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Everything posted by Jedi_Mediator

  1. 854 downloads

    This map depicts a post-apocalypse factory/refinery facility. It has been bombed only once, but multiple quadrants have gone up in flames since, due to the flammable nature of the primary mineral processed by virtually all the equipment throughout the refinery complex. Consequently, explosions will still erupt intermittently from areas that lead directly to the underground machinery, such as smokestacks and exhaust ports. The shipping quadrant is the playable quadrant, and is the outermost segment of the facility. It functions as a loading/unloading zone for the materials generated by the refinery work, but the landing pad was the target of the first bombing and in its place is a huge crater in the ground. This quadrant of the facility, then, has been abandoned and is basically unusable for anything besides storage. The extensive damage in the area has since been quarantined and disregarded. In fact, if you listen very closely, you can hear the machinery still autonomously straining into disrepair, just below the surface... In terms of visuals, this is a very dark environment with a moody, nighttime, stormy setting. The night is misty and smoke drifts by overhead from other parts of the burning facility; the high-powered spotlights illuminating the playable quadrant can be seen lighting up the shifting clouds of dust and fog. I've been able to use the great material from CGTextures to make very realistic surfaces and scenes, including the concrete enclosure, all the concrete walls, various grunge and detail maps, and, of course, that big beautiful crater. KNOWN "BUGS" - At least one area in the map where you can seem to walk on thin air, just slightly. I won't tell you where it is. - The sounds of either the burning smokestack or the huge exhaust inferno may not loop completely smoothly. You won't notice this one unless you pay REALLY close attention. - To be honest, the exhaut port inferno may not play any sound AT ALL. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I've given up on this one. - Maybe a few texture seam issues (including at least one really big "texture"). Most of them will be pretty hard to notice, so they shouldn't detract from any active gameplay. - While testing the map I have experienced some odd artifacts such as rapidly spinning flames, excessive smoke, and lightning in the sky (which isn't supposed to happen). These things usually occur right when you start the map; they shouldn't be a problem while playing. - There are just so many tiny places in this map that it's really hard to find and repair every single texture bug that might exist. If you work very, very hard, you may be able to find your way to some unknown region of my map where you will find odd/misplaced textures. - The huge fire in the exterior of the map has a tendency to kill you instantly, regardless of where you enter it. This was an unanticipated bug. - The botroutes aren't perfect. Bots in this map tend to like getting stuck under ramps and perhaps other places. - You can stand in the smokestacks. Not realistic, but if you don't want to experience this "bug," just...don't try it. Using Force jump will get you up into the seemingly endless interiors of the stacks, but nevertheless you will seem to be on solid ground. This bug is avodable! - The lightmaps aren't perfect. You may experience some strange or unrealistic- looking lighting here and there. It should be easy to ignore. - Since there were so many apparently irreparable lighting bugs around the base of the mountain, I didn't bother to go to the trouble of texture blending. - The ambient sounds may skip. I can't predict how this bug will play out on systems other than my own, but it's possible that because it's such a long sound track the game has to spend about a sixth of a second loading it back to the beginning. Endure this bug. It's a minor one. - There's no such thing as perfect clipping in a map this complex. If you try to exploit some advantages (like unintended higher ground or places others can't get to) in the map, you will either succeed or find yourself blocked/"slipping away" from your objective. But just to preserve the "good ol' fun-factor" of bug-exploitation, I've set up this map's boundaries so that such things are discouraged, but not made impossible.
  2. 100 downloads

    A small fiord during a foggy dawn. A nice, scenic place for a duel! ....or, *would* be. Bugs: There are several small bugs with the bots in my duel map. 1. The bots will sometimes get stuck in walls. 2. For some reason, after one round of playing with bots, the game seems to forget the botroute and they start to do their default jumping dance randomly around the level. Currently, I do not know how to fix this.
  3. 102 downloads

    Remember my rather...buggy Super Detonator mod? All THREE versions had XYZ "Missing Model" markers--or, as they were rather humorously named by all the wonderful commenters, "confetti." This is nothing like that. This new mod, called the Fragmentation Detonator, is the evolution of Super Detonator. It basically behaves almost exactly as a real fragmentation grenade would...except that, in real life, you probably couldn't see the tiny fragments, of which there would be millions, each travelling at supersonic speeds. Some features of Frag' Det's were not able to be incorporated into this mod simply because of the game's limitations (obviously, the Quake 3 engine could not even come close to showing a million tiny specks all at once), but I, along with GW_Mandalore, have found it to be quite realistic. Bugs: None so far. This mod SHOULD work on both JK2 and JKA. If it doesn't, contact me immediately.
  4. 45 downloads

    KABOOM! I just love to tinker with the Thermal Detonator, and here is the product of some tinkering. The explosion is MASSIVE, but unfortunately I was unable to widen any splash damage . Sorry about that. Check my screenies to get a prievew of the explosion.I have also included MeusH's great Blue Thermal Detonator mod for a cool shockwave effect and a great skin. Bugs: None so far, contact me if you find any or have any new ideas.
  5. 394 downloads

    A new take of my own design on Quake3 Arena Engine's relatively untapped Specular Lighting function has allowed me to create a bumpmapping effect for most of the weapons and a few characters. I believe the effect achieved is quite true to real bumpmapping--I hope you find that it enhances the game's graphics. Bugs: 1. The rodian's head, though meant to be shiny and glistening, is rather dull. I hope to fix this in later versions. 2. You may experience some flickering with the specular lighting when entering/leaving unlit areas in maps. This is mostly because of the way the Q3 engine uses specular lighting.
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