So...I was having a bit of difficulty earlier with FRAPS recording the motion blur. If someone wants to give it a shot later, that would be great (I'm not 100% sure I pushed the code for the working motion blur though) It's not that bad at all, it's actually pretty barely noticeable with a high enough sample rate (like 10 or so). There's virtually no FPS hit incurred by the motion blur also (as far as I can tell anyway, even with 100 samples it didn't put me lower than ~133 FPS on ffa3). Do note that this uses a completely different method than what QEffects Pro uses (QEffects Pro uses accumulation buffer method, which isn't really used ever because it looks low quality). This uses a camera blur method, similar to what Half Life 2: Episode 2 uses. I will also be adding a per-object motion blur method, which is similar to what CryENGINE uses. Both will be controlled by r_motionblur (probably 1 for camera blur, 2 for per-object). I also want to add cvars for number of samples, velocity multiplier, and depth threshold (anything below it doesn't get blurred, by default this is 0.2 so viewmodel/first person weapon doesn't get blurred)