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Aldro Koon

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Posts posted by Aldro Koon

  1. Wanted to share a little cool thing we are working on =>


    We are creating something we call the legacy tree, which is a tree histoy of all members ranked Master and above in the clan. Clicking the names will open up a image showing details for that member.

    The master and padawan role in JoF is something we have to ensure all members have a pleasant stay with atleast one go-to friend so to speak. Its very much a social bond we aim for.

    The master basically acts as a guide/mentor for the new member in the clan. 

    And so the tree highlights what lineage you followed and thus lets you create your own legacy by aiming to have your own padawans reach master rank and carry on your tree branch.


    In Star Wars terms think of it like:
    Yoda -> Dooku -> Qui-Gon -> Obi-Wan -> Anakin

    That would be one branch.


    And so here is the current legacy tree we have (or rather just a piece of it, its too large to screen lol). It has no functionality and interaction on the site itself. =>




    And here is the new updated version which wil allow you to click names and have info pop up. The art is being worked on but here is the alpha preview with full code functionality.




    And some beta drafts of the art when you click a name (for 2 ranks) =>






    Art credit goes to Fuzzy and the code functionality to Darren, both low councilars of our clan



    In other words:

    Start your own legacy now! :D

    Smoo likes this
  2. Edit:


    Instead of editing the post repeatedly I'll just delete and summarize. I am watching as servers show up on our ParaTracker host and adding levelshots to things here and there. I added levelshots for your guys' servers a few days ago. It looks like someone changed the BSP name of the map you guys are using to read "Temple" instead of "TEMPLE" - and case matters.


    Cagelight fixed it already, so you should be fine now.

    Sweet thanks!

  3. Ahah maybe a demo but I also fear that I choose the less entertaining map and after this everybody will say "huh... ECM III is not so fun..." xD

    Exclusive only for me then so I can start checking the maps in MP? Some wont work too well and I wanna start finding the ones that do already haha.

    Have to try <3 ;)

  4. But are RP-clans really still out there? :huh:

    Well we arent full out RP, but we incorporate RP elements into our clan which is first and foremost a social and somewhat relaxed community. Our aim is to create friendships with other players and to give you a RP inspired experience. But this doesnt mean you have two channels when ingame, roleplay and out of character etc. That is what I mean by not being "full out RP". Rather its a merge of rp elements and laid-backness.

    the_raven likes this
  5. Would kill for some MP missions with focus on some elaborate puzzles, traps and general team work/decision making as you progress. This looks cool though, keep up the good work!


    (Just if possible, please less gunners as they are kind of buggy in MP XD)

    Smoo likes this
  6. Are you sure the area portal is working? Go ingame, /devmap mapname then go to the door and do /deveoper 1 then /r_showtris 1.

    Open the door and let it close.


    When the door is closed, does it render everything behind it or not?

    If it renders everything behind the door when its closed, then your portal isnt working.


    If you have things outside of the room then those will probably render anyway even if the portal is working. And if someone opens the door, the outside will show EVEN if you have portal'd it becuase the portal only works when the door is closed!
    Think your only way is to either remove those outside areas somehow or build a exterior from the outside view so it looks decent.


    R_showtris 0 to get normal view.

  7. Fair enough. The article isn't meant to highlight that their server is the biggest and baddest server of them all though. Its a clan feature.

    I was actually refering to Europe when I said that. KR is American AFAIK. I specifically said we're a European clan later on as well.

    Circa likes this
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