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Everything posted by NumberWan

  1. Sooooo, there are new pictures for The Last jedi, coming from the Vanity Fair. These actually reveal quite a lot in terms if new characters. Look at these at your own risk! A new male character, which was in discussion a lot. A new female character, which plays a prominent role in TLJ. There is a bit of information of the new planet shot in Dubrovnik. Something new from Rey. New aliens. New environment. More can be found here Also watch a VIDEO here I can't say, I am very excited here, because with TFA they also had quite good promos and very good photos by the very same magazine, yet the film showed only some bits of the beauties revealed so equally early before the premiere.
  2. As mentioned above, The Phantom Menace was the primary game during the release of Episode I. At least for me. Later on there was an article in Video games magazine, describing Obi Wan video game, and it looked so promising! It was even said, the game would be released for PC. But it was never made for it. I expected it to look like the Infernal Machine in terms of adventure. The level design also looked quite good, as the magazine published shots of a Tatooine city with Jabba's palace at the distance, as well as sort of Medieval hallway with large table and tapestries (looked very much like Naboo, if you ask me). Thanks to Youtube, I was able to have at least a look on this game. I did enjoy some things within the designs and ideas, but I guess as a game OW was quite mediocre. Though for it's usually the overall atmosphere, that matters
  3. Watched Alien: Covenant. Not that bad, as some people claim, but I do understand why it's so critisized.

    1. Psyk0Sith


      Prometheus was such a train wreck, if it's anything like it, i'm not sure i'll watch.

    2. DT.


      Now if James Cameron made another Alien movie, that shit would be awesome

  4. John Cygan, who voiced Canderous Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver and Dash Rendar, passed away. :(

  5. I haven't heard about the Star Destroyer, but a different rumour: As for CGI, there was this rumour: The tree. A bit more on Canto Bight. Ryan Johnson said, he was the only person, allowed to take photos on the set, and I hope he will release some interesting pictures, well, at least after the premiere.
  6. I also like the new look, but the trailer left some questions about his helmet (rumours have it, that Kylo got a new one, slightly redesigned, almost unnoticeable). The cape does indeed look like the one of Vader. And I think they wanted to add it back in Episode VII, but they couldn't make such an obvious nod towards Darth Vader. The costume aside from the cape reminds me of Dooku a bit.
  7. So, the new pics from Battlefront II reveal a new look of Kylo and Rey in Episode VIII:
  8. Sounds like a reasonable guess. Aside of TFA connection, there is a minor detail, which they included in the trailer in order to make us puzzled – after the scene with the Temple, we see Phasma and her troops marching. It is noticeable, that she is walking in the hallway of a spaceship, so the two are unrelated. I find it to be interesting, that the vision could be about the future, rather than past. It can also be a moment, that we actually see Rey with her cybernetics arm (the hands in the vision and the end of TFA do look alike, but something was different there too), protecting the temple that can be destroyed. The other aspect here – is that Yoda says, the future is always in motion, difficult to see. So the destroyed Academy could be just one of the variants, seen in a vision by others, while the real deal would keep the new academy intact.
  9. I mean, that there is as much space for the cancelled stories, as I give them, in terms, when I mention Star Wars to other people, including the younger ones. And even mere thoughts are sometimes enough. So I would say, that there is much hope both for old and new stories (i.e. Old Canon (Legends) and New Canon). And besides, addressing the ideas by other users in this thread, I want to re-quote a certain senator from The Clone Wars TV series.
  10. I've looked through this thread several times, often having the urge to respond as well, but thought, there isn't much new to add from myself I would say, that I understand both sides – those, who feel the Galaxy is ruined for them, and those, who defend the new approach, believing only the films matter. And As I said once or twice before – yes, the unique phenomena of Star Wars – that everything is connected and coexists in one universe – is no longer true for Star Wars, which, as we might say, got a Soft Reboot. However in the past few weeks I got a new understanding of all this: when I had a talk with a younger audience. Due to their age, they haven't seen some of the films just yet, but are familiar with Rebels series, Darth Vader, Yoda, Ahsoka Tano, etc. But I made it so, that they also know Kyle Katarn now, as well as Revan, Bastila Shan. So for me it's no the question of something cancelled or changed, but rather of what you are ready to tell others. I would say, that is my own definition of hope
  11. There is a leaked Concept Art for the next Battlefront. Among them are Hoth, Yavin IV, Kamino, Naboo, Jakku and other familiar locations. But it also includes some new places. One is Vardos, a homeworld of the Imperial pilot, seen in the trailer. The planet is obviously associated with the Empire. This seems to be another view of Yavin. More here
  12. Who would think, that there is an actual Senator from Taris in Rogue One. The other two in The Clone Wars & The Force Awakens (atlas).

    1. Kualan


      They're definitely bleeding KOTOR back into canon piece by piece. As well as Taris, we have Hammerhead corvettes and Malachor in Rebels and mentions of 'the Old Republic' during the Clone Wars.

    2. NumberWan


      I wish this were true, but the real deal is most likely is that they see much potential in various ideas, originally created for KOTOR, but now in grand demand of already working things for newer canon.

  13. I also noticed the statue, but in my opinion it's a bit too tall for Yoda. When you see Ach-To in Episode VII, the ruins look quite simple. There are a few items among the walls and stones though, but to tell the truth I expected the Jedi ancient architecture to look more like an Oriental palace. But in the past everything was possible. The very concept of the first Jedi temple isn't very convincing right now (it's Skellig after all). So such details like a Jedi statue could help establishing the planet as a true Star Wars place. It seems, we now know the name of the birds, which live there – porgs. There might even be a scene, where Chewbacca notices and "talks" with these creatures, as some sources claim.
  14. 100% agreed about Thrawn Actually seeing him in the Battlefront campaigns would be great!
  15. No, the machines of terror is one thing, while the droids – is something else. In the past there was this idea, that the Empire banned battle droids, which in turn (at least within the Trade Federation) were sort of a homage to their own creators – the Neimodians. Powerful aliens, removed from power, when Humans gained full control of the Galaxy as the Empire. So we see a very much humanocentric Government, which relies on technologies, such as the Death Star, AT-ATs, etc. But these all look like machines in the hands of men, while TF droids were the Trade Federation itself, or it seemed so. It is also notable, that the Empire – at least in the films – uses various droids, which look like insects or beasts, rather than humans. RA-7 on the Death Star, Probe Droid on Hoth, AT-STs on Endor. They all bear the resemblance to the ones, which "must bow" before the Empire and their rulers. Serve the humans, like many aliens do during the Galactic Civil War. In any case I feel strange, that a Droid would still be in command, even if Palpatine admired the technology according to the comics.
  16. Both in the comics and in the trailer the face looks very much like Palpatine. Perhaps either to keep the presence of the Emperor at all places at once, or just a copy of some of his followers (they also had disfigured appearance). I really hope this is not some sort of a Digital Copy of Palpatine's mind or a cloned head inside the glass jar. It would be really cheesy. Also I feel strange, that the Empire would rely so much on a droid. Given the fact, that it was formed out of the Republic, which fought against CIS with its Droid army, it's really strange, that the Empire would use a droid instead of a human commander...
  17. Oh, I see now. It's a new guy. Not that special... Just a droid, created by the Empire, which looks like a Trade Federation Battledroid beneath the red cloak. I just hope this is more than a humanoid droid... For instance they could make a living person inside the costume, just pretending to be a droid.
  18. Wow! That's most impressive! I searched for this Dark Trooper a lot as an action figure... And now a real-size figure! Actually this is interesting, given the fact, that lot of things are no longer canon. Yet we see Dark Trooper at Celebration Orlando, and not just somewhere in the crowd, but on the stage side by side with the hosts. I wonder, if we would eventually see something like this in the future merchandise or video games, or perhaps even in the movies!
  19. My #1 question is: Who is THIS guy? Seems he is in charge after Emperor's death. Perhaps is the new Grand Inquisitor or similar figure...
  20. They actually mentioned a new show coming later during an interview last year. The speculation rose also after it was known, that Filoni wouldn't be in charge of a single show, but rather be the supervisor of several animated projects. I don't count much on Season 4 though right now. The trailer for Season 3 was truly eye-candy, but the episodes didn't impress me that much, except for a few. So this time I am more cautious, preferring to wait for now I like the return of Bo-Katan (but she was supposed to be in Season 3, wasn't she?), Yavin IV and other familiar things.
  21. What attracts my attention in new Battlefront II – it's not just the new planets and all eras, but perhaps the story. As far as I understand, the Imperial pilot is the one, who introduces the main Single Player story. I actually like her screaming, that "Hope will not help them!". I guess we might see here a transition of her from the Galactic Empire to the First Order (just like Clones in Battlefront II, where they switch armor and later affiliation as the 501st).
  22. There are actually minor phrases in the background – one from Leia, one from Obi Wan (I think) and one from Yoda (again, like in TFA). There must be some sort of duplicity around all the mentioned things, including the "end". Star Wars are quite close to the Oriental philosophy, which in turn stands around the concept of life circles. So the end might not mean the real end in this instance. I noticed, that when we see a closer look on one of the "books" with a Jedi Simbol there, the hand is in a black glove. So who's hand is that? It's not Luke's (we see the right arm, Luke had a prosthetics arm in TFA with no coverings), and not Rey's (she has grey clothes and in other shots her hands don't have any gloves). So does it mean we someone else? Maz Kanata? Some other character?
  23. This phrase of his already raised quite a discussion on various communities. The one, which might be the right lead here is the balance, which's been in many different stories now, including Rebels, where we see Bendu. It also reminds many about the Grey Jedi, which somewhere in between, as well as about the Jed'Aii (or what is the right name?) from the late comics. My opinion, is that 1) the balance is between the two, not in the connection of Light and Darkness, combined (this contradicts the very idea of George Lucas, but I can be wrong) and 2) Luke is wrong (even if he is a Master, his current perception must have been deformed by the later events with Kylo Ren and fall of the Jedi Order).
  24. It's difficult to say right now, but I guess, Kylo does have yellowish tone in his eyes. It could be just the reflection from a light or the lightsaber, but still it's a possible variant. The eyes aren't entirely yellow yet (TLJ takes place a few weeks if not days after TFA), so it's just a first step, where his eyes begin to change. Notably count Dooku didn't have any yellow eyes at all.
  25. Aside from big news on TLJ, there is also a video of a longer scene for A New Hope! It seems the term "Sith" was always there, we simply couldn't know. https://youtu.be/ja4WudpzBYw

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