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Everything posted by GamingPrince83

  1. If it's the velocity of the throw you have to edit the code. If your using Visual Studio just edit this in wp_saber.cpp if ( self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABERTHROW] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 || self->client->ps.saberEntityState == SES_RETURNING || VectorCompare( saber->s.pos.trDelta, vec3_origin ) ) {//control if it's returning or just starting float saberSpeed = 500;//FIXME: based on force level? // Edit, saberSpeed = 500 // change the 500 to what ever number you want. float dist; gentity_t *enemy = NULL; AngleVectors( fwdangles, forward, NULL, NULL ); You can also search for "saberSpeed" it will give you everything speed related.
  2. I'd like to add healthbars on npcs when you point the cursor of them. There is a cheat called Cg_Debughealthbars, but it adds healthbars to all npcs, i'd like something similar. Any help will be appreciated.
  3. Just overwrite it like in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIUdiNZqPlo
  4. You cannot use a Hex editor like a Word Document you have to replace every word letter for letter, if you delete one letter the whole file will become useless.
  5. Open the model.glm of your playermodel with a hex editor, right at the top you should see "model/players/_humanoid/_humanoid" thats the path to your models animation folder. If you want to use starkillers animations you should change it to "models/players/_humanoid_galen/_humanoid", i think thats the path for starkillers animations in Movie Duels 2. If you need more help just reply. :-)
  6. This! It's in Weapon.h // Bryar Pistol //-------- #define BRYAR_PISTOL_VEL 1800 <----------------- this #define BRYAR_PISTOL_DAMAGE 14 #define BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bryar charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in bg_pmove // E11 Blaster //--------- #define BLASTER_MAIN_SPREAD 0.5f #define BLASTER_ALT_SPREAD 1.5f #define BLASTER_NPC_SPREAD 0.5f #define BLASTER_VELOCITY 2300 <------------------- this #define BLASTER_NPC_VEL_CUT 0.5f #define BLASTER_NPC_HARD_VEL_CUT 0.7f #define BLASTER_DAMAGE 20 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 6 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 12 // 14 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 16 // 18 This is from the Jedi Academy Enhanced SP code.
  7. It tried it and had the same problem, so i created a mod folder and it solved the problem. So i guess you have to create a mod folder in Gamedata and put your .pk3 in there.
  8. I just did some code editing to make the Jedi Npcs use some of the old JK2 moves more often, like Jump flip attack, Lunge and jump forward attack. This is what i did in bg_panimate.cpp //----------------------------------- Old JK2 Moves if (enemyDist > !Q_irand(128, 200) && pm->gent && pm->gent->client && (pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_COMMANDER) && !Q_irand(0, 2)) { autoMove = PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove(); } else if (enemyDist > !Q_irand(256, 300) && pm->gent && pm->gent->client && (pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT || pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_CAPTAIN) && !Q_irand(0, 2)) { autoMove = PM_SaberJumpForwardAttackMove(); } else if (enemyDist > !Q_irand(128, 200) && pm->gent && pm->gent->client && (pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_JG || pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_COMM || pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_COMMANDER || pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_CAPTAIN) && !Q_irand(0, 2)) { autoMove = PM_SaberLungeAttackMove(qtrue); } I'm still working on it, the game crashes sometimes when i use the player, but with npcs it's ok.
  9. The Jedi use acrobatic movements more often in JK2, but no problem i've found a solution myself.
  10. Your file is 32bit, convert it to 16bit. I used Audacity to do it.
  11. I mean i'd like to have certain NPCs fight light the Jedi in JKII, i think it can only be done by coding.
  12. I noticed. You could edit the Pitch of the other people since his voice is deeper than the others.
  13. I've done this before by editing the code, i removed yellow and orange from the "random" list. It should be possible to add red to the list.
  14. Is there a way to editi the Jedi Academy Saber wielders AI to match the AI in Jedi Outcast especially the Reborn and Tavion AI. In JK2 each Reborn for grunt to Boss had a unique way of fighting, especially Tavion and the Reborn Acrobat, both used acrobats a lot which made the Battles very exciting and dangerous. Has anybody tried this before and if yes could you help me out?
  15. Scratch this, i've set each Force Wielding Class NPC to use their own unique Saber sounds and the Player also uses his own sounds.
  16. Hello i'm trying to give Saber wielding NPC different saberswing sounds by rank and give the player the default saberswings sounds. This is the code it edited! //-----------------------------if (ent->NPC && ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY && (ent->NPC->rank == RANK_CIVILIAN || ent->NPC->rank == RANK_ENSIGN)){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/ltsaberswing0%d.wav", index));}if (ent->NPC && ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY && (ent->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || ent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_JG)){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/wep_ls_swingViolent_0%d.wav", index));}if (ent->NPC && ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY && (ent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT || ent->NPC->rank == RANK_COMMANDER)){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/wep_DarthMaul_Swing%d.wav", index));}if (ent->NPC && ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY && (ent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_COMM || ent->NPC->rank == RANK_CAPTAIN)){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/wep_Lightsaber_free0%d.wav", index));}else if (ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_NEUTRAL){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/swluke%d.wav", index));}else if (ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_FREE){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/wep_Lightsaber_free0%d.wav", index));}else if (ent->client){G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, va("sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav", index)); This is supposed to give the player the default saberswing sounds, which works, but it mixes the sabersounds with the ones the NPCs are using!} The goal is to make the player use the default Saberhup1-9 mp3s while the NPCs use different sounds by RANK.Any help would be appreciated!
  17. I don't if this idea is new? I play a lot of Flight Sims and they have a replay function, you can replay your mission and even change the camera? It would be great to play the SP levels and watch them from a different angle.
  18. You need this Mod to use SFX Sabers. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2550-jedi-academy-enhanced/ Or Serenity Saber System Mod but that changes the entire Lightsaber Combat in the game.
  19. I have a suggestion to make, if you noticed in the Movies Darkside and Lightside user always have different saber sounds. That could give the duels a more cinematic experience!
  20. This is an Example of what i edited in the SP code, but it doesn't make the NPC tougher or anything. //===AI STATS=====================================================================if ( !parsingPlayer ){// aggressionif ( !Q_stricmp( token, "aggression" ) ) {if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) {SkipRestOfLine( &p );continue;}if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { ---------------------------- I changed the normal value which is 1-5, to 1-9.gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName );continue;}if ( NPC->NPC ){stats->aggression = n;}continue;}
  21. Hello, i have a question regarding NPC stats (aggression, move, aim, evasion, reactions and intelligence), as for now you can set them in the .npc file between 1-5, i'd like to edit the code to increase them to maybe 1-20 to make an Npc more dangerous. Can you help me with this?
  22. Use the search function in Visual studio! :-)
  23. I believe you'd have to open the animations.cfg file and replace all the animations for the red and yellow stance, including the idle animations for the yellow stance.
  24. You can do it yourself. Open the EXT_DATA/Weapons.dat. Look for the Weapon like this: // WP_BRYAR_PISTOL{weapontype WP_BRYAR_PISTOLweaponclass weapon_bryar_pistolweaponmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3worldmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol_w.glmweaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_briarmissileFuncName bryar_funcaltmissileFuncName bryar_alt_funcammotype 2ammolowcount 15energypershot 1 <-----------Change this to 0 and the weapon won't waste any Ammofiretime 400range 8192altenergypershot 1<-----------Change this to 0 and the weapon won't waste any Ammoaltfiretime 400altrange 8192muzzleEffect bryar/muzzle_flashaltmuzzleEffect bryar/altmuzzle_flashaltchargesound sound/weapons/bryar/altcharge.wavaltchargeforce fffx/weapons/bryar/altchargeselectSound sound/weapons/bryar/select.wavselectforce fffx/weapons/bryar/select}
  25. Here, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6SaMP7rZgg9NGxzN0lWTU5CMkk
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