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File Comments posted by the_raven


       168    4

    Hello there!

    General Kenobi!


    Pretty cool map, gives me old-school MP-map vibes, stuff like Q3 or Unreal '99. :)

    But what is all this 'man first discovered the force'? Fan-fic? :D

  1. To those who don't know what this map is supposed to represent: It's the inside of the "space slug" from The Empire Strikes Back.


    The map may not be perfect (yet), but I think it's a good start. As far as I know, it has never been done before.

    Wasn't that thing a worm though?

    And you're right, it's not perfect, but it's a start. Better than nothing in fact.

    PreFXDesigns likes this

    Jabba the Hutt

       965    12

    You could actually release this guy as a random Hutt, since he doesn't look much like Jabba. Interesting is that the only previous Hutt skin was actually a lot thinner and felt like any other character in a long robe/ skirt.


    Also, based on what the old EU said, the Hutts hated when their representation in art (or other media) was accurate, so I bet Jabba would have been proud :lol:

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