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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. I made a little video showing some rend2 (and possibly some bugs). Forgive my babbling at times. I have a cold, and don't even sound like myself Also I kind of went on a bit longer than needed, but have a look. Things that happen: -Black planes. -Random inverted normal map (?). -White saber marks. http://www.twitch.tv/journeytobootland/b/516155702
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JitOUDxGVig It actually made me speak "Wow" out loud, trying this in-game. All the problems caused by weird shading in the lightmap are now gone. The rotating box I was testing with receives light as it should when it rotates, and darkens on the sides not facing the sun. I really recommend to anyone trying _rshadows 0/_cshadows 0 on all entities in your map and testing it out with rend2. It's not the same as skipping the light compile of course, it maintains the good vibe and color but makes it compatible with rend2's sun. Great. On the other side, this obviously reduces compatibility with vanilla. But then again, rend2 performs 3x better on my map than vanilla seems to do. It wouldn't be much compatible in any case One hitch for now, using _rs 0 on my models, planes seem to be completely black. I only suppose that's what's causing it, but that's the only visual issue so far. Any ideas?
  3. Will anything else eventually prevent the lightmap from competing with rend2's light?
  4. If r_sunlightmode 2 is eventually going to disable the lightmap, how would it differ from what you see when not compiling the light in q3map2, but running rend2? Tried that just for curiosity, but didn't look good of course.
  5. Same problem in Modview? Could it be something wrong with the model? Flipped faces on the other side?
  6. Still have this issue. Anyway, would any of you be interested in sort of co-crafting this map with rend2 features? Will rend2 coders use it to test stuff? The purpose of the thread was to more or less make an ultimate rend2 testing map, for mappers/coders/whoever
  7. Haha ok. Is it a long way until dynamic lights work?
  8. Togglable lights are pretty interesting at the moment
  9. Actually I have a functional 8 sided water brush in my map, so that shouldn't be a limitation.
  10. Was hoping you'd join in on my super-well-setup project on dropbox In that case, you could tickle it until it looks good and edit the shaders etc, and just reupload it to dropbox. Otherwise, the md3 is in the mapobjects folder, and there's a .max file for max 2011 if you can use it. But you'll probably have to setup the exact same folder path in your base for the texture to show up. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gn21gh0vjwilpmf/VQ9UU2X-cR/models/map_objects/rend2map
  11. Actually what you see doesn't really correspond with the UV seams. They're hidden between the legs (yes, the UV seams) and on the back. It seems that changing the model's lightmapscale to something tiny like 0.025 makes it closer to how it should look. It wouldn't look right without bounce light though since it's totally black and not light grey, but that takes hours to compile By the way, the extreme highlights you see isn't specularity. It's there in vanilla too, and happens to many of my models... arr! I thought maybe some shadeangle specification and q3map_nonplanar would smooth it, but they don't work in the .mtr. Also the .shader seems to override what I have in my .mtr, not the other way around, so I can't let q3map2 smooth it for me, while keeping the normal map. All the files are available in the dropbox if anyone's interested in trying things out.
  12. So, anyone wants to help me make this look great in-game? @@DT85, @@Xycaleth? It's supposed to be shiny and smooth. It symbolizes carrying the old engine into a new world! I've made a normal map (for now at least) with a light Zbrush sculpt, which works. But the model looks like this in 3DS Max: And like this in-game, haha:
  13. I haven't yet made LODs. Confirmed that parallax works on models too (however is a big no-no on trees )
  14. While I can't say how it works, or if it's consistent, the map I'm working on gives me 40-50 fps on vanilla, and 160-180 fps-ish on rend2. I have many pine tree models, which probably help pulling down the fps in vanilla. I expected rend2 to be more fps intensive really, but in this case it was the other way around.
  15. Looks fabulous!
  16. Haha sorry, don't know how I missed that part of your question. I thought I was gonna show you my processor. Crazy days. My graphics card is Nvidia geforce GTS 250. The driver section of Caps Viewer says "R335.23 (r334_89-21) / (3-4-2014)".
  17. I'm not very up to date, so I'm using a NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250, 1 GB memory. Using 3DS Max, no issues as far as I can tell!
  18. Hey. I had an idea that I believe might work really well. I've set up a dropbox folder called "rend2map" (link here) where I've started just making a little outdoor area in a map using all self-made assets. I'm thinking that we could have this common place to run our tests, to be more efficient and consistent when making things work in rend2. Ultimately, this could be a map that will look very good when rend2 is finished, and it's good to have a place to put your ideas in context. I'd like anyone to change *anything* here, and make things look as stunning as possible. Build structures, insert models, change out textures or change things around. Some things in there, such as the water, is not looking good and should be fixed up! This would be a good opportunity to test for example cubemaps and specularity, and so when new things are made possible, people could easily test and learn how it's done by looking at the map files and shaders. In the dropbox, I've set up two batch files. If you set up the paths, you can be ready to test the map just after running the "copy to harddrive", and you can submit your changes back to dropbox by running the "Copy to dropbox" batch file. I'd really love to be in this sort of project. To sync it to your own dropbox, I'll need your email Anyone up for this?
  19. Boothand

    Nightlies Server

    Would love to see an OpenJK-ish project for jk2mp, although I believe it's not in the scope of OpenJK.
  20. Could you post a screenshot of you want to make?
  21. *Bump* Can CODradiant be used without having Cod 4 installed? I downloaded the mod tools, but it says it *might* not work on vista, which I currently have. So I don't know if my error is because I'm missing COD 4 or because of vista (mss32.dll missing). Also, finding very little information about q4radiant/quakeedit. Do you need quake 4 for it? Compatibility in these editors with GtkRadiant? Could brushwork be done in either editor and taken back and fourth without issues? Will entities come healthy back to GtkRadiant after visualization/brushwork done in COD-/Quake editor?
  22. Would it be possible to go back and forth between COD4 mod tools and GTKradiant without compatibility issues? I'd be interested in using it for brushwork, as I've even resorted to use 3DS Max for making what would otherwise break by using brushes, next time I re-open GTKradiant 1.6. But it's slow, and doubles the effort when also needing to make corresponding clip brushes in GTKradiant. You mentioned to hide unselected though, which can be done by inverting the selection (I) and hiding that.
  23. I was curious also if someone was *actually* using a different editor as well though. But fixed topic title. For example doing brushwork in an editor without bugs and compatible with GTKradiant's map format. Not sure if such exists, I only know there's a 3DS Max .map plugin. I tried it some time ago, but got really frustrated and stopped.
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