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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. I guess I'm just in denial of anything that is not Original Trilogy. Becoming a grandpa too fast... However, I can appreciate a good model
  2. As usual, no idea who this is - but I really like the texture work. It all looks so. Clean. Is this done from scratch?
  3. Any progress om Bespin Arena?
  4. http://jkhub.org/page/index.html/_/community-news/jk3files-shuts-down-r110 JKhub is the main site for Jedi Academy, for mods! Not all mods that were there are here, because they need to make contact and get permission with authors whose files they upload. But if you're missing something in particular you could post a thread, maybe someone knows about it.
  5. I personally liked the milder look of the glow, maybe somewhere in between those, but for me this just looks like different intensities?
  6. JK2 1.02, for acrobatic force duels, cool NF saber duels (youtube) or strafe-jump based high paced CTF
  7. I made one just as you requested, can re-make in any color theme.
  8. Just out of curiosity, a lightmap is still required for these to work? As always, great watching more progress! Love it.
  9. I'm really impressed with this initiative Looks really good overall. I've been hesitant to say this, but - one thing that negated all the positive emotions, was the sword fighting. As a sword fighting nerd, the lightsaber combat scenes were a little frightening. I know not everything is final, but in the high hopes that you might change it if enough people mention it, I just want to say that it doesn't look like any sort of martial art that exists (or should exist) anywhere, and I'm confident that any attempt at doing new animations yourself instead, would be guaranteed to be better than the ones from KOTOR. But thumbsup!!
  10. In Jk2 we have frequent training sessions with the nD clan and with lots of beginners. We're interested in having anyone who wants to be taught ^^. If you want to find us, take contact on the forums linked above, or look for us in game (version 1.02). If you get JK2mv (a very stable fix/mod) you will be able to see and join servers from 1.04, 1.03 and 1.02 from the same executable. I have some videos about saber-only gameplay (on a summer hiatus now), intended for both beginners and longtimers that may be useful: "A (not yet) complete guide to the lightsaber"
  11. If things look messed up after MD3 export from Blender - did you forget to triangulate before you exported (CTRL T)? For applying the shader, make sure that the path under 'md3shader' in Custom Properties (in Blender) is pointing to the path of your shader, not the texture you're using (although it might work if they have the same name). Example: md3shader models/map_objects/trees/nameOfShader Shader (file most likely located something like base/shaders/IrocJeffsMap.shader): models/map_objects/trees/nameOfShader { //content with stages pointing to your texures, with appropriate blending modes etc... }
  12. I think just follow the standard procedure of Mr Wonko's plugin. Set the custom properties to 'md3shader' 'path/to/texturesNoFileExtension' then 'Export md3' and put the file path of the md3 (with extension) in the md3 name field.
  13. Yeah, that's how I remember it.
  14. You don't need any special tga files with any sort of opacity settings or anything. The textures are only used by shaders. So you would apply a shader to a brush in GtkRadiant (for example a mud2grass shader on the ground between mud and grass), then encapsule each vertex that makes up that brush in those alpha blending brushes, specifying the opacity at that particular vertex.
  15. Most recent: Was made just to show some general gameplay + funny moments or small subtle things that makes you look twice. More edit savvy stuff before: (not very diverse.. but was quite fresh in 2012 ^^)
  16. In JKA: Seeing Szico's map with Chocobos, that you could ride on. Trying rend2 and working on maps/characters that would use it, dreaming of long single player journeys with animals as the lead characters. In JK2 1.02: Mapping when I was very young, feeling like this was the most important thing in the world, while listening to Larks Tongues in Aspic Part II by King Crimson (8-9 years ago). Having a "master", learning DBS (9-10 years ago). The long dream of playing as a chicken/duck, and trying 3DS Max for the first time on a car vacation to USA (about 9 years ago). Making a clan [underestimated Hilarious Monkeys] and having members (8-9 years ago). Discovering NF and cool saber mechanics (about 2 years ago). Learning code modding and started on a Mount&Blade-esque blocking system (few months ago).
  17. Sounds like a bug... what if you set it to start turned off, but used a target_activate on it when the level loads? It would appear to start turned on.
  18. Ooh, the moose. Indeed. I guess I just never found out enough about animations and vehicles to finish that. I hope I do that some time.
  19. I am going to make utters. And it's a humanoid cow!
  20. There has been a duck... and a horse. And, a shark... I am sorry that this is how I contribute to Star Wars. Because of that, I thought it would be time to steer more in the direction of some highly requested models for SW. No, just kidding. Cow Head (for Jedi Knight) by Boothand on Sketchfab
  21. 138 downloads

    Originally requested by Ëkvas, Boothand modelled a shark which was animated and brought into the game by DT85 in 2014. It usually stays stationary and kills if you if you go into it. By punching you. Somehow.
  22. Haha, maybe we should.. release this, @@DT85? It is after all a spawnable shark that can kill you. Doesn't seem to be working as a player model in MP, though. But it feels like one of those projects that sort of finished, even though the requester disappeared What do you say? Bloodshanks the shark, by Boothand and DT.
  23. Why don't you make that fix official? I had the unofficial thing too for this fix, but after reinstalling, I forgot where to find that and have had that problem.
  24. You can see bad normals in any mode. Actually here's a video that can help understand what normals are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3oCQEwtMLI
  25. He probably meant flipped normals on the polygons? The polygons we found on the inside are unrelated to that, but you could always make the normals consistent with CTRL N, in case you run into flipped normals. They are usually identified by being black or darker than usual.
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