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  1. Thank you for your comment! And sorry for my very late reply, since I haven't been doing modding for a long time. You probably lost interest in finding out the answer but I'd like to recall it out of nostalgia haha! If I remember correctly, I edited the force lightning effects setting script. It looked like codes with numbers and commands and stuff. And I figured out the system by changing those codes and test the result in game, over and over. And the color part was like RBG setting with numbers I think, like : Red 120, Blue 50, Green 0, that kind of stuff. Long story.. It's amazing that people still play and love this game! I am still waiting for seaquals!
  2. It’d be totally awesome to change the lighting function to fit each effects in this mod which are after all just some visual effects. Though it’d require some serious programming job I bet. I remember when I was making this mod, I opened the lightning effect script files with document editing tool and tried to puzzle out those parameters by changing the numbers and swap the lightning skin picture with something like fire flame or snowflake and then run the game and see how it looks and then just test & test & fix & fix. It's like decoding thing and lots of headaches but it was fun the see the results. I’d only imagine it’d be a lots more headaches to change the whole lightning system though. But totally root for it!
  3. Thanks I'll check that mod on Youtube. And don't forget The Elder Scrolls series ?
  4. I have to play Mount & Blade someday ?
  5. I’m glad you liked it !
  6. tobe_one


    Fixed the download link. Thanks to the staff
  7. Fixed the download link. Thanks to the staff
  8. tobe_one


    Fixed the download link. Thanks to the staff
  9. Someone made a fun video with this mod
  10. Someone made a fun video with this mod
  11. Neo Dark Ages Trailer
  12. Neo Dark Ages Trailer
  13. Maybe you have too many NPC file in your game? Try to clean up all the mods you installed.
  14. Thanks man!
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