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Posts posted by Jolly

  1. Hi everyone, I've been following this source port for Dark Forces called The Force Engine. It's not my project, but the person working on it has been making some significant progress and recently released a fully playable build that may interest some of you. Although there is still much to finish, the developer has actually managed to get classic Dark Forces mods working in his engine. You can download the most recent version on his website @ https://theforceengine.github.io/downloads.html


    Here is a video the dev recently put out for version 0.7:




  2. Proportions haven't been better on a Mando in Jedi Knight modding history I don't think  :winkthumb:  However, I think the textures look a little flat or dull? 

    Regardless of texture work, they look 100x better than the Manda models in MB2 ... 

  3. Hey everyone. 


    I've been thinking about making JKA Machinima's for fun again, but a lot has "happened" in the modding community since I last made any videos. Besides old stuff like NPCtool, are there any useful tools out there which could come in handy for creating single player Machinimas? Tools to control NPS's, control the camera fluently, and other tools of similar nature. 




















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