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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. I am not quite a fan of some architecture designs from the prequels, but I can't hide I like how this map turns out so far. Would you consider in future to make something more like the empire style, maybe Death Star or something in those lines.
  2. What is the map from the screenshots of your personal model from the post of 9-th March?
  3. Are you kidding me?! Too much CGI, too much ripping off ESB and lack of imagination that's even worse than TFA!! Will see the final movie, but no big dreams now.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. GPChannel


      You are my man RJA :) THE FORCE IS WITH US

    3. Circa


      But its a teaser. Its not supposed to show much. It really didn't reveal much at all.

    4. dark_apprentice


      Just compare the 1st TFA trailer (gives the hipe) with the 1st TLJ trailer (just meh), also just saw the full trailer for EA Battlefront II 2017 much better trailer, hipe and the CGI effects are same level as in TLJ trailer. I will say no more.

  4. if you speak about deadpool, no. but give it a try and search the WIP forums there are many things in there that might be in your mind and want to request perhaps, who knows.
  5. That is a bit more of the one i have sent you @@The Punisher
  6. Check the forum before posting requests that are already released. Also just in case check the WIP pages, such as this one: https://jkhub.org/topic/6236-the-path-of-the-apprentice/page-24
  7. Nope, that costume I've missed on my pack. However I can provide you the permissions to use the extracted TFU2 or TFU-1 head of Starkiller as long as you provide credit to Ruxith too, since he managed to provide TFU2 head. Or just go ahead and use the TFU1 head released by both @@Seven and @@The Punisher
  8. The feeling, when you finally finish your debut album after 7 years and before you send it for some extra polish on the mixing and mastering you still want to add more instruments and parts on the final songs.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RJA


      I am the pianist and the singer, so I'm the one who always says "i'm not sure the voice is good in this one", but I know that too much perfectionism kill the game

    3. dark_apprentice


      True! But I just aim to make the best that I know and am capable of, since the debut album is like a CV for the musicians and in this case also producer, so I want to make it sell not only local, but at least in the near neighborhood countries (if not worldwide)

    4. RJA


      Name of your band ? :P

  9. @@Tompa9 You can try to weight the cape or even split it in two parts. However could you please change his body textures and use the version i tried to create on my own or just use Toshi's textures?
  10. It was a long time I wanted to do this for some personal fun. My favorite character, Twinsen (realistic version) from Little Big Adventure 2 (LBA2) i also enjoy LBA1 but prefer LBA2. Respective credits for all parts used are as follow: DT85 for his Maul model ; Lord of Hate for his Marka Ragnos model ; Spanki for his sith customization pack. Most of all a huge thanks for the permission provided by @@JoF_Vayne to use the ponytail hair part of his personal character. There are some small adjustments that need to be fixed on the robes and the medallion. [screenshot] [/screenshot]
  11. I could assist you, only if you manage to provide permissions from whatever you want to use.
  12. Intimidating, that's like a 2nd epic Vader scene just after the one of R1 can i just dress up as Vader and port myself in JKA and fanboy all over
  13. You can use my version of rogue one Vader using helmet and cape from force arena, chest box and belt from TFU Currently still with AM's textures but will need to change them or use the ones I updated as much as I could based on Toshi's textures.
  14. Nice I tries to put some Saruman gloves but they don't look cool also I will send you later today the model with 3 versions: 1.Hooded 2.Unhooded with horns from Savage, 3.unhooded without the horns Personally I don't like Chiss with horns even smaller like Maul
  15. Everyone calm down and stop spamming. I think we both cleared our points of view with AngelModder and even made a private quick chat. Now focus on something else like episode 8 when I get in touch with some members for some info I will shaw few new stuff.
  16. I don't judge anyone and don't aim to provoke. My point of view was stated above very clearly those who can understand it good, those who cannot understand also good. He made his state, I made my own that's all. I am providing what I am capable of for this game and other fans. Will aim for the future if I continue to spend time over new designs/characters to provide as much as possible credits, to all of the other members involved, if not – it would not be released, however only showed as a reference image/screen shot, to others if they get inspired to re-create it or even made better versions on their own.
  17. @@AngelModder first of all your textures are used every where on all variations of Vader in mods and what not. Second of all, with all the respect to you as Artist, you released some long time ago a good re-skin of Toshi Vader model and disappeared from the forum and when I personally tried to reach you couple of times you didn't replied because you have been offline there is an option that shows when one user is offline and for how long. As far as I know all of my kitbashes, frankensteins, ports and whatnot combinations, that are shared and released here on this wip or the jkhub download sections are credited and I do n-o-t claim anything that is not made by me to be mine!! Also, just so let you know. Not every single person on this forum is capable to make good textures/re-textures or even models, it is true that most of the latest threads in the WIP page are for kitbashes and ports, but as far as I can speak for my own page I am giving credits to those who are still active on the forum, the others that are not - are mentioned as so... and their work of art is not claimed by any means to be my own work! All of this models here on my page are created for every single person and fan of Star Wars and Jedi Academy game and are provided in order to make people happy and allow them to play with their favorite characters, since most of the original modellers/texture artists and so on are busy and don't take personal requests or requests that they find somehow not interesting or challenging for their skills and time. If you really want to keep your textures for yourself make the same thing HapSlash did, put a water mark on them. And as a friendly advise you need to calm down a little bit. And here is my personal version I just made few days ago, based on the original textures created thankfully to Toshi and his original Vader model using some own skills in Adobe Photoshop CS6. However again with this version. I DO NOT claim any ownership for the work!
  18. Go check: https://jkhub.org/topic/6236-the-path-of-the-apprentice/page-24
  19. It also have a remastered from 2015 or something like that but i love the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpBQ501FXbI
  20. Someone can't stop the loop option from his Rogue One DVD/Blu Ray
  21. Body is just hapslash's jedi robes from prequels the armor pad and helmet are not. I will send it sorry for my delay
  22. I got that one from KOTOR or some of those games not sure, but didn't manage to finish it I've only extracted the helmet but it's low quality even for Q3 Engine. Anyway if you need to take a look for some reference I can send it to you.
  23. Since you wanted a more movie accurate version and also there were some rumored behind the scenes/deleted scenes on the net and thankfully the original concept art that was used in the final cut of the movie was provided on a bit better resolution for reference. The head is original Toshi's Anakin/Vader head+texture.
  24. It's enough for a small update, need to finish 3 more versions of him. So far the version from Rebels Season 3 both realistic (thanks to the amazing artists at Force Arena) and Animated style (thanks to SW Pinball Rebels) and yes the missing gloves are intended to be so.
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