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Everything posted by Mert-K

  1. Haha, cool. It's the file that I leaked.
  2. I hope they don't find a severed Luke hand.
  3. Awesome stuff! Can't wait to replace the vanilla.
  4. The original photo's didn't have colour, so I'm currently trying to so myself and failing. If anyone is interested in making an attempt, I'mma leave a .PSD for ya. http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/NtjRJ945/file.html
  5. this is what the head looks so far. I haven't tested it so I hope it fits. Edit: Colour version... I don't know if this is good or bad.
  6. I actually had to make his nose longer to fit in with the base texture, so I'm not sure about that. A new model would be better indeed, but this is temporary ofcourse. When the movie is out, I'm sure there'll be a model ready.
  7. Nah, I'm using photo's of John from some article on the internet. They were high quality, so I thought, why not. http://www.theglassmagazine.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/4.jpg http://www.theglassmagazine.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/21.jpg These.
  8. Sweet! Can't wait. Here's the face texture so far. Yeah it's weird looking.
  9. I really have no idea how to frankenstein, so it would be great if someone could do that for me. Good thing that I'm already using a Hapslash face texture as a base.
  10. Hiya folks. I want to create a skin for John Boyega's character in "The Force Awakens". At the moment I'm already creating a flat texture for his face, but I need a model that can be used for it. I need a stormtrooper model without a helmet, prefered bald. If anyone could find a model like that, that would be sweet!
  11. I made a version with team support and SP support. Have fun! https://www.dropbox.com/s/g03e5gcl28vkb1i/Stormtrooper_Overwrite.pk3?dl=0
  12. @@Caelum Just OpenJK. Any other mod I use gives the same result. I am not using a proxy as far as I know. Edit: I made sure that Windows Defender excluded Jedi Academy, and it suddenly worked. How could I overlook this. *selfslap* Edit 2: Nah, vanilla JKA works, but OpenJK does not. Strange...
  13. Sorry to bump an old topic, but I'm having the same problem. I clicked the button that refreshes the list, but then this happend: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/446205724325984079/6384937DE347A1EC52B45D6FC1F833CC8133A75A/ I then tried a certain mod... http://i.imgur.com/vEcVklo.png Still nothing. Anything helps.
  14. Can't wait to replace the vanilla Stormtrooper with this. Getting closer to canon.
  15. Gosh, it's been too long since I've played...

    1. Syko


      Mert bro haven't seen you in a while! Good to have you back.

  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Disaster_Artist
  17. Mert-K

    Troopers Voices Mod

    Always loved the Wilhelm scream. This mod's a must-have for me.
  18. We shall see how the next episode shows our expanded little world. I can already picture the files page flooded with mods that try to recreate episode VII. Maybe a total overhaul of the original game to fit in with the continuity.
  19. It's funny, because it was your reskin of Rosh that inspired me to want to change Rosh. I just need to know how. Maybe I could make him a female, but that would need some change in dialog and model. Plus, I would probably not do the voice.
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