see you on the discord server. Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.l, and may the Force be with you.
  10. I'll explain everything when I release the next progress report, as well as a video of something very special I've been working on recently. =)
  11. Best thing I can suggest is to run it with OpenJK, we have our own OpenJK version, but for the alpha, the default will work fine.
  12. I get the same issue, though it doesn't occur if I'm running a mod. Are you on CD or Steam?
  13. DING DING DING! We have a winner!
  14. You guess the two truths, and which one is the lie. 1. There will be a progress report on Saturday, November 4th, 2017 @ 2:00pm EST 2. I am a liar and there will be no trailer release date despite my promise. 3. To make up for number 2, I will not share something special.
  15. I'll always reply! As for the game modes, if I'm understanding your question right. KOTF is a single player and multiplayer mod. So KOTF will still have capture the flag, free for all, duel, powerduel, all of those. No plans to make anything new and crazy like Moviebattles II. Rather not upstage them (especially since they're letting us use their maps and weapon models). Have we thought about it? Sure. But hey, it's the cruel reality of game development. You can have 100 ideas, but only a handful or two of them could actually be made, and half of them will be cut out.
  16. It sounds to me like you're using the steam version, we've been informed of this bug by a number of people. Using the .bat file will not work for the steam version. You'll need to go into steam, right click your game, choose "set launch options", and enter this line right here: +set fs_game "KotF". Launch the game from your steam library and you should be golden. Tim has no part in the development of this mod. While we do use the main splash screen at the start of the game and the main menu background, they've been redesigned to suit our needs. The Add/Load system will NOT be present in the game. You won't have to open a menu out of the game to select which npcs you want to spawn. Everything will be in-game. I don't quite understand the last part of your question, if you're asking if multiplayer modes will be present? Then yeah, they will be.
  17. Once I'm finished with my projects, I'll see what I can do about getting botroutes in if it's that easy to do.
  18. Honestly I thought evolution of combat was a single player mod.
  19. None of us on the team have the know-how to do it.
  20. Then please watch what you say.
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