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Everything posted by MUG

  1. These two phrases. They do not add up. Good day.
  2. actually its officially listed as the first series of "Doctor Who 2005". (my bad was typing 2003 rather than 5 earlier.)
  3. that would be why i specified 2003.
  4. you deserve death. Quickly, go find series 1 2005. somewhere
  5. Jelly is the american name for jam. they are one and the same. Unles you mean english jelly, which is this guy:
  6. Really, it is a matter of preference. Different people swear by different versions. If you are following my mapping tutorials, I recommend you use 1.3.12 so that everything is in the same place. I prefer that version as i find on my pc it is the most stable, and mainly, its just what I am used to. Your best bet is to have a play with the different versions once you know the basic functions of radiant, so you know which works best for you.
  7. It costs five kilograms of jam to call out a waiter, but yes.
  8. doesn't work for me...
  9. @@Drako my intention was to work out who was paying what, and then I would order it. Once I have proven that I have got it, I would get you to paypal me, and would then give you all the control panel details.
  10. hmmm, finding? what mean you? Also just FYI, there is the possibility of caelum getting his hands on a server, so this may not happen, but prolly still will. I'll get back to y'all in a day or two. Pretty sure there is no such thing as Hydroball II, however I have made a few hydroball maps, and we were going to be hosting hydroball games.
  11. that IS cleaned
  12. I suspect you have to view the page source.
  13. Please stop, it's so beautiful it makes me never want to attempt to make a map again.
  14. this is the option i tend to take xD
  15. I assume you were using imgur? if so, add "i." to the start of the url and add the image extension to the end. ie change http://imgur.com/yJXfj to http://i.imgur.com/yJXfj.jpg I got the same error via this mistake before, you are probably linking to the imgur web page rather than the actual image.
  16. fun fun fun xD take it that client of yours is doing well on the paying up front then?
  17. So, I'm just going to bump this and @ a some people who said they were interested at various stages: @@Malkav @@Drako @@Caelum No pressure, I just want to know if any of you are still interested or not so I can work out which size of server I can afford.
  18. Geddit? Full of them you say? I think not. This is mine after a clean up >.>:
  19. Looking very awesome. Semi related question: did you make your own textures for this? Or do you use existing ones/modify existing images?
  20. fair nuff =P but just FYI, I like them BECAUSE they are boring. You don't want to have a huge list of skins in your profile screen all with the same matching background and then just one fucker with the giant flashing multicoloured background, if you get where I am coming from. I like mods to "fit in".
  21. Looks good, but personally I loath any icon that doesn't have this BG: http://jkhub.org/files/file/16-blank-icon-images/
  22. Consider it done.
  23. Going to be ordering this server as discussed previously: http://jkhub.org/topic/676-what-events-maps-etc-would-you-like-to-see-on-the-community-server-im-arranging/ I'm hoping that people will help pay for it so we can keep it running more than a month and get it at that size. If you are interested in putting some money towards it and sharing ownership and control of the server, either PM me or reply here and let me know how much money you are willing to put towards it. Once I know that we can afford it between us, I will order it and get you to paypal me whatever we arrange once I have it running to prove that I'm not ripping you guys off =P. Thanks guys.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJVsUQCPKWw
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