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Status Replies posted by Jango40

  1. The faster I go, the smaller I become, yet all the more branches I grow. What am I?

  2. I am something horrible yet glorifying. I am on the news but I am something ancient. I have three letters but send out millions more. What am I?

  3. Decided to try MBII. On Steam, all animations are broken and wrong. Any ideas?

    1. Jango40


      MB2 forums would be more helpful, but this has probably something to do with mb2_baseassets. (They might be called something else, but it's similar) Since the recent updates they should go to the MB2 folder instead. Also, if you have any mods that change animations in your base folder, remove them temporarily as they usually screw up things.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. cerebral cortex...what? That is on my mind/brain.

  5. What program should I use to modify a basejka skin?

  6. What program should I use to modify a basejka skin?

    1. Jango40


      So you don't need any special programs for this? I can do it with only paint too?


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Upgraded to Windows 7!

    1. Jango40


      Windows 8 sucks.. Except faster boot time and unnoticeable peformance improvements, itæs trash.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  8. Now a proud father of 3, my wife gave birth to our third child yesterday. 2 girls & 1 boy now. :)

  9. ..Anyone else ever got completely random steam wallet money out of nowhere? Yesterday I got 1 cent, now an additional 4 o.o

    1. Jango40


      Nothing to see there.. Changed my password just to be sure..

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Cliff Burton died 28 years ago today :(

  11. When did everyone start getting offended at the smallest goddamn issue? Just 10 years ago, people were much more laid-back.. You could release a sexy music video without feminists going crazy, or criticize a person of another race and be instantly stampled ''racist''.

    1. Jango40


      Ugh, and I'm rambling about my useless issues again. I don't have any power over this. Sorry for making you have to read this. /rantover

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. When did everyone start getting offended at the smallest goddamn issue? Just 10 years ago, people were much more laid-back.. You could release a sexy music video without feminists going crazy, or criticize a person of another race and be instantly stampled ''racist''.

    1. Jango40


      Hell, I'm not even talking organizations, individuals are also way more up their ass than before. If you're wondering why this bothers me so much - I'm a teenager that happens to be outgoing, and people screaming how bad sex is or wanting to hang me for drinking alcohol is bothersome.. Sure, this happened before, but it seems to actually affect teenagers now. They are so.. serious..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Apple watch, so pointless.

    1. Jango40


      The difference is that you can't take your PC with you anywhere while you can do it with your smartphone. These ''smart'' Watches look like a huge waste of money, since phones already got all the functions.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Apple watch, so pointless.

    1. Jango40


      Everything that watch has you can already do on your phone..

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. What's the best OS for gaming and general ''power'' out there?

    1. Jango40


      I don't think it's performance is any better than 7's in any other way than boot time, and if there is, it's so small it's not worth mentioning.


      Anyways, didn't think Good ol' Windows was best.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Is it possible to become a game developer while at the same time sucking hard at math?

    1. Jango40


      Generic programmer seems to not be possible for me, yeah. I want to do something game/gaming related though.. Not good at Art either, really. Maybe a game Sound Engineer? Seems like a cool job..


      Or maybe I should just give up with the bs and become a factory worker.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  17. Very disturbing to see people take someone's map, slap their clan tag/info on it and call it their own. And that is why I will never release anything I make.

    1. Jango40


      Well, is that really a reason to rage quit, lol? Just ridicule the clan or ask them to give proper credit. Never liked Moondog, he always overreacted.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. Steam support is actually terrible. They are polite, but so damn slow.

  19. wtf is the difference between Drums&Bass and Dubstep

    1. Jango40


      so the music in this MLG video is drum & bass?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1P--nTP-u0

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  20. wtf is the difference between Drums&Bass and Dubstep

    1. Jango40


      It.. still sounds the same to me. Well, who cares.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. This place isnt what it use to be.

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