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Files posted by Ruxith
Darth Talon version 2 - RGB enhanced
V 1.0
Using Tyrael64's twi-lek reskin to create the Darth Talon skin we all love, I have created a version 2 with added clothing options and most importantly (for me atleast!) RGB.
This started out as a simple reskin for a friend of mine Fuzzy/sMile when we all came back to JKA and started playing in a JA+ community again, but it quickly turned into something a little bit more involved as I was playing with frankensteining at the time. It's a skin that you have to see to appreciate, as a lot of the change to the skin since Tyrael's skin was released is only seen in-game, when the RGB takes control and you can also look through the species selection to see how much choice you have now. You will see in the readme that I made this skin months ago, i've just been pretty busy to really release anything, so everything's being released at once, like christmas is coming early for you guys lol.
WIP topic: http://jkhub.org/topic/6430-rgb-darth-talon/
I have now uploaded some screenshots to give you a better idea of what's inside the PK3. It features Darth Malgus's respirator, Darth Sion's shoulderguard and Darth Revan's hood; a bunch of sith lord attire for one badass lady of the sith. There are also many specular and glowing shaders which you will notice when you use it in-game. Most importantly for me is the RGB functionality that I have introduced, but it also has a bunch of fresh new icons, using a new background template I have put together to make it stand out from the standard default JK3 icon image that we all use.
It was crazy to send Tyrael a message for credits, not expecting any kind of response but to hear him be impressed with what I have done and sound so enthusiastic, even after him being away from JKA for so long. Things like this give you that motivation to continue what you are doing, even if it's something which to yourself seems to simple, and knowing that frankensteining isn't half as difficult as it would have been back then before the plugins we have now were available.
...and so it begins
V 2.0
A lot of time has passed, I released this updated version nearly three years ago! Since the 2.0 version alpha release I have updated the icons and re-organised the skin so that there is a "model darth_talon" and also a "model jedi_talon" so that RGB works correctly in team based games.
Version 2 of my original Darth Talon skin. Comes with lots of variants to choose from in the species section, I have used jan's goggles, Darth Malgus's mask, Darth Revan's hood and made most things RGB, which works really well with this skin because of how the twi'lek's skin choices change colour.
The new version comes with:
- New head with mouth weights
- Updated tattoos
- Reverse colour option (inspired by sideshow collectibles figure)
- "Ultimate" version with different tentacles model from the swtor female nautolan model, hood and mask
- Compressed files (half the size this release was going to be!)
- New icons
- Modified hoth boots to fit the legs so that they can be used; they're a better shaped footwear than what was used in version
- Tyrael64's reskin of the jedi_tf into Darth Talon. Thank you for your response when I contacted you years ago as I wasn't expecting to even hear from you this many years later, i'm really glad that you liked what I did with it in version 1. Without your PSDs/original files this wouldn't have been possible!
- Captain Leeroy for the additional variant of darth talon.
- Lt.Claim for his ported models of star wars characters, you helped start my "kitbashing/porting models into JKA" fascination.
- Disembowell at Deviantart for the model parts added in version 2:
- Noodle for the advice since bringing this project back from the dead, and creating mouth/face animations for the model
- Omicron for the continued advice and assisting with any texture/shader tweaks for the final release
- Milamber for the continual support with getting my head around frankensteining and 3D modelling over the years, and keeping up with my nagging!
- Sazen/Cloud & Maui for the continual support with getting my head around frankensteining and any 3D modelling in the past, and for making these kind of projects more interesting when I have other creative minds to share the progress with and discuss ideas to along the way.
- star wars related
- female
- (and 1 more)
Nautolan - Kit Fisto Species Skinpack
By Ruxith in Player Models
I finally got around to releasing what I kept teasing all those years ago 😝
I know a similar model has already been submitted within the community, but I'd still like to release my version! The weights aren't perfect, and the tendrils can be a bit funky at times with some animations, but hey it's Kit Fisto, such a cool looking character in the Star Wars universe (in the video games and the clone wars animated series at least!).
So this features an RGB version (did you expect any less of me?! 🤣), sith version, reskin by Omicron, custom icons, sounds, shaders.
This may be improved in the future, but just glad to finally be able to finish up what I started! Please view the credits and readme file within the folder when you download this. I'm more than happy for anyone to improve on this model so we can upload a 2.0, and any new variants would be cool.
Versions 2.0 has arrived!.. to finally include a shirtless version using Scerendo's Quinlan Vos model, I've been wanting to make this variation for literally years! I have also made some tweaks to the weights and re-done some of the textures, to give Kit Fisto a more "full of life" skin tone as the original was looking a little dull. New shaders have been applied to give more vibrance to the skin. Full breakdown of changes is in the readme, I hope you enjoy the update!
I actually released this last year in a clan I'm in and forgot to post it on here 🥷
- The Force Unleashed for the Kit Fisto model
- SW:The Old Republic for the mask model
- Sazen/Cloud for the original kitbash of the model he did for me and the weighing.
- Scerendo for the Quinlan Vos model, for the shirtless variant
- Spanki for the robed models used, and anyone who I have used their retextured images for this project (sorry if you weren't mentioned!)
- Noodle for the advice since bringing this project back from the dead, and creating mouth/face animations for the model
- Tompa9 for his version of the model, which has provided me with a sounds pack, and a segment to place behind the head to hide any unwanted gaps, it doesn't fit perfect for my version of the head, but very useful nonetheless.
- Omicron for the continued advice and for producing a skin variant for the release
- Milamber for the continual support with getting my head around frankensteining and 3D modelling over the years, and keeping up with my nagging!
- Xishala for the eye textures from the female nautolan model, I have added a shader to this after implementing the texture onto Kit Fisto's eyes
- sith
- star wars related
- (and 3 more)
Athena - Personal skin
So based on Milamber's Chaos Knight model, I bring you an adaptation to this; with tribal patterns and glowing eyes... All the good stuff! When the JKGalaxies files were made publicly available and Pande made a topic about it, I had a look through them and found some cool looking female heads. We were initially going to go with a hair piece from it too, but it was very fiddly when it came to weighting and the appearance in-game with what's achievable via shaders, so Milamber worked with us and re-vamped the jedi_hf hairstyle to give a better looking ponytail and put it onto the JKG head. I can't get over how ugly that flat piece of hair is now that we have this lol, the three of us were always a good team! (just not on GTA, Mil sucks)
If you haven't guessed yet, this skin was made to be someone's personal skin, for Athena from |EFF|. Her brief was basically "make me something badass" xD we talked over many ideas and this is what we came up with. For some people there may be a few too many tribal patterns on the skin, but we are both super happy with the outcome. The red and blue teams were made after the main skin was finished, and they came out even better; it felt like a brand new skin for each one as they all bring a different theme to them, like good vs evil for sure.
We made this actually a good few months ago, but since she's gotten back into JKA properly again we figured it would be a good time to upload it here to JKHub so that even people outside of her clan can enjoy it and it can get the attention it deserves. There's very few cool looking female skins (no twi'leks don't count! haha), so this one should add to the ranks. It's got a new set of taunts to add to the skin; some sounds from darth talon, some from tavion, a mix of sounds to make something epic. I've got another female skin on the way soon!
Any issues with the ponytail are unavoidable due to the transparency, it's as good as it's going to get with shaders. Besides that there shouldn't be any issues with the skin, at least I don't think so haha, it's been a while since i've been playing JKA so if you find anything feel free to drop me a PM and let me know so I can update it.
On the first day Athena said "make me a skin", on the second day she said "I trust your majick hands" (true story).. the rest is history. Okay I tried to put something funny at the end, but it was much funnier in my head.. xD
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this release, there will be more to come soon from me so keep your eyes peeled!
Now for the important bit.
This skin has been created for someone specific, if you wish to modify it please contact myself, Milamber or the owner (Athena) for permission. Nobody likes it when something you put effort into looking a certain way, or when your personal skin get's taken into someone else's hands and changed into something ugly for their benefit. It's being uploaded here simply so others can see it and enjoy using it, so please respect that.
Darth Maul reskin (Maulkiller and Savage Opress)
There was a request for a skin which is no longer available for download, so I recreated it, and hopefully improved upon it in the process
Here is a list of what is included:
Mars Marshall's Darth Maul: Shirtless, Robed and Hooded.
Reskins for Maulkiller and Savage Opress
Custom icons
Shaders for the clothing.
As it was a reskin of Darth Maul, I felt that I should include the original skins too, so that's why they are included. I have also removed duplicate files to reduce the overall filesize, and added teamsupport and icons as mentioned above to suit everyone.
Credits to Illidan Kazama for the reskin design of Maulkiller & Savage opress, and Mars Marshall who is the original author/creator of the model.
Please view the Mars Marshall Readme, as he is the creator of the model.
- Sith
- Star Wars Related
- (and 2 more)
Default icons - expansion
By Ruxith in Cosmetic Mods
Like most people who create custom skins, you will eventually be creating your model's icons in JKA's default icon style as a standard procedure in your work.
I always felt that the versions of the icons that people created always limited how much of them you could use. For example, they may not be quite as bright in colour, or there'll be parts missing in the center.
So here, we have a set of the default icons, with additional colours in the same shade of colour to make it more authentic. I have created these icons directly from skin's icons from the game, and filled in the extras where needed. I'd like to think my version is the most accurate (if you were to compare), so enjoy!
p.s if you don't know how to use this then follow this simple guide
Ruxith's Tie-Pilot Re-skin
This is just a simple re-skin of the original Tie-Pilot skins, with several added colours. The original ones were too dull and boring, so I added some shaders, and brightened them up. I have used these for a long time and had much fun with them, as i'm sure you will when you use them. I didn't do lots re-skinning on these, just brightened them up and included some shaders and modified the icons for them. This was the first skin I made which I was happy with keeping, so enjoy!