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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. I think it'd make more sense to pursue a hilt system like Jedi Academy, but that's just me.
  2. Are you running it on a physical device or are you using an emulator (XDK?)
  3. zlib's compression algorithm doesn't change across versions, it's the same every time, otherwise you'd get issues with extraction for every application that uses zlib (and there are a lot). I tried it with all 9 compression levels and it never produced anything that had the same size as the original archive, always either smaller (with compression) or larger (without compression). I ran `gobextract <> <> -noextract -echodata -debug` to see if there was any differences between the two files and they both validated correctly, although the converted assets had backslashes and a leading dot in front of them, so for example: Mine: botfiles/alora.jkb Theirs: .\botfiles\alora.jkb That alone couldn't cause freezing though, because the filesystem is smart enough to handle the paths correctly (at least this is the case on the pc version) EDIT: Oh yeah, nope. That would definitely cause a problem. The filename is hashed and compared to other files in the file control table...that was my bad I'll make some modifications and do a third revision, with a couple of planned features: gobconvert: ability to specify how compressed you want it to be with -level=X (scale of 0 to 9, 1 default, 0 for totally uncompressed)gobextract: drag and drop support, output argument optional (defaults to ./out/)EDIT #2: In the meantime @@Teancum, could you test this for me? It should have the correct paths: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aozovacngesuyv5/gobconvert_test.zip?dl=0
  4. I used simply zlib's compress() function. It must not play nice with that for some reason. Try using gobconvett and then gobextract to verify all of the files got added.
  5. I'd rather keep it as a separate download, because it's not related to GOB files.
  6. Yep, JK2 MP maps will work in Jedi Academy as long as the textures and shaders exist for it. SP maps, not so much. You can see my efforts in reverse engineering the JA SP game prior to the source release to load the JK2 SP maps with the JK2:Uncut mod: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1018-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1024-%7B%3F%7D/
  7. Keep in mind, you'll need to make some modifications that are specific to the console you're working with. So as a result, you'll need to edit a _console_dir_list_ file in models/players (although I'm not sure this is actually used by the game) and you'll need to make sure your textures are the correct format for the console - DDS for xbox and TDF for gamecube. For maps you'll need to break the BSP into its component lumps (the code for it exists in the xbox code).
  8. v2 of the GOB tools is out now, it has gobconvert in it. I think that's about all that people should need to do console modding. Eat your hearts out etc
  9. Dude. Holy fuck. Wrote gobconvert which converts a PK3 directly into a GOB and GFC, and now I can understand why they decided to use this format. As a baseline, I'll use hdassets0.pk3 from JK2:Enhanced. No compression: 23,261,184 bytes (0% compression ratio)PK3/Minizip compression: 18,108,416 bytes (22.15% compression ratio)GOB file (jediCodec, bitmask 1): 1,249,280 bytes (94.6% compression ratio)RAR ("best" quality): 528,679 bytes (97.72% compression ratio)GOB is pretty damn good, suprisingly. Next version will be coming out soon hopefully. I just need to finish up some stuff and it'll be good to go.
  10. Released first version: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3234-unofficial-vicarious-visions-gob-tools/ gobextract: a tool for extracting content from .gob/gfc files.
  11. 413 downloads

    PLEASE READ THE LICENSE FILE BEFORE EXTRACTING. These unofficial Vicarious Visions .GOB Tools allow you to manipulate the archive format of the console versions of Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy (among other games). They include the following: gobextract: Extract content from the .gob/gfc files. gobconvert: Convert a zip/pk3 into a .gob/gfc pair. Please note that these are commandline tools - you will need to use them using the cmd.exe terminal on Windows.
  12. There is no real reason, honestly. You're probably better off putting stuff in gclient_t instead of the playerstate.
  13. I got it to print out a list of all of the files in the JA Xbox version. I don't have access to a JK2 Xbox version, and the Gamecube JK2 version has some odd quirks (the file count is absurdly high, so there's something obfuscating the actual read functions that are going on..and i don't have a clue how the gamecube version actually handles this stuff) which are making it hard to work with. Here's the metadata that got printed out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cv0pzelvgwxt1j1/ja_xbox.txt?dl=0
  14. It seems like each GOB file might have its own magic number. Anyone want to crack open DOOM3 etc and see what the GOB file's first 4 bytes are?
  15. I've been working on tools to work with the Xbox version of the game, notably dealing with the GOB archive format that is present instead of the .pk3 format. Here's a small preview of the different tools and what they do: gobextractor.exe: Extracts the contents of a VV .gob file, provided the gob and gfc file. Prints all of the info about the files extracted as well, including compressed size, file name, and date modified.gobconvert.exe: Converts a ZIP/PK3 archive into a gob and gfc archive of the same name. Different games use different codec groups. jediCodec for instance supports zlib and null codecs, but other games may require different codecs groups with different codecs, like TAR. Here's a list of currently supported codec groups: jediCodec: Supports STAR WARS: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy on Xbox, STAR WARS: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast on Xbox, and STAR WARS: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast on Gamecube.Since jediCodec is the only one supported, all of the tools assume jediCodec. If anyone knows of other games that use this format (Crash Bandicoot?) then there might be new codecs needed. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3234-%7B%3F%7D/
  16. I think people should make whatever they want.
  17. Depends on what you found. It's not unlikely that some stuff got put into the Xbox stuff for Visual Studio by mistake.
  18. sg_import/sg_export just describe to the serializer how the field is supposed to be handled. You need sg_import and sg_export functions on every struct/class that is in the savegame and they act like their names imply: sg_import describes how this struct gets read, and sg_export describes how this struct gets written.
  19. A GOB archive opener/extractor is useful for other reasons, if you have said code, you could PM it to me and I could maybe write a simple tool for that.
  20. No. In fact, it's much easier to start with my code, and then pull from upstream OpenJK than trying to code stuff in manually. I could potentially update my jk2hd code if you'd like, but I imagine you've made some custom changes, no? EDIT: To clarify why this is simpler, it's because the process of updating the code can be done in a few steps via Git: git clone https://github.com/eezstreet/OpenJK cd OpenJK git remote add OpenJK https://github.com/JACoders/OPENJK git checkout jk2hd git pull OpenJK master git mergetool git commit ... make your changes ... ... make commits ... git remote add MyRepo <url> git push MyRepo master
  21. My code is based on OpenJK. https://github.com/eezstreet/OpenJK/tree/jk2hd
  22. If those sites were to disappear, I see no reason why we couldn't include files from those games.
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