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Everything posted by Mert-K

  1. Ah, Fable. Good old memories. Also not bad of a model. Would love to see it in Jk3.
  2. Version v2


    Rosh has returned now in a better shape. He is going to overwrite the current rosh. So... WEEE!!! Not to big changes... but its better then standard rosh .
  3. Mert-K

    Mert Karamolo

    Version v3 Standard Edition


    I dicided to make something very diffrent then just adding team colours (red and blue) to the skins and then i thought of this: Sith and Force Ghosts. So the blue team would have ghost versions as if i died in that form, and the sith is a version of how i would look like if the story turned differently. So thats also why there are many shaders inside this but some of the shaders are used from jalrin/markus skinpack. I tried to make many kinds of skins for almost any situation and if i missed something, tell me in the comments
  4. Yeah, I meant Audacity for the noise removal.
  5. WavePad, I find easy to use and lets me create the kind of effects I want very easy. Audacity just lets me use many sound files at the same time creating 1 big file. Also, the noise removal effect REALLY WORKS GOOD! I use it alot when voice acting to make the sound more, listenable.
  6. You'd probably not understand the title, but it says "Greetings, my friends" in three languages. Oh well, that ain't important. HELLO! I'm Mert Karaca, also known as, Mert-K, A.K.A Mert-Kay, A.K.A. @#%^*#%&@%###%#*#@%&$* Nerfherder. WHAT AM I? Well, I'm a bunch of things, so let me just put it in two catogories. 1. Real life. Like I said, my name is Mert Karaca, which is a Turkish name. Turkish people on Jedi Academy have been loads of problems in the past (*Cough*TimFX*Cough*), but I hope to be an exeption. Even though I am Turkish, I live in The Netherlands, so now I am forced to learn two languages. I'm a 16/17 year old guy who recently finished secondary school with a good score. (FACT: I finished my English exam in 30 minutes without the need of a translation book. I was FREE like a bird. So that basicly gives me three languages. Oh, don't forget German! 4!) After that, I'll go to a community college that allows me to turn my computer skills into a real job, but more about my skills later. I have a wonderfull life filled with great family, friends and more. My code in life is to try to help others with any problems they got and when they are fine, I'll try to make then laugh. That's basicly how I want to be as a person. Good. I don't really know much else I can say, so I'll just let this story open, for now. 2. Unreal life. I love to play video games, but who doesn't? I love to edit them also, but you are all probably wondering what I can do to this community? Don't lie, you are reading just for that! Oh well, might save you some trouble. I can; Photoshop: In short, I can make art on a digital paper and skins ofcourse. Some examples can be viewed here; Sound and Voice: I love to voice act and do weird voices for fun, but also for serious business. So far, the only example you can find, is in this video; For people who don't like the sound quality, I have good news. I use a better microphone now and you will be hearing it soon in mods like JK4 and Doctor Who: WWI. Not only do I work with my voice, but I also like to make new sound effects on my computer. I use two programs for such effects, WavePad and Audacity. Website creating: I know this one isn't 100% true, and I will go and learn to do it propperly in the future, but for people who love flash... there ya go http://www.jedibetrayal.net.tc http://www.wix.com/jumansoft/bengusta I think that's enough for now. Go say your thingies.
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