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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. What strain did it put on the game? Did you get the ran out of transform space error?
  2. I'm going to go crazy trying to solve this driver issue...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheWhitePhoenix
    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      Just be sure to download the beta.

    4. Cerez


      Hmm... that Windows 10 sure seems like more trouble than it's worth -- drivers misbehaving everywhere... :/


      It could be that it was just an OpenGL rendering issue in Windows 10, as you say, but it sounds more to me like a Softimage compatibility bug (with Windows 10). I thought it was something more recognisable and general 3D rendering related, but this way it could be anything, really.


      Glad to know it works now.

  3. Yeah, I know, I just wanted to see how well I could make my own. I don't think animations and motions that were meant for humanoids would look good on a deformed gammorean.
  4. I never intended to retarget, I just wanted a custom proportioned character that I could attempt to make working as a NPC with it's own custom skeleton and animation set.
  5. Not going to be using the _humanoid biped, making one custom to his proportions.
  6. Well the real reason why I haven't done anything lately is because I'm bummed that this mod isn't going anywhere but for something like what you're making I'll make the time. Shouldn't need too many animations, I was going to look at some of the NPC's like the saber droid for instance to see how I can incorporate a lightsaber wielding enemy that doesn't use the games basic styles but rather their own style so my route might possibly need some coding also. This was something I had thought about for some time, Gorc, Pic, Boc and Maw would all use their own styles where the other Dark Jedi would use the existing ones. Yun using yellow and maybe fast, Sariss being very similar to Tavion in JK2 and Jerec being similar to Desann in JK2 with some differences, mainly being more powerful but slow due to his age. With custom animations I feel the characters would end up being more unique. Even if you use the existing ones I'd like to try to make my own at the same time, just to see what I can come up with. Would you be willing to let me?
  7. Well here lies the problem, it'll be work before anything can be transferred. I don't know about Max but in Softimage to transfer motion data it's similar to doing MOCAP tagging. The thing that would need to be done is first get all the animations onto 1 skeleton file in Softimage which I started some time ago but never finished. Then transfer or possibly "trace" over top of them using the rig that I built to get them onto that rig. From there the animations could quite easily be transferred to another rig once all that is out of the way. There just simply isn't the options for selecting each bone, it works best when picking controllers. The operator doesn't support 50+ inputs. But like I said, if we could transfer all the basic FK bone animation to an IK rig going to another rig would just be a few clicks but right now it isn't prepped to do that. The other thing with my process of copy/pasting the animations from the source file to 1 skeleton is that it's done 1 sequence at a time and just to get like halfway took hours since I had to make a conversion table because a lot of the animations have all the JO bones where a lot of the JA specific ones do not.
  8. I can do it in Softimage using MOTOR but like I said, if the rigs and proportions differ too much it would require too much input/adjustment afterward to even bother, they kinda need custom animations anyways and not walk, stand or fight like a human. Last rig I built took only a few hours and in 10 mins I had a walk cycle, making an animation is a breeze if you're using a rig. I hate pre made rigs and ones that come default with most softwares, they just don't give you the control you can get if you learn how to make your own. Last pre made rig I used was the CSS biped 10+ years ago and that thing was basic AF compared to the one I made for JA.
  9. None of the animations fit and they wouldn't retarget in a click, editing would be needed, would rather just make them from scratch.
  10. @@Psyk0Sith, if you keep going I will make it work in game, somehow, someway. I feel like a custom skeleton and animation set would be the only real way to make these 2 characters work like they should. You are pretty free though to wing it a lot on their design since there isn't much art out there of them and the cinematic movies don't show much. You also can't really take anything from the game models since they aren't much more detailed than a minecraft character lol.
  11. It's all personal preference and what program is going to work best for you. When it comes to free programs Blender and Softimage Mod Tool will beat everything, even some programs that cost money.
  12. XP?! Don't even waste time with that dead OS.
  13. minilogoguy18


    It's probably the most fun MP mod IMO once you learn the basics, the leveling system, money and ability to change the maps make no 2 servers alike.
  14. Took me 30 mins of windows 10 to decide I wanted to go back to windows 7 lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Well the thing is with Softimage on the laptop is that I didn't install that after Windows 10, it was on there before and the OS was win7, no re-installation needed. It starts, just crashes when you select objects.

    3. Archangel35757


      Try uninstalling and reinstalling

    4. minilogoguy18


      It's a confirmed video driver issue, need to try getting drivers BEFORE I install win10 so that they're ready to go.

  15. I still have some, I'd imagine only someone who used the tablet for professional use would be wearing those things out. A hobbyist like myself especially with how rarely I even get on the computer isn't going to burn through the 3 I have any time soon. The left click just stopped working, probably from playing games a lot. I bought a second one and after a few years that one did the same so I just went back to a normal mouse which is nicer since the tablet is now in the center of the desk which feels more natural to me than off to the side.
  16. I have no idea how you got that from the mouse wearing out, it wears out as in the buttons quit working, I know it has no pressure sensitivity. Why would I have bought the tablet if I wasn't going to use the pen? Kinda pointless right?
  17. I've had a Wacom Intuos 3 9x12 for shit, 10 years maybe? Everything works fine, the mouse had to be replaced twice and I've since just bought a normal mouse to use, the left and right click buttons wore out and quit working. The whole not being able to look at what you're hand is doing got easier with this much larger tablet when before I had a 6x8, I have no trouble in ZBrush with this. I would like to get a Cintiq at some point but building a new tower would definitely come first, I believe very much you get what you pay for an Wacom is number 1 for a reason. Despite my mouse issues which I think for it's age isn't a big deal the fact that the mouse or the stylus do not use any batteries is really nice.
  18. You guys need to learn to think outside of the box, there is an easier way. Add an alpha channel to the texture where the antenna is on the texture sheet and make a transparent shader so that the antenna is rendered as fully transparent.
  19. I wouldn't know about the saber lock deal since I played mostly MP as the SP campaign is super dull.
  20. HL2 is just as moddable as this game, how is that the little they allowed?
  21. The mouse works fine other than in ModView?
  22. Yes, there are very few though since no one here really does any animation.
  23. Changing it to 5 with a single saber allows for you to have the 5 single bladed styles, with dual sabers and staff it does nothing. Defense goes up if you increase to 5 but it isn't really even noticeable.
  24. You're wasting your time, this has been talked about for the past 5-10 years, it's not going to happen. With games being so visually driven now a days anyway the gameplay would probably be terrible and it wouldn't have any sort of modding ability.
  25. 5 is as high as it goes without code change. 5 does change things, saber style 4 and 5 are the styles that the bosses Tavion and Desaan use in JK2. They are 1 handed styles, Tavion's style is similar to the fast style except it does medium damage and difficult to block, Desaan's style is similar but with medium speed and high damage. Everyone who plays the game knows about these, they are usable in some mods but are very unbalanced and overpowered.
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