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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. Definitely. I can kinda port the achievement code from GSA since it works pretty well already (minus saving) and probably convince Cael to do some kind of site integration. I don't know how much PHP he knows though (http://jkhub.org/achievement.php?achieve=<id>, with user/pass sent through POST would do the trick) Definitely. I can kinda port the achievement code from GSA since it works pretty well already (minus saving) and probably convince Cael to do some kind of site integration. I don't know how much PHP he knows though (http://jkhub.org/achievement.php?achieve=<id>, with user/pass sent through POST would do the trick)
  2. Either way, we really need some kind of JKH API made up (Achievements, ingame chat, profile integration, that kind of thing). That would be slick as hell.
  3. I lol'd so hard. Anyway, yeah I forgot that SpioR did improve on the code for JAIRC. It would be nice to have some site integration with that too. All in favor of JKH IRC?
  4. Not really. Not everyone is on IRC 24/7, so..
  5. No problem. If you have any more coding issues such as compiling problems and whatnot, feel free to check out that IRC channel I mentioned.
  6. I'm assuming you mean the Debug setup? All you need to do is right click your UI project (in the (usually left hand) panel titled solution explorer), and go to the properties for the project, with something similar to this: (My window may look slightly different, I'm running VS 2008 Express Edition) Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jamp.exe (or similar path to jamp.exe) Command Arguments +set fs_cdpath "C:\progra~2\LucasArts\starwa~1\GameData" +set fs_game "modbase" +set viewlog 1 Parts in italicized text will vary based on what your setup is. Generally, the JAC version of the SDK uses "modbase". Working Directory ../.. Ignore what I wrote in mine above, that uses JKG's settings instead of the JACoders SDK Now, all you have to do is hit OK, right click on your UI project again, and click on Set as Start-Up Project. Next, all you have to do is hit the debug button (green arrow) to launch the game and be able to edit the code on the fly while the game is running. This is known as debugging for Visual Studio, and carries a LOT of useful purposes that you'll discover later on. As for programming sites, I would recommend just looking through some of the easier sections of code first. Right Click > Go To Definition, Go To Declaration, and Find All References are your best friends. player_die is a good function to look at. It's what gets called whenever someone dies. Also, the drawing code in cg_draw.c is pretty straightforward. It's just a bunch of function calls to draw stuff like ammo and whatnot on the HUD. For learning basic C syntax though, I recommend CProgramming.com. Coding will take you quite a while to learn though, so don't get too frustrated. I recommend you chill over at #JACoders irc on ArloriaNet sometime. Somebody is bound to be there to help you.
  7. JKH can have in site IRC, at least using Tiramisu on Arloria (a lot of coders, JKG devs and others are already daily regulars of that network) and IRC can be connected to while ingame (iirc @Raz0r was going to have an IRC plugin in JA++ and I'm trying to convince MB2 to adopt IRC ingame as well)
  8. I doubt some of those would be very easy to "skin" on to a lot of the existing models or do quite well without a new model (Raynor, Warfield, and Tychus could all be done on one Marine model. although rigging Rassagal, Tassadar, Zeratul, Queen of Blades, etc will be interesting) Oh, and you should post references. I'm not totally up to date on my Starcraft knowledge I think (Kachinsky is the merc vendor I think, but who is Graven Hill again? I forget) and I know some people aren't as well versed in Starcraft as I am. Not to say that I wouldn't want to see SC models though (pff. SC > ME imo, both in gameplay and in lesser respects the story)
  9. JKH IRC channel, anyone?
  10. /me suggests this gets moved to art and technology
  11. If I may offer a suggestion, why not have kickball type captains? (Two people are chosen at random to be captain and pick their teams)
  12. Yup. He also made HAPPYLAND, MYSTERY, Hydroball, and a few other notable mini mods..
  13. Maybe. We'll see. Again, a lot of this depends on how much time I have with JKG (ogod desk going to be filled with bug reports at launch I bet..)
  14. There's not much I can do about that. The limit could possibly be raised in engine, but as far as full fledged replacements go, that would be tough.
  15. You can't change out PK3s ingame. The PK3s get loaded whenever a map gets loaded (you'd have to do a vid_restart for this, and the cvar unlocker would do the same thing...just make a script that goes "set fs_game "blah";vid_restart" and it should work.) I don't know why you would want to change them out ingame anyway. That's just me.
  16. There's literally dozens of UI and test cvars which aren't shown by the game due to them being hardcoded as ROM. The engine interface already makes it easy to add new cvars on the fly. I don't know any way which this would work out, save for some really weird file formatting. All of the JK2 scripts are targetted at "kyle" instead of "player", and therefore most of the scripts in JK2 don't work. Actually, the NPC type wasn't bugged, Raven just moronically left the NPC entity blank for no reason (it's okay anyway, it's just another simple NPC entity with nothing really fancy added to it. more of a macro than an actual entity) JK2 has more waypoint entities than JKA does..for some reason. Force power modding would have to be tailored to the actual change (force repulse? sure.) or completely rescripted in their entirety in order to be remotely usable by the modder. Not very cost effective I'm afraid. As for the HUD, that is a possibility, yes. I tried to get the JK2 beeper thing for the datapad working again and all the objectives to be working properly but the HUD code just doesn't like me. There was a fun little comment in the code for the datapad though, and it kinda made sense why they got rid of it. As for other HUD stuff, we'll see. It will most likely rely on how much scripting stuff I can put into the game.
  17. The whole Break media network (read: not just Filefront) is down at the moment, so that's probably why it's not being shown correctly.
  18. I see no real danger from JKA servers. The worst you can do is create a virtual botnet of JKA players (this happened very recently in MB2 if I'm not mistaken). As for viruses and keyloggers and things of that nature, you don't really have anything to fear by simply connecting to a server (unless you have like..say Kotf on your computer, or another trashware mod such as that that compromises your system)
  19. It's a set of plugins that you download and ship with your mod. Or, you can make your own custom plugins and submit them (hardcore reverse engineering experience required atm). Making Lua in SP is not a bad idea for a plugin though.
  20. I'd need a pretty sizeable opinion on the matter before I can set such a project in stone (although the core system is done, a lot of the plugins and the SDK is not)
  21. that's a conditional, not an assignment. You need to look for stuff like this: ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_SABER ); and client->ps.weapon = WP_SABER; Also, you can just save the .c file and compile the VM using the MakeAMod.txt readme file.
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