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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. As long as your hit detection code isn't nearly as derp as MB2 (8 similtaneous hits in same map = 9th collision never happens, hits rely on oft-inaccurate hit box data, et al). That said, I think the droid classes in MB2 probably should have been combined into a megaclass, since they're quite novelty in all reality I've found. I do think that there is some room for improvement with semi open mode as well.


    But I hope your team situation pans out a lot better, and I hope you aren't silently knocked out of your team for someone else throwing a fit. As everyone knows, if you're going to kick someone out for someone throwing a temper tantrum, you should probably talk within your team to let them know that they're gone. Probably doesn't hurt to make sure their Mercurial account isn't still running after two weeks or so either. Oh, and by the way, just a tip, if you're making MB3 cross-platform, best to release a launcher for it under Qt, not C#, as that probably, you know, makes a lick of sense.


    Oh, should stop derailing my thread with pointless banter as well.

    My gripe isn't with modellers, it's with angsty programmers that have an overly cautious attitude with the code, and treat their community badly. I think I've sufficiently made my gripes clear though, so no need to pinpoint which MB team members set me off

    @@Jango40: try turning off or down the SSAO or DOF settings. Those are fairly intensive.

    Astral Serpent likes this
  2. Humbug. JKA is hardware-based (it uses OpenGL after all), the only problem is that it only uses the fixed function pipeline, which makes it much slower than a (gpu) shader based approach.

    That was more or less my point. It uses accelerated hardware and all, but it does nearly all of its actual stuff on the CPU instead of the GPU.


    lol bs. Leaved all of JKA but Siege since I started playing it in 2009.

    Sounds like you missed it when it was actually good (B18 et al)

  3. Sure. Become a doctorate in software engineering, graphics engineering and computer science, and get back to me on that. Bumpmapping (a strictly hardware-based, or vertex shader-based effect) on a software-based renderer like JKA (which we've only just managed to get..OK-looking fragment shaders through hacks) is based off of is not going to work.

    I'm sure someone is going to shout "but XREAL!!!" after i say this, and let me repeat: JKA is a software-based renderer, XreaL is a modified Quake3 engine which runs off of the GPU. XreaL had to modify the entire engine (no joke), which simply isn't possible in JKA due to a) ghoul2 b) efx unless someone rewrites those to work on a more modular engine design.


    In theory, one could proxy the main scene render and write their own renderer on top of it, but..why? Frankly, the engine renders graphics decently enough. People should be focusing more on making interesting gameplay, not purrdy graphics, IMO :mellow:

    therfiles likes this
  4. Well, not if it comes to the big wikis (aka wikipedia) where most entries get deleted when they are not important enough. And I think it would be stupid if everyone would enter his own name and write about his personal history D:

    Don't see what the problem is. In fact having a bit of history isn't a bad thing, as there really are people who have never heard of Tobe or Plasma or Pande. As far as random people are concerned, again, there is no issue. If people don't have their wiki pages read, well, that's their own problem, as MUG said.

    Care to elaborate? Also, why haven't you made the wiki yet dammut

    therfiles likes this
  5. Frankly, I'd prefer using a HDD over an SSD any day of the week. Sure, the performance is better, but I'd like to be able to store as much crap as I want on my drive. The data loss issues of an SSD are not something I can afford to deal with either, so it really just comes down to whether you prefer speed over stability/size. HDD is also cheaper, so it really just kinda seals the deal for me. Though I'm sure that with time, the only thing that you'll be comparing to between SSD and HDD is stability/speed.

  6. One thing that irks me: the area around the N7 logo is a bit blurry, so the logo isn't quite as crisp as it should be. That, and the big black bolt on the scope are the only two flaws I see so far. I'd honestly say though that given the size of the object you're UV mapping for, there's no real harm in upping the texture resolution to 1024x1024, since the model has to be rendered in first person as well, and LODs (or lack thereof, rather) will be the majority of the FPS draw.

  7. Tutorials don't need to be part of the wiki at all.

    The way I see it, they're two different kinds of information. Wiki information is like information about nouns, they tell you information about something such as a clan, a mod, Ghoul2 format, a particular code function, or a major event. Tutorials are verb information, they teach how to do things. So they don't really belong together at all.

  8. The lines in the original movies were arguably well done. They were simplistic enough and not too caught up in corny technobabble to keep me confused. I think the only really irritating issue I had with the original movie was the line about the Kessel run, which was a rather cheese line by Luke if I do say so myself, but yeah, for the most part the lines were fairly serviceable, if not well done in some situations.

  9. If they base if off of the books/comics and don't stray away from what is already laid out as the story that goes past the movies it might be good. They're gonna have to do one hell of a job on look a likes since the original cast is far too old to relive thier roles.


    Maybe we'll get to see Kyle and Jan in the future? As long as they forget the horrid part of the DF series: Jedi Academy.


    Books are totally fucked up, they should just ditch the whole Yuuzhan-Vong thing and focus more on Luke creating the Academy. That does pave the way for Kyle becoming a character, as you'll note there is a pretty considerable gap between both DF1 and DF2, and DF2 to JK2. Though, if the acting is as bad as JK1 (okay seriously, you have to be on acid to believe that the acting in JK1's cutscenes are good by any degree, "Jan! What a pleasant surprise!" is cringe-worthy), and the story is as bad as JA, no thanks. Though if they do things about as good as DF1/JK2 in terms of both dialogue (JK1 has some genuinely good dialogue in it, don't get me wrong, it's just not as well-acted) and general story, it should be good.


    I think we're fairly certain that the special effects will just continually get better. The actors getting old are not a problem, there's always the tech in Tron and the fact that the original Lucas vision had the actors at about the age they are now as part of the films.

  10. include mods as well, with a master list to all of them, so that each one has a detailed documentation to them

    that way, people can read more about the mods, with a mostly objective opinion about them and develop their own ideas, similar to how Wikipedia works, with a "reception" category explaining how mods have been received everywhere.

    the links category I think doesn't have enough description to the mods, and it really doesn't give you any sort of idea about the mod at all. if we put a KOTF link on there, people would think "wow, this is a really cool mod! i should get this!" without realizing the facts. objective viewpoints i think have a large potential in the mod community


    that's also not to include the clans and stuff that people will find out about, and explore the deep history within the clans of JKA

    Key and Fighter like this
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