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Posts posted by Fuse294

  1. I thought I was gonna flip my desk (and probably break the new one I just put together) when I saw the title mentioning the 'Forbidden Text' that is KOTF, something that probably should have been cast into a endless abyss long ago.


    HOWEVER, the topic didn't go in the direction I expected, so I was pleasantly surprised. Admittedly I only tried the mod twice, I can't remember much of my time playing cos it was messing around with the NPC functions.


    I would suggest first shelving ALL the stolen content (which would probably leave you with very little other than the base files that tim bothered to actually make himself), (remove it all and put it to one side), THEN ask around for permission on new updated versions of the models you know exist (which you mentioned you'd done for personal use?)


    I would also suggest doing away with the name, it's something I consider Taboo, instead give it your own name so it's reputation won't start out as an extremely poor one.

    Smoo, TheWhitePhoenix and Lancelot like this
  2. Hey guys, I actually found a website archive from one of the Jedi Knight modelers, Infinity Blade. Thus it includes all the weapon models he was working on and including the Dark Forces models that were set to be in the game. I wonder what you guys might actually think about his website? http://web.archive.org/web/20040418203109/http://www.geocities.com/infinity_blade/


    Yeah but it was all Outcast stuff, with one or two broken links (from what I saw when I clicked DF).


    It's all very old stuff, nostalgia is great so long as the links work, it has been 12 years since the last update to that site :) The models look good though!

  3. Without knowing your keyboard layout how can we help?


    Shift+Escape does exist yes. By default it's bound to the `~ key wherever that is.


    Not entirely true, because the ~ on my keyboard doesn't open the console where as the ¬ button beside the '1' key does, I remember trying to open the console when I first started playing was a nightmare because everyone said it was the ~ key yet pressing that and shift wasn't doing anything.


    Try shift and whatever key is directly above the tab key.

  4. Is it possible for you to remove the head bouncing that occurs when you jump on an NPC so you stand on them, rather than hop?


    If you're using something like the throwable stuff npc pack you can't stack things like crates or astromechs and the bouncing alone is just a pointless thing to have.

  5. The title pretty much speaks for itself, it's aim is to allow people to access 'animations' missing from mods like + and ++/OJP/ETC by giving them to 'sabers' (weapon2/noweap/noweap.glm) as readyAnims.


    So far I've done:



    Sitting normally

    Sitting when Leaning forwards

    A Force Push anim using drain to give the illusion of extending a hand

    A 'Telekinetic lift' using Force Grips anim for lifting an object with the force

    A standard 'atease' that should remove the need to hold the 'use inventory' button when you bind /amatease.

    A 'reach' which extends the hand forward slightly as if waiting to be handed or handing over something.


    Things I want to add:


    Crossed arms (without the leaning back) - Have been unable to locate the related anim for that, may have to make a custom?)

    Hands to the sides (I know + has an override for that which is optional)


    Suggestions are welcome.


    Current Bugs:


    [*] Thin blades displayed in reverse when activated. (Base SP/MP), not yet tested on mods)

    [*] Animations NOT playing as intended. (Base SP/MP test, not yet tested on mods)

  6. You don't use a model name. You use player number as it says above. For players, the entity number is the same as client number. Like for banning etc.


    I tried it just now and it still displays the same error when you replace the ( entity ID ) with a client number.


    Maybe an active example of how it's suppose to look when typed would help cos we're clearly typing something wrong.


    EDIT: We discovered it only worked when done as /rcon lua GetEnity( ID ):Scale( <Value> )

  7. For the Crafting/Scav, perhaps create 'material piles' with a chance to roll a random tier based material/ammo:


    Tier 1 Pile - You can only find Common/Uncommon/Rare Tier 1 mats/ammo type.



    Piles can be placed by an admin with parameters like:

    /place matpile [Material Type] [Tier Rank] [Respawn Timer] <X> <Y> <Z>



    Material Type - Can be set as 'Random' or assigned a type 'Bio', 'Metal', etc.

    Tier Rank - (eg) 1-5 or random.

    Respawn Timer - When set to 0, the pile won't respawn, any value above that is in minutes (When used alongside a Random for one or both of the previous params, it will spawn a completely new pile each time it respawns)

    XYZ - Co-ordinates on the map to place it (Best used with a /where command to get the co-ordinates)


    It's just an idea (from thinking of how the SWTOR and WOW crafting system works), not that I expect many to support the idea or if it's even do-able (I know a few MD3's exist in base that could at least cover the metal side)

  8. I don't actually think it's possible, as the NPC's are Hard Coded to use specific weapons, the NPC.cfg is completely different to the .npc files used in Jedi Academy.


    Outcast NPC's:

    playerModel tavion
    rank commander
    saberColor red
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 5
    aggression 3
    evasion 4
    intelligence 5
    hfov 160
    vfov 160
    playerTeam enemy
    enemyTeam player
    // race human
    class tavion
    snd tavion
    sndcombat tavion
    sndjedi tavion
    yawSpeed 120
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    health 300
    dismemberProbHead 10
    dismemberProbArms 35
    dismemberProbLegs 10
    dismemberProbHands 50
    dismemberProbWaist 10
    fullName "Calrissian, Lando"
    playerModel lando
    snd lando
    reactions 3
    aim 1
    move 3
    aggression 3
    evasion 1
    intelligence 5
    rank crewman
    playerTeam player
    enemyTeam enemy
    // race human
    class lando
    snd lando
    sndcombat lando
    sndextra lando
    sndjedi lando
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    yawspeed 120
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0

    Unlike Academy, there is no weapon field as you can see above, where as Academy had a more flexible system for NPC's in terms of abilities and so on, even if you COULD give Lando a Saber, you couldn't really give him Force Powers as not even the Force Users have them listed.


    Academy NPC's:

    playerModel lando
    weapon WP_BLASTER
    rank captain
    altFire 1
    health 2000
    snd lando
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 3
    aggression 3
    evasion 3
    intelligence 5
    rank crewman
    playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    // race human
    class CLASS_LANDO
    snd lando
    sndcombat lando
    sndextra lando
    sndjedi lando
    walkSpeed 120
    runSpeed 200
    yawspeed 120
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0
    playerModel tavion
    rank commander
    saber tavion
    saberColor red
    weapon WP_SABER
    saberStyle 5
    FP_HEAL 0
    FP_SPEED 3
    FP_PUSH 3
    FP_PULL 2
    FP_GRIP 2
    FP_RAGE 2
    FP_DRAIN 1
    FP_SEE 1
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 5
    aggression 3
    evasion 4
    intelligence 5
    hfov 160
    vfov 160
    playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    // race human
    class CLASS_TAVION
    sex female
    snd tavion
    sndcombat tavion
    sndjedi tavion
    yawSpeed 120
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    health 300
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0
  9. For starters, the idea of this sounds like erasing someones hard work just for the sake of vanity, Movie Duels may have died as a continued project long ago but it's still liked by many who were disappointed to see the project end before the OT was done.


    IMO it's fine as it is, there is nothing wrong with the models as a lot of them are still used in Movie Battles 2, the mod only died because the creator had no time available to keep working on it, that said there is nothing to stop anyone trying to resurrect it by creating what was left out.

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