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  1. I applaud you for trying to get the sound right at the source. Sounds like you've got one layer close to figured out... now you've got to figure out and blend in the other four or five lol depending on how you do it.
  2. ... maybe a little too much distortion... well there's actually no "distortion" as an effect per say.. more likely you mean over compressed?... Though an unfortunate degree of compression, even a high degree of data compression has to occur in order for these files to be played at a seemingly loud enough level in the game, which is unfortunate when you're going for full range clarity :/ and poses an extra challenge when the bulk of your mix lives down below 3khz but you still need it to cut through in gameplay. Maybe you could shed some insight onto how to approach the issue?
  3. While the final version will be a touch cleaner in spots, I'll admit it's been tempting to overdo the drive/gain in an attempt to further obscure the fact that my voice actor is clearly not Adam Driver lol. Feedback appreciated... sort of lol.
  4. oh man, I remember having my first duel at the end of that level... blew my mind at the time lol.
  5. So awesome...
  6. I'm pretty sure they cleaned up his vocal a little extra for the trailer. In the movie his voice seemed much more distorted to me. True, The main challenge was balancing out too much overdrive/trying to cover up the fact that I don't sound like Adam Driver... I have a few more ideas on how to approach it. I'll make another attempt soon I think.
  7. Thanks! I was a little involved with the composition of the first 2 songs. and heavily involved in all the arrangements. I played bass, sang some backups, did all the tracking, and editing inside 2 weeks, then got someone else to mix it. Though in retrospect.. I could have done it as well. Bird/Glass is a beauty Dave (the singer) wrote maybe a decade ago. He's quite the songwriting talent. The punchline for 'At least she said "Enjoy"' (your mess of a life for the rest of your life) was taken from a real phone call from a girl... ya that's how she broke up with him, then hung up. lol. Comments appreciated, thanks!
  8. I'm a PC user. Running Cubase 5 (screw pro tools) I've got some outboard gear, tube preamps/compressor, and Line6Pod for guitar/amp processing and huge variety of effects. I've got loads of virtual instruments in Reason though I'm currently re-learning how to use them all. I'm working on some synthetic music that I can hopefully show off soon. I'll be fully up and running with that stuff as soon as I grab a keyboard and hopefully some basic analog synth units. So far I've just been recording bands and rock music. Here's an EP I did with my band last year. pretty cheaply done but it turned out ok. Cheers lads. https://thedangerbees.bandcamp.com also listen to my Kylo Ren voice effect if you haven't already: https://soundcloud.com/kefkasfx/iamkyloren
  9. Here's my Kylo Ren sampler. https://soundcloud.com/kefkasfx/iamkyloren Any additional dialogue available on request
  10. Thanks. There's some tube saturation built in to a vocal channel strip plugin I'm using, also Datube which is a simple tube drive plugin I think came with Cubase. Really anything that simulates what a 12ax7 preamp tube does will do the trick. If I were to do it again, (for a paying gig) I might re-amp the signal and put it through over-driven tube pre-amps, maybe some overdrive pedals and/or my guitar tube amp. I'm sure they did something similar for the real thing
  11. Oh right, both actually. There's 4 different layers doing different stuff. Heavy compression on some, little on others, and many different stages of tube saturation.
  12. Thanks, ya I cleaned it up some, balanced it a bit better, compressed less on the ouput bringing out some deeper low end... re-uploaded! check it! same link https://soundcloud.com/kefkasfx/iamkyloren
  13. Here's the final version for now https://soundcloud.com/kefkasfx/iamkyloren If anyone's interested give me a shout.
  14. Dudes check this out! I think this is nearly as close as I'm going to get it. Feedback much appreciated http://vocaroo.com/i/s0DTUE8yqDmO
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