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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. The back of the neck is still bothering me (and it's not just me I think). Other than that, turning out decent.
  2. Is it MUG? Well either way it's a mug! http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=crickets&play=true Great audience, great audience.
  3. I like it, though in my mind the circle was just decorational. It's nice to preserve the fading but the numbers is what really interests you (e.g. you know exactly when you're able to tackle), that's why I mentioned resizing and possible repositioning (maybe even a redisign, a different font perhaps) of the force points counter.
  4. I've got to say, the Mumble thing looks neat. And it's available for iOS, so I can make use of my superior iPod microphone.
  5. I'm out of matches.

  6. I imagine everyone here is a native/proficient speaker of English, and - as I told MUG - being able to tell your teammate, for example, that they're free to charge the shot and go for the goal, is priceless.
  7. The last time I voted for all the choices I broke the forum :S. If I delete my vote, can I revote? <edit> I totally can. But yeah, what he says v
  8. Fine with any of those, as I don't get to do much at the moment. I guess I'll vote Thursday, since it's the most weekendish one.
  9. Okay, so, I like the idea of Mag's Hydroball hud. However, I believe that there's still room for improvement - only force points are essential during a match. I'm not sure about this, but I think that anything other than removing/altering existing HUD elements requires some advanced skills (like, removing the numeral health and armour values, and/or enlarging the one that displays remaining force points). Can anything be done without modding the shit out of the game engine and such? I was thinking value-in-a-ring here, as this highly realistic simulation portrays (maybe Mag's "o" from his Hydroball logo, should he like the idea?).
  10. I'm so handsome. Also, obligatory photoshop of MUG.
  11. Aye, one does improve quite quickly, resulting in interesting matches. Still, Hydroball = Stop Caelum.
  12. Hydroballz, ETA 12 hours.

  13. Protip: Switch to a regular minimizer - nothing will break and people will hate you less.
  14. Bumping as it is indeed the next event to come.
  15. https://www.google.pl/search?q=adblock+plus&sugexp=chrome,mod=14&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=pl&gs_nf=1&tok=HeInPl_ivzXaA0rVpoCbLA&pq=adblock%20plus&cp=13&gs_id=4&xhr=t&q=adblock+plus+chrome&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=adblock+plus+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=becf4a641248b6b8&biw=1366&bih=667 Now you don't have an excuse.
  16. Obviously this one, as it shows a large portion of the map as well as its features (both A and B site signs).
  17. I think @ did something about the black font in JA++.
  18. I couldn't hear the bass drop.
  19. @@Caelum MUG vs The Kyle Consortium. Also, made it for the last match. Talk about timing. Also,
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