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Everything posted by Jedi_Mediator

  1. Wow really? Would you mind listing the exact keys/values for both entities when they were working like that? Going back to the original angles is fine for my purposes. I just need the object to be always visible, and only rotate under specific conditions (such as a button having been pressed).
  2. Is there any entity or script setup that would allow players to make a func_rotating start and stop rotating while in-game? For instance, one button makes the func_rotating stop rotating, and another button makes it start again. Or, with scripting and conditionals, one button could perform both functions. I tried targeting a trigger_multiple at a func_rotating, but when I used the trigger in-game, all it did was make the func_rotating disappear. The only way to make it reappear was to load the map. So it seems like directly targeting the entity is not the answer. If this is not possible, feel free to share alternate ways of achieving the same result. All I want is a rotating object that can be started and stopped at will.
  3. Whoa, that's awesome! Do you know of any tutorials for creating custom menus in JA? I looked on this site and Google and couldn't find anything obvious. I'm looking at the .menu files and honestly, I have no idea where to start. Not trying to hijack your thread--I just want to learn to do the stuff you can do!
  4. Seems to me the shader would be fine without that first stage. Feel free to persuade me if I'm wrong. I think you could probably use the same texture for that third stage. The "GL_ONE GL_ONE" is an additive blend function, which basically means that black = transparent. So all the bright parts of the texture would stand out and seem to glow, without blotting out the other details in the image that don't glow. If using the same texture doesn't work, it would be easy enough to copy the image, fill in the alpha channel with black, rename it to "yourmodel_glow" or something like that, and use that for the glow stage. Probably not necessary, though. Oh, and if you want the glow stage to use the game's Dynamic Glow feature, include a new line at the end of the stage that says "glow."
  5. It really depends on what texture you're using and the context you need to use it in. Can you show us the texture? Can you show us what parts need to glow? Can you specify what kind of transparency you want--is the whole thing going to be kind of translucent, or are there going to be certain sections that are completely transparent (like the holes in a vent or grate)? And do you need the texture to be affected by the lightmap?
  6. Can you be a little more specific? If by gfx you mean the images for the particle effects, they're in the gfx folder of assets0. If you're looking for the effects files themselves, they're in the effects folder of assets0.
  7. You could try something really drastic, like changing the shader to just one stage that displays $whiteimage. If the model doesn't show up glaringly white in-game, then you know your shader file is having no effect (for whatever reason). And obvious question--if you're in MP, is sv_pure set to 0?
  8. No worries! Looking forward to seeing what you're working on--maybe post a WIP sometime!
  9. This is probably a dumb question, since you have a history with modding, but...did you make sure to do a -meta compile before running the -light compile? The answer is probably yes, since it looks like it found the .bsp file okay, but I just wanted to make sure. If that's not the issue...I know that when I still used Windows 7, the OS would sometimes stick files created by Radiant into a "Virtual Store," calling them "compatibility files," and refusing to display them alongside normal files in the same folder. At first I thought it wasn't saving the map files at all, until I saw the button to view compatibility files and move them out of the Virtual Store. Could this be the issue?
  10. For a slightly faster way to see .shader changes take effect, use the cvar vid_restart. It reloads things like textures, shaders, effects, etc. without having to completely reload the map.
  11. Saw this thread for the first time today. This is awesome! Are you saying that you can create entirely new menus without doing any coding? How is this possible?
  12. 1. You can edit certain parameters of players and NPCs with a script, if you're making a map or have another way to run scripts in-game. BehavEd is used to make scripts. I believe there are also some .cfg files in the base assets that control starting health, starting shields, etc. depending on which difficulty the player chooses. I can't seem to find the .cfg files at the moment, but maybe someone else knows where they are. 4. Open up assets1.pk3 and go to ext_data/npcs. Open the "cultist.npc" file. Try switching around the "playerTeam" and "enemyTeam" fields. Other NPC tweaks and info can be found here (https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/146-the-basics-of-npc-files/) and here (https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/114-npc-classes-and-their-descriptions/). When you have questions about modding, the tutorial section here on the site can be a pretty good resource.
  13. Can you maybe post an image of the problem so we understand it better? Not sure what kind of quality loss you're talking about.
  14. If you look in the effects/saber directory of the base game's assets, you'll find some files called "blood_sparks." I believe those are what you're looking for. Try using Pakscape to make a new .pk3, create an effects/saber directory, and put those files in it. Then save the .pk3 with a name that comes alphabetically after the name of the Ultimateweapons .pk3 file (maybe ultimateweapons_basesparks.pk3). Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that .pk3's get loaded in alphabetical order. So if the saber spark .pk3 comes after Ultimateweapons alphabetically, it should override the effects you want.
  15. Not entirely sure, but I believe the radius is some kind of sphere shape, and I think the target_position is just for specifying the orientation of the effect itself. So I think the damage would occur at the fxrunner's origin, not at the target_position. I suggest experimenting to figure it out for sure.
  16. Simple question: How do I get misc_skyportal and global fog to both work at the same time? Right now, if I have a skyportal in my map and also have the global fog enabled, the skyportal doesn't even show up--it acts like it's completely covered in fog. Removing the "fog" key from my map makes the skyportal visible. But just last week, I was able to use the skyportal in my map without removing the fog. It looked exactly the way I wanted it to in-game. Since that no longer works, it seems that something must have changed, but I can't figure out what. Has anyone else managed to get skyportals to work with global fog? How did you do it? Is there a misc_skyportal tutorial somewhere that I could check for reference? EDIT: More weirdness--I booted up my old computer, which contains the map as it was several weeks ago, when the skyportal and fog were working fine together. I loaded the map, and sure enough, the fog and skyportal were both showing up perfectly. So I transferred the BSP, the textures, and the shader file to my new laptop, moved the newer versions to temporary folders, and loaded the old BSP. The skyportal was suddenly fogged over again. How does that make sense? EDIT #2: THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED...kind of. I was messing around with console commands, randomly turned off dynamic glow, and suddenly the skyportal became visible! Apparently, having dynamic glow activated causes the fog and skyportal to not work well together. Probably some kind of limitation with the engine. If anyone knows a workaround for the glow/fog/skyportal conflict, please let me know. Otherwise, this thread can be marked as "Answered."
  17. Okay, I thought I knew how to fix this issue, but apparently not. My skybox textures are appearing splotchy and grainy in-game. Here is one of the .jpg files used: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5h3mw7Vh5k4c2NGUC12bXNHRU0 As you can see, it's not the most perfect quality to begin with, but it's adequate for my needs. However, here is how it turns out in-game: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5h3mw7Vh5k4cy0yZ2dQd3E3a0U Note that this only occurs when I use my skybox images on a skybox. When I stretch a single panoramic skydome image over the map (also using a .jpg file), it looks just fine in-game: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5h3mw7Vh5k4WVdVVkNjbzlWWE0 Here is the shader I'm using for the skybox: //SKYBOX (splotchy) textures/skies/hazard1_sky { qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga skyparms textures/hazard/hazard 1024 - q3map_sunExt 1 0.57 0 350 -128 70 2 16 q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 0 160 surfaceparm sky surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nodlight surfaceparm nomarks notc nopicmip nomipmaps } //SKYDOME (looks normal) textures/hazard/skydome { q3map_nolightmap notc nopicmip nomipmaps { map textures/hazard/skydome } }
  18. Thanks for the responses, everyone! I have the new win 10 laptop and have most of my workflow back to normal. Of course, now I'm dealing with radiant 1.6 frustrations (no multi-vertex select, no number labels for 3-point clipping, etc.), but I guess there are trade offs in everything. It's at least nice to have the paint select function from 1.4 again, instead of the weird box select in 1.5.
  19. Thanks for the info! For those of you who had issues with radiant 1.5--are there compatibility settings available in win 10 that might remedy those issues? For instance, "disable visual themes" was the setting that allowed me to run 1.5 in win 7 without interface glitches. It basically turned off the windows aero effects for as long as the program was running.
  20. Is anyone here doing their modding on Windows 10? My current laptop is at the end of its life, and I know I'll need a new one soon, but I want to know what to expect before I transition away from Windows 7. Has anyone found compatibility issues between Windows 10 and any of the JK modding utilities, such as Radiant 1.5, q3map2, EffectsEd, BehavEd, Pakscape, etc.? Any issues with running the games themselves? If so, is there a way to work around those issues? It may be the end of my laptop, but I don't want it to be the end of my modding!
  21. I noticed that target_give is mentioned in the Radiant documentation, as a way to give players certain items when they spawn. I wonder if, for some reason, it only works when the player spawns, and not when they just walk into the trigger, or use it with the "use" button. The latter case is what I'm looking for, but that entity setup doesn't seem to do anything. Way back in 2003, it looks like Darth Arth had the same problem, but it appears that no solution was found: https://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?22333-target_give-in-MP For now, setting a trigger_multiple to target a weapon pickup directly seems to be a decent (but messy) workaround. It leaves a weapon pickup behind after it's used, but at least it gives the weapon to the player, even if they aren't standing where the pickup spawns. I'll try to make do with this method until a better way is found.
  22. Have you used this successfully in MP? Because that's exactly the setup I tried, and when I touched the trigger in-game, nothing happened at all. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what it would be.
  23. Is there any way in multiplayer to give a player a specific weapon when they trip a trigger? For example, the player presses a button on the wall, and they are immediately given a blaster rifle. I have tried using a target_give, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all. I have also tried using the script commands "set_item" and "set_weapon," but haven't gotten them to work, either. All ideas welcome!
  24. Okay...it took some tinkering, but it seems to finally be working. Apparently entity names are case-sensitive--it didn't work until I had "team_CTF_blueplayer," "team_CTF_bluespawn," etc., with the "CTF" in all caps. Weird. Thanks for the help!
  25. Thanks! That helped me figure out team-specific triggers. I now have a toggleable forcefield that frags red team but not blue team. Now I'm just wondering about team-specific spawn points. According to the Radiant documentation, the entities "team_ctf_blueplayer" and "team_ctf_redplayer" should work as blue and red spawn points in CTF. But when I start my map in CTF mode, I always spawn at the info_player_start in the middle of the map, regardless of which team I choose. It seems like the "team_" spawners don't work the way the manual says they should. Does anyone know the correct team spawn entities for CTF mode? The siege example map doesn't have them, since it's...well...siege.
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