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Posts posted by Seven

  1. idk, maybe, as shitty as you say one of the clone wars games is with obi-wan voice acting, it might have for you some decent pain sounds, i think they're you're best bet

    Clone wars has a great obi wan voice, the awful one was in Star Wars Obi-wan for the original xbox.

  2. you tried, and are almost close to being done with that :)

    I have a obiwan sound pack thats 95% done I just need more choking and death sounds. I used Battlefront 2 for the pain sounds I have now and ROTS ps2 for the dialogue. Do you have any ideas for the rest of the sounds?

  3. Woah, that sounds like a game-changing timesaver rather than the constant backup-export-Modview-import-retry cycle I'm in at the moment.


    Is there a way to automatically pose the bones based on a JKA animation .gla or do you pose them manually?

    There may be, I don't know yet. But I just move the arms up and down and such then paint until it looks good.

  4. Yeah I'm doing a lot of trial-and-error myself. There's definitely an art to it - and weighing someone like Bane with all his coat-tails and satchels and extra stuff is a farcry from weighing a skeleton-like frame like C-21 Highsinger's.

    I learned it helps to pose the bones and start painting from there because the mesh will actually move as you paint it.

  5. I know @@Seven made a Cad Bane release, but today I tried my hand at putting together one of my own.






    Main difference is that I believe his comes from Clone Wars Adventures, whereas I've used the model from Republic Heroes due to its (slightly) more high-res textures hopefully giving the bounty hunter a better appearance in-game. This guy won't be released as quickly as Ventress or Bossk though as there is a LOT more fine-tuning on the weights to do.

    I really didn't know what I was doing with weighting at the time, so this is probably for the best.

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