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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. 43 minutes ago, myshkin said:

    Another thing: when I try to run the application openjk.x86.exe from the desktop I get the following system errors:

    "The code execution cannot proceed because OpenAL32.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."

    "The code execution cannot proceed because SDL2.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."

    You need to make a shortcut on the desktop rather than have openjk.x86.exe on the desktop. Please follow installation instructions here.


    OpenJK and Open Jedi Project are two completely separate things and are not affiliated. OpenJK does not contain any lightsaber changes. Open Jedi Project mod is multiplayer only.

  2. Just because Jedi academy uses the quake 3 engine as a base does not mean this would work. Quake 3 is not Jedi Academy. Different games and code and networking plus mods require native binaries in jka unlike Q3.


    Not saying you couldn't take that work and make a version of it, but what you're asking would in no way work at all. The pk3s are not compatible. Or more specifically the game code portion.

  3. Its no different than the original game having `jaconfig.cfg` and `jampconfig.cfg`


    Delete openjk_sp.cfg and it will be fine but you'll lose all your settings which you will want to anyway since there is now a lot of mixed up settings that don't belong.


    Generally speaking unless you are absolteuly certain after talking to one of us, there is no need to post something like this on GitHub Issues before at least asking about it here or Discord first.

    UniqueOne and Pickles256 like this
  4. Multiplayer: openjk.cfg

    Singleplayer: openjk_sp.cfg


    You ran the wrong one and broke your config file for single player (and) subsequently and the installation.

    There really isn't a reason to load openjk.cfg or openjk_sp.cfg from inside the game manually as they will be overrided by the game itself frequently.


    Please only post user issues here, GitHub is for actual issues that aren't derps.

    UniqueOne likes this
  5. Launch the game with OpenJK again once, then open up the console and type condump console.txt and press enter.


    Then exit the game, look under My documents/My Games and find the console.txt under OpenJK within the base folder.


    Please paste it's contents in a code block on here or link to a paste site with the contents.


    The blur seems like an effect caused by a mod or external graphics hack.

  6. Can you explain please?




    The final goal of this project would be replacing all old assets with new assets tho.

    Layla has created a bsp renderer in ue4 for Enemy Territory. No conversion necessary. Also now supports all existing model formats as well. Now they just need to recreate the game code.


    So, ideally, you'd maybe use existing maps or existing formats while you get things going in this case. Then transition to a normal ue4 created map.


    Edit: existing model formats are only the ones supported by ET. (md3, mdc, mdm, mdx, mds)

    afi likes this
  7. Unfortunately the radiant code is not well handled for newer Windows and there's not a lot they can do in it's current state. Most of the libraries used are ancient to a point.


    Someone should start with posting issues like this on the radiant GitHub issue tracker and hopefully others can follow-up with it for additional test cases.

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