@@DT85: ok, latest commit will fix the skin for sure -- I have the skin working ingame and will provide a screenie in a moment or two. note that there will be a floating X/Y/Z axis somewhere in view, this is just for my purposes while I'm figuring out a fix for muzzle position issue. Also, your JSON that you provided me didn't have a SkinFile setting in it. Here is what I wound up using:
"SkinFile": "models/weapons2/ak74/model_default.skin",
EDIT: and fixed the muzzle flashes too: note that the EFX is just sliiiiightly off, this is not due to a code or model error, rather the EFX segments themselves are slightly offset in the file, you might adjust your tag positions to compensate for this (maybe take a look at the stock MD3s and see how far away from the barrel the tag_flashes are)