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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Its kinda hell to upload pics, but ill figure it out and post what ive been finishing From scratch of course, havent touched feet hands teeth or tail yet
  2. Hi. Still grinding away =)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AshuraDX


      look who's back in da house ;D

    3. Omicron
    4. ChalklYne


      Whats up gentlemen? Ony ive just been working, being daddy, and chipping away at this mod. DT i think im just excited to see some new cinematic life and hope he doesnt muck it up. Ashura i wish i had your phone number or something ive missed my hedgehog dearly and hows it goin omi mad excited to be back! Now i think ill go lurk the forums and see what sort of modding debauchery youve all been up to

  3. it's not the funds, the building isn't wired lol
  4. yeah ill fix that soon as I rig SK, its a hard thing to do, ill just have to go back over everything to make sense out of it. thanks
  5. I think thats u brotha... although, I did make a SK one day that looked exactly like james franco oO wish I would have saved it...
  6. getting closer, ill admit that. going to work on his neck and hair a bit more @@Circa can you fix that link for me? heres the sculpt so far... rough draft
  7. Noted. And no worries, if I did not want bad critique, I wouldnt even read this thread lol
  8. Will do asap. I tried to sketchfab it, but couldnt figure it out on this phone. I still have so much to do elsewhere that I really wouldnt mind starting it over if it was really necessary. I like the practice, it seems like each time I start over, I have to adjust and sculpt less. Ill try the sketchfab again or just post a wireframe soon.
  9. Those boobs were difficult because of the girdle and that top strap. Those 2 combined are putting those boobies in a bit of a pickle.
  10. Top lip looks too fat, do tell though... Why would those 3 small adjustments mean scrapping a head? Dont let your personal profectionism hinder the production of the Hub. I have really yet to see you leave a positive comment ever lol. So your advice will be taken with a grain of salt. Good eye on those trouble areas though.
  11. Everything should be blocky, as this was a basic blockout... I already abandoned maris for the mod, but wanted to post it to see if I can convince myself to fix it over time. I dig maris a lot and would like to revisit this, at any rate
  12. Just wanting to get some ideas kicked around for this one
  13. Just went for basic figuring, but gave up once I realized none of the major tfu bosses fit in with my storyline. Might ditch her n kaz
  14. wut http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=step%20your%20game%20up Pardon me, my ghetto was showing
  15. Im blown away by this and prompted to step my game up. Bravo good sir
  16. thanks be to circa for posting my pics and responses. its so difficult to smuggle these out right now, I feel like a mole

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. katanamaru


      Mostly Dark Souls 2! Broke my middle finger in a sword fight for the actor Miltos Yerolemou aka Syrio Forel on Game of Thrones. He is friends with our club and came to watch us. Said my buddy and I had the best fight he ever saw that wasn't choreographed! I got the last hit in the match where I threw my buddy on the ground, cut his head off, and screamed "The Lannisters send their regards!"

    3. katanamaru


      Since I'm blond with blue eyes.

    4. ChalklYne


      You really never can have enough middle fingers... Congrats on the kill

  17. Found a newish jka with all original booklets and jewel case at goodwill for 99¢

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Circa


      Same here mini. It's not too hard to take care of your stuff. It saddens me when people don't.

    3. CaptainCrazy


      Good for you guys, it's a good habit to be proud of your belongings.

    4. katanamaru


      I'm still using the one I got on the midnight release at gamestop. I think I even have the cardboard box it came in. I bought a second copy in the jewel case when I went into the Navy in case anything ever happened to my original. It is still sealed up in case I ever need it.

      I know I still have the cardboard box for JK/MotS.

  18. Still no internet, raxus and about 8 new characters done, started on felucia. Miss u guys. Ill see if I can email circa some progress pics. Sorry truffle

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Thank you all... good to see you as well. Excited to see whats been going on

    3. katanamaru


      Missed you buddy!

    4. ChalklYne


      Likewise. I wouldnt say back yet though... More like still have no internet, using this girls phone whenever I can manipulate her to come over... Then blatently blowing her off the whole time shes here to post jka updates XD

  19. its in limbo. Just needs a new sculpt on the head, and to be rigged. so maybe a full day or two of work. I just can't work on it for another day or two.
  20. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What were we talkin about again? XD
  21. XD You're my favorite member truffle no worries happens to the best of us. Now that I think about it, I've NEVER seen it happen before, but I'm sure it happens to the best of us
  22. I literally just have to resculpt a decent releasable face for him and rig him at this point. To get into details, I was moving to Washington, now I'm the only one in the family who ISN'T moving XD. So I moved my sister, 2 brothers, and moms stuff all into a moving truck, AFTER already packing all my stuff thinking I was going as well. So during this time, I got a serious BSOD i couldn't fix and had to reinstall my windows. No worries I didn't lose anything because I have been saving in triplicates XD My browser seems screwed now, I have nothing installed except Zbrush, softimage, and photoshop, and have lost the file stsem on my pc so all my textures are screwy in softimage until i can get that reoriented. Not a big setback, but a big setback. So yeah man just let me send the fam off this weekend, and get my file structure back inline and I will get this thing out. Sorry for the delays man I knew this month was going to be hectic for me though.
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