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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Sweet! Thanks for posting!
  2. I see. Thanks for the reply at least.
  3. So, neither Jeff nor you are not planning on releasing any new content, at all?
  4. I see, but did you guys update anything security related in the recent 1-2 weeks?
  5. But! Does he have a bun on the back of his head?
  6. Ooooh...those are Yslamiris...I though those were Fox-fur collars
  7. A Sith mystic working for Cerberus Corporation is cornered in the Ancient Jedi Tomb on Chandrila by a Fabulous-looking Admiral Thrawn and his Imperial Officer boyfriend, so the mystic has to protect themself by using Force Lightning?
  8. My ipad browser says 'Safari cannot establish secure connection' when I'm trying to access jkhub from it. Strangely enough, this issue appeared just recently, a couple of days ago. Is there some issue with the site's security protocol, certificate, or whatnot?
  9. Impressive... Most impressive!
  10. I'm not sure. Based on the pics, it's either two wide ones on the sides, or four thin ones in the "corners" (like in the second pic)... or maybe, just two on the front? Well, I suppose four would make sense if it's supposed to be a crown-helmet. Edit: Ah yes, in TOR it has four 'horns'. See here.
  11. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it. The two side-'feathers' are alright, but the ones on the front look disproportionate and more to the left somehow. Looking at some pics, the helmet/ hat design seems to be somewhat different: Again, I don't want to get on anyone's bad side or anything, just something I notice.
  12. Not to offend anyone, but the crown looks kinda strange in the screen
  13. What?
  14. Welcome to the site! I think you need to post more messages on the forum. I know there's a ten(?) message limit to making a mod request, so maybe there's one to actually upload files. You should also try asking one of the admins about it, usually one of them's around. @@Circa, what say you?
  15. Yes, but no images starting with 'What if Darth Valeria fought Darth Vader' Actually, now that I checked it, I can't see any recent pics at all. Maybe it has to do with cookies? I'll try looking from my tablet. Update: Ah yes, it's a cookie issue on my computer. Move along.
  16. Here's what I found. Check it.
  17. Oh the memories! :teehee:
  18. And remove the darned black armpits, the pic in the OP doesn't look like he's got them.
  19. Wait, wasn't this already uploaded at some point in the past?
  20. Impressive! What is this Maya you're talking about? I though this was made in EaW
  21. Wut ze phuk? Can't see any of the pics
  22. How long have you had the disk? Did you install the game from it before? Maybe at one point you bought it, installed from it, noticed the issue, but brushed off, then bought the game again online and forgot about the previous issue, but now remembered it, installing from the disk again? This kind of stuff does (did?) happen with pirated hard-copies that are (were?) sold in stores. Worst thing is, you have little way of knowing if the copy is pirated until you actually get home, try installing the game, and come across issues. Yeah, you can take it back, demand your money back or get a different game, but it's a bit of a hussle. I've had quite a few such cases: a) somewhere around 2003, i got my dad to buy me Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, it looked fine on the outside, but no matter how hard we tried, the game just wouldn't install, instead, the installer gave us a screensaver and some kind of wallpaper that required an internet connection (thinking back, maybe that was an actually legit copy and required online activation? ); b) i once bought a Bugs Bunny game about time travel (no, not the one with Taz), it installed alright, but would stop playing after the first level - it was a demo-version! c) i once bought a copy of GTA: Vice City where all vanilla music on the radio has been replaced by Eminem, Rammstein, and Russian pop - imagine our (my best friend and mine) surprise when we played a legit copy! I still have that cd though, and frankly, the new music was just better in my opinion; d) same story with GTA: San Andreas, except that this time around, there was no music at all, just the commercials - i'd borrow SA from friends, and the issue was quite persistent (my cousin's copy also had replaced taxis, police cars, and Taco Bell and Pizza Hut restaurants), but when i did buy my own copy, it was a cheap pirated version with a Miami Vice mod installed as the default, and it looked like it was made in DYOM! Needless to say, i was utterly pissed - you couldn't even play the game's default story on that copy! e) the first "home" copy of JA, i borrowed from a classmate. in it, there were no options in character creation, so i'd always play as a stormtrooper with a fem-Jaden voice. Not too bad really, most of the rest of the game was pretty much intact. Once i bought my own copy, the issue was fixed, but the multiplayer would crash to frontend after a few minutes of playing, even when playing offline against bots. All in all, them's are some fun memories.
  23. I remember when sometimes mods would mess up the game and the effect would remain even after the mod is deleted. But i thought such issues have long been solved for JKA. Have you tried looking through the game assets, to see if the effect/ texture is affected in any way? Also, did you delete everything? Because sometimes people forget script extending mods (openjk, ja+) are mods too and leave them, but the problem is actually caused by these mods. If so, maybe you did something in one of those mods' graphics settings, and your computer decided not to render it properly.
  24. Oh, well this is new. Russian-speakers have this joke about Luke (in Russian, possibly other slav languages, 'luke' means (sewer) lid or trapdoor, depending on context). But crate Luke? That's a novelty indeed!
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