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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I made a crouch walk today after I rearranged my apartment.
  2. I mean it is REALLY simple stuff, don't know how you haven't figured it out yet.
  3. Softimage is pretty much always running these days.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Cerez


      Ever heard of VirtualBox? ;) Put any professional software that you need that doesn't exist for Linux in a virtual Windows box. Problem solved. I currently have a JKA modding box (used it for creating the Ahsoka model), and a Photoshop box. They're like working environments for that specific task. I have the virtual boxes directly accessing related files and folders on my actual drive. Just make sure you have at least 5GB of RAM, and lots of storage -- but that's not so hard to co...

    3. Cerez


      ...come across these days. Also, if you can, use Windows XP for these. When uncluttered, boot time is so much quicker for XP than any other version of Windows.

    4. Cerez


      It costs a little in performance, but the benefit you get is that your OS and primary working environment does not clutter and slow down. The virtual boxes are running isolated from the rest of the system. You can then install any tool you need in there, no matter how crummy the software. If you're doing regular backups, you can just restore an earlier version of the box if things go sour in Windows.

  4. Ermergerd Could you possibly point me to any Zbrush training material you may have found useful? I always found hard surface modeling challenging in it but 4R7 seems to have much more tools for that. Like something maybe centered around character creation. I wanna change my workflow to Zbrush->Topogun->SI Haven't used topogun yet but saw some videos on it and the price seems reasonable. As we both know viewport performance can sometimes be an issue when trying to retopo in something like SI/Max/Maya.
  5. I added eyelids but no jaw because NO ONE is going to notice the mouth move, it's going to be so subtle and they're going to be more focused on that long ass saber swinging around. Also, you'd have to CONFIRM that the jaw bone would animate when the character is hurt because I've never noticed any mouth movement during fighting and I was a very active MP player (SP sucks so bad for saber fighting).
  6. @@Psyk0Sith nailed it. No ones going to be able to even take the time to see if his face is doing anything when he and Pic are trying to kill them. Rigging the face felt very unnecessary for a character that doesn't talk and any facial expressions wouldn't even be noticed by the player.
  7. Like I said, this can be dropped to the bottom of the list given how small of an in game appearance she has. I mean maybe towards the end of development we can make a nice model for MP reasons but I don't think it's even worth discussing so early on.
  8. @@Ramikad posted a video where you can see her, she only shows when Rahn is talking before the fight with Boc, she's running away. It's like the only time you see her.
  9. At least someone can pick this up for OpenJK.
  10. We're talking about DF2, I don't think she shows anywhere in single player. I feel like using the JA model as a stand in is fine for now, the only reason why I'd say to make something new is to take advantage of Rend2 but I'd say shes close to if not at the bottom of the list of priority characters.
  11. In game cut scenes would be nice but would add more to the heaping pile of work we've got and as cheesy as they are the nostalgia is always great. We'd have to find some way to edit out the sounds and music to get the voice lines from the movies or find some VERY convincing voice actors.
  12. Facebook creep her? LOL Are there any actual points in the game though where we actually see her outside of a cut scene?
  13. I know I've been quiet but I'm still working on this, got some blocks and a few other force powers done. Mainly lately I've been working on scripting more controls to automate the roll division bones (the ones you see in the middle of the biceps, forearms and thighs) so that they make the arms and legs twist more smoothly without having to actually move them.
  14. Psyk0 is right, there is this rumble sound used in the movies many of times. I've been using it for years as a replacement for the standard force push sound effect in JA.
  15. We talked lightly about this before when I asked about the switch from SVN to dropbox but are there any solutions out there that you know of or a SVN that allows as much storage to where we can go back to 1 click updating?
  16. Getting the render engine working properly>your nit picking. These things can be addressed later IF @@DT85 feels like it's even worth our time. Right now we just need a stable build of the game with levels and characters to drool over.
  17. Probably the best looking use for refraction was setting it as a trail effect for swords. I forget the command but it would unfortunately replace the lightsaber trail too, would be nice to separate it out and only let it be used on swords.
  18. Yeah, pretty much any mod now a days should be based off of OpenJK.
  19. LOL, people always expect to learn this stuff overnight but I think that's just kids these days, they give up at the slightest chance of a challenge. Look, it's going to take time, you either have the patience to do it or you don't. If you want it bad enough then you'll get it.
  20. I'd use blender if the interface wasn't such a dumpster fire, I also can't seem to find anything that beats the IK system in SI. The roots and effectors system that resolves the resolution plane of the chain automatically based on how you draw it saves sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much time compared to other software where you have to manually set up IK. There's so much high quality Softimage training material out there also which can be used for Mod Tool since the only things really missing are exporting to certain file types and the render engine has a limited resolution output but I doubt you'll be making any CGI movies. There are blender tuts of course but professional training videos are more plentiful with SI and they're much shorter than watching someone fumble around who's just making the video in their spare time.
  21. Do you have any idea how many times this has been talked about? It's not going to happen, even if it did it would be nothing like it should be and would suck. Modern games are too heavily driven by pretty visuals, fast paced game play doesn't really exist anymore. Games are also way too easy these days.
  22. He's like Gorc though, too muscular to work on the base JA skeleton, need something custom.
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