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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. It might be easier to use a func_train depending on how your conveyer belt is laid out.
  2. Hot. also, hi.
  3. I'm confused, why is the Earth visible? Columbia wasn't that high up.
  4. You can also use a post-processing effect to render (better and more accurate) lens flares.
  5. Make sure you're copying the viewangles correctly and applying the axis correctly. That's the only thing I can think of off the bat.
  6. /screenshot something.png /screenshot somethingelse.tga I think there might be /screenshotPNG and /screenshotTGA (?) commands
  7. Depends on how far back you mean by 'new', but I would classify CS:GO, BioShock: Infinite, Quake Live and the remake of Rise of the Triad to be good. I didn't say it was great at all? I just said that your argument is silly (especially since you more or less said that all new FPSes suck without any evidence of why). Although I will admit, based on what people have been saying about the previews, it sounds like a pretty good FPS. You're entitled to your opinion however. EDIT: Also, you can't very well call any game 'good' while being objective. It's physically impossible.
  8. reread
  9. Hmm, I can't quite see that image. When you mean print a message, what do you mean exactly?
  10. That's more Australian than British, I think.
  11. pics or it didn't happen
  12. Everyone has their own tastes, I suppose.
  13. You don't.The HUD (and all other objects onscreen) are rendered on a 640x480 screen, which is then up-scaled to the screen. If the screen is 1440x900 for instance, you just need to multiply the positions of stuff onscreen by a ratio. This conversely makes stuff onscreen smaller because obviously 640x480 is smaller than 1440x900. The problem arises with menus, because..well...menus aren't able to apply said ratio because of the way the .menu format works.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1qLAygsgL8 not sure how many people know of this band, they're pretty awesome and have a lot of social commentary. the CD versions of their songs are much, much higher quality than what's on youtube currently.
  15. Why would we ever force JA to run in 16:9.. Also, again, that's up to OpenJK devs, I don't really have a definitive say-so when it comes to new features like that. But yes, I will be attempting to make the HUD automatically correct itself for your aspect ratio.
  16. Also, it's worth mentioning that I've already fixed a few things in the HUD anyway atm (crosshair I believe, which is properly resized and not too small)
  17. I have the source code for JK2:HD on my repo: http://github.com/eezstreet/OpenJK. (branch: jk2hd) If you want to submit a pull request, I'd be happy to accept as long as it works well (keep in mind that JK2:HD is SP only) I might poke the code though also at some point, but I'm aware of how to fix it so it might not be necessary per se.
  18. such lens flare wow
  19. Hey there. Glad to see someone else interested in game development. Unity, Unreal and Source (source more so) are great ways to accustom yourself to coding video games. They provide instant results sometimes, and are accessible on a large number of platforms. However I much prefer working on my own codebase, as I work with the objects directly instead of abstracted layers. Also, you might be interested to know that Slash is running a programming competition (Slash-a-thon I think it's called). Competitions (I've heard) are great ways to challenge yourself, but I've only ever been to one. Where do you think you'll start?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. eezstreet


      It's open source.

    3. Boothand


      Any chance of a release of the saber system for multiplayer? Or a beta release?

    4. eezstreet


      if someone ports it, sure. I'm not doing it.

  20. If OpenJK devs (@@ensiform, @@Xycaleth, @@Raz0r) are fine with it, sure. But there will have to be some modifications made to the weapons.dat stuff (nothing that will break compatibility however)
  21. Follow my force power tutorial, and for the behavior of the force power, use a function similar to the one in WP_FireConcussion. (p.s, use code tags instead of spoiler tags, they make the formatting easier and have syntax highlighting)
  22. Well, cubemaps ought to improve the quality of reflections in water. As for actual water physics, I think the general consensus is that better water might cause some issues with backwards compatibility, but I'm honestly not too sure on it. I've never researched the subject of water too profusely.
  23. So...I was having a bit of difficulty earlier with FRAPS recording the motion blur. If someone wants to give it a shot later, that would be great (I'm not 100% sure I pushed the code for the working motion blur though) It's not that bad at all, it's actually pretty barely noticeable with a high enough sample rate (like 10 or so). There's virtually no FPS hit incurred by the motion blur also (as far as I can tell anyway, even with 100 samples it didn't put me lower than ~133 FPS on ffa3). Do note that this uses a completely different method than what QEffects Pro uses (QEffects Pro uses accumulation buffer method, which isn't really used ever because it looks low quality). This uses a camera blur method, similar to what Half Life 2: Episode 2 uses. I will also be adding a per-object motion blur method, which is similar to what CryENGINE uses. Both will be controlled by r_motionblur (probably 1 for camera blur, 2 for per-object). I also want to add cvars for number of samples, velocity multiplier, and depth threshold (anything below it doesn't get blurred, by default this is 0.2 so viewmodel/first person weapon doesn't get blurred)
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