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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. The idea seemed nice but it turns out I lack the patience and skill to do it properly.
  2. It's that hard to set your bookmark/speed dial to the new URL? Especially since it's been in use for some time now. Or do you always type the address by hand? Surely, you must have got used to it by now.
  3. I only have this pack (and indeed, Retruthan directed me to it, when I thought it was a lost mod).
  4. Just reminding that we're comparing iOS and Androis here. OS X and Windows is a completely different story. I know where some of you come from. I, like most young people, used to be a hater. However, once you actually try both Android and iOS, you'll see for yourself. For me, the only flaw of Apple products is the price. But yeah, people fixated on downloading everything and storing all their files on their device will be like "omfg, how do I transfer my torrents to this piece of shit".
  5. Split the thread, Caelum, I need to educate the masses. Also, shameless self-quote, since relevant.
  6. @@Cloud Senatu I'm just messing with you. Nether is better or worse, they're too different. Android is more Windows-like, very open, folder-oriented and external devices-friendly. Apple has a very peculiar and consistent approach, though. Among many specs some people can't live with, you'll find that you cannot transmit files via bluetooth, it's only there to sync with devices, you can't connect a pendrive to an iOS device, applications govern files, meaning that you don't store documents in folders, the software does that (meaning that you need said software to save a file that has been mailed to you). Of course, we're comparing iOS 5.X and Android 4.X. Android 3.X is not worth anyone's time. BUT ALAS, I DIGRESS AGAIN.
  7. Then you don't have Catalyst/AMD Vision installed or running. Wipe all AMD drivers with software like Driver Cleaner (I think Crap Cleaner has a drivers tab too), install the latest CCC or AMD Vison, if that CPU supports it (not really sure if it matters anyway), so you can tamper with the settings mentioned before.
  8. You can't do shit with Android, son.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=TLC+i+didn%27t+know+i+was+pregnant&oq=TLC+i+didn%27t+know+i+was+pregnant&gs_l=youtube.3..0i19l2.8239.8862.0.9049.
  10. I was fine with a Phenom II and I'm fine with a Bulldozer now, JKA-wise, that is.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egcXvqiho4w
  12. One would think you'd confirm the latter. Hello.
  13. Malkav


    What's with the -j, you're Czech or something? Hello :S.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07pLGIgyfjw
  15. I'll reserve my judgment until I see a model of Richard Dean Anderson.
  16. This one DOES seem to always be the problem...
  17. Some people just like writing lenghtly and thorough reviews. The staff could consider volunteer reviewers, I suppose. Attendance would probably exceed the demand though, leading to forum eliticism. Then again, it's a community revolving around a relatively old game, and most members are in their 20s, so we're past the age when one takes Internet forums too seriously. I might have digressed a bit...
  18. Seems like you can get a 12-slotter in UK (with basic configuration) for six months for 60-something USD. Doesn't seem so bad. If you find a third person to split the costs, I could contribute. HAMMERZEIT. Or I could come up with an event that would make use of my semi-secret robot Caelum NPC uh, something.
  19. What's on my mind?

  20. Malkav

    Aos/BOT 2

    Now this is someone I wanted to see here. faggot
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