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Posts posted by Delmi

  1. I have a lot of the models, though however the Plo Koon was the only one that was ever brought in game, though I can't remember from whom I got it from.  I'm still trying to get the others in game, but I can't do so until I figure out what's stopping the textures from working.

    Anakin98 likes this
  2. Don't ever do this. Paint never saves JPEG images at max quality, and resaving as JPEG multiple times anyway causes data loss. You'll want to just unchecked "progressive" when saving.

    The progressive isn't checked upon saving.  No luck.

  3. i am using DDS Viewer, it is a nice program and you can export the .dds files into JPG very easy, without any problems when using them for textures.

    Every time I try to open up the .dds file, the Viewer crashes for me.


    Then you're doing something wrong in the skin file.

    Nope, all paths, names, and extensions are correct.

  4. 1024x1024 is not too big, try this >one< saved it as TGA. If you test with this it should work, if you want to save it as jpeg, then make sure you are not using >progressive compression in the save dialog, JA doesnt handle that kind of compression.


    The image you provided doesn't work either.  I tried to convert it myself with a smaller size, no luck.

    Save as jpeg by photoshop, then open it up using paint (yep!) and save again (just save it, nothing less or more). It helps in some cases.

    This sadly changes nothing as well.

  5. I'm using the plugin converter from Nvidia for Photoshop, meaning I'm able open it up directly is Photoshop CS6.  It exports just fine, both to .png or .jpg but it doesn't work when try to apply it to the model itself.

  6. I've been working on them for a while.  I don't have any planned release date or anything, so please for the sake of my own sanity don't ask for updates.  But, they will be here eventually  and I've always wanted to see those types of models in JKA.  I'll keep everyone posted on updates!

    Jeff likes this
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