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Status Updates posted by afi

  1. So I finally saw Rogue One... I was very sceptical, especially because I didn't like Episode VII very much. But it's bloody amazing, maybe (I'm not kidding) the best SW-movie so far.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Pfft! The hype's talking.

    3. Onysfx


      Glad you liked it, but I thought it was even worse than EP7.

    4. JediBantha


      *Goes to see Ep. 7, watches a shitty version of Ep. 4*

  2. I should stop reading youtube comments... it makes me aggressive

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rooxon


      true. In cities, people are too near to one another and too closed into their 4 walls, which is why most of them wanna be *so* clever about everyone else. But people from smaller towns know how to be kind and welcoming. It's not always the same case and one must not throw everyone in the same trash bin, but hey... you can draw a line, if you connect the dots.

    3. Rooxon


      I wanna say that most of the people using internet to let out their aggresion must be... at least introverts. Cause doing that over the net is, well... childish? could be just me.

    4. Bek


      Well people tend to release their built-up stress on the internet, because they can't release it in the real world. This is done mainly because there's really no real consequence for doing such a thing. You just get criticism from other people on the net.

  3. Damn, Rogue One looks kinda neat

  4. Anyone want's a free Call of Juarez - Gunslinger key?

    1. Ping


      I heard it was good, but I am not 100% convinced that it's worth giving a shot (no pun intended). I think I will pass for now and make room for others who might want it.

    2. Bek


      I would love a key sir!

  5. Anyone wants a steam key for CIVIII, Pirates and XCom? (current Humble Bundle Tier 1 pack)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Syko


      I'd like a Pirates key if you still have it. Thanks.

    3. Bek


      Xcom please.

    4. Merek


      CIVIII please.

  6. Amnesia is currently for free on steam

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      Can you add a link to it?

    3. afi


      I think it might be already too late :/

    4. Bek
  7. What was this clone wars-themed singleplayer mod called where you had to fight against multiple waves of enemies

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. therfiles


      Survival Mod 2 is the bomb!

    3. Xycaleth


      That sounds very much like a mod I was planning to make a while ago :(

    4. minilogoguy18


      LOL, SM2 is REALLY old, has been out for a long time.

  8. What's the best and most stable GTKRadiant build for Win7? I'm currently going for 1.5

    1. NumberWan


      1.4 works just fine, but I use 1.5 for certain non-windows purposes.

    2. Circa


      I've been using 1.6 with no issues.

    3. afi


      I guess I'll try 1.6 since I'm getting some problems with 1.5

  9. Six hours for all missions on the highest difficulty... It's been 7 years since I've played the SP the last time but I don't remember Jedi Academy being that short...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Also, redsaurus implemented MP movement into JKE, maybe it would be worth making it an official OpenJK feature too.

    3. afi


      I played the SP a lot because I didn't have good internet until 2005.

      I think the SP would be way more fun with MP movement. Maybe even without strafe jumping (siege movement).

    4. redsaurus


      It's actually Raz0r's feature, I just copypasted it into JKE

  10. In Jedi Academy SP, is it possible to have slowmotion on death of enemy jedis and dodging of enemy jedis but not on death of normal enemies?

    1. Cerez


      I don't think so. I think it's either you have it or you don't on enemies. But I think you can set that it only plays on more prominent enemies.

    2. DrXann


      It might be hard coded to only be switched on and off.

    3. katanamaru


      Yeah that's what it is by default. Only saber wielding enemies and dodging sniper shots do the slowmo and pan shot.

  11. Holy shit the new Battlefront E3 trailer...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DT.
    3. Lamented
    4. Syko


      The gameplay looks awesome, it looks exactly like the original but with modern graphics! Can't wait to finally have a good modern Star Wars game for the first time since Republic Commando!

  12. Steam summer sale in a couple hours. I can't wait to give Lord Gaben all my money

    1. Smoo


      Already spent money on it damnn

    2. afi


      So far it's a bit disappointing

    3. Smoo


      CoD had a sale for once lol but yea wasnt much interesting, best was all deus ex games for $6

  13. Checked about 15 "populated "servers. Not one player, only bots. Are there actually still people playing?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Circa


      If you're looking for a simple base/OpenJK server, -[DE]- is a good choice. Though we've been on a small break lately, things will pick up again soon. If you add me on Steam I can let you know when we have a full server sometime if you're online. We FFA and have random TFFA's sometimes.

    3. Cerez


      Yeah, it's pretty vacant. There's always a free server to find nowadays. Which is good for catching up with friends, but I found it's rare to find a random FFA duel cluster (for example) these days... You gotta be lucky...

    4. Vulcan


      EFF server occasionally has a full server ;) Check at the weekend and monday. According to our logs that's when most people get on :P

  14. Fixing the mess on the wiki <_<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Well when we move to a different forum software, we'll probably move to a new wiki software as well. This is one reason I'm not too motivated to get it cleaned up myself. Also, it's very time consuming. Thanks for doing that though.

    3. afi


      Well as long you're not going to delete all old pages by moving to a new software it's worth it I guess

    4. Ping


      Also remember to move all the uploaded files there too. It's important for pictures and whatnot!

  15. Anyone knows some good graphic mods for System Shock 2?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Wystan


      and tell me please, how to use sweetfx

    3. afi


      I've used this preset: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/1841/

      And this is sweetfx: http://www.mediafire.com/download/55w1kcn99k4nths/Swfx_Injector_20130601.zip

      You have to put both into the folder with your ss2.exe. And you have to rename the preset to SweetFX_settings.txt. You probably should save the original settings.txt in case something goes wrong.

    4. Wystan


      Much thanks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Oh, I was implying that I could make you guys admin on the wiki. There a couple other members that already are, in order to help us out.

    3. afi


      Thanks but can you give balthor the admin rights instead of afinity? Cause thats the account im actually using after I lost my password a while ago

    4. Circa
  16. Someone wants KOTOR1?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Merek


      I'm with Hidden Bek, gimme gimme gimme! :P

    3. Ping



    4. Sentra


      @@Circa Would be very grateful for K2 :)

  17. Did anyone here try the c4 engine?

    1. Kessno


      I've tried it out a little bit. Not really a huge fan of the built-in editor. Everything that I've seen built using it seems to look outdated compared to other engines.

    2. DT.


      I tried cryengine 3, but didn't really like all the crap you had to do. Just felt inferior to the likes of UDK. UE4 though is very tricky for me, and thus I haven't really spent much time with it.

  18. Gothic II... it's hard to believe that this is the same engine/game (not my picture): http://imageshack.us/i/idw8crgKp

    1. DT.


      Really needs a new model format so people can make better models. The current tools are like for 3ds Max 3 lol

    2. Ping


      That's pretty interesting. I agree with DT85 though, holy smokes we need better models.

    3. Sentra


      Yeah, needs some body replacers like in Morrowind, because it should look more fresh.

  19. Is there a tool that displays the buttons that are currently getting pressed as an overlay on the screen?

  20. Interesting how Hellraid reminded me of Call of Juarez from the first minute. Now I know that Hellraid uses Chrome Engine 6, CoJ Chrome Engine 3. Still, I'm unsure what exactlly made me think of CoJ

  21. Quake Live is on steam now. One of the first questions on the steam forums: "How can I enable the gamepad?"

  22. Risen, one of the best RPGs of all time imo after Gothic is currently on 2€ on steam

    1. Ping


      Of course, same devs. I absolutely adore Gothic, so I might give this a go.

    2. Sithani


      The first Risen definitely has a Gothic feeling

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