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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. The effect can probably be made to look better with a lower FOV.
  2. I think I'd be interested in this for JK2:Enhanced
  3. I mean, it's the name of the mod. That seems like an important detail to me.
  4. I have legitimately no idea what bug you're referring to. Maybe explain what you're trying to fix first?
  5. If your code is based on OpenJK it has to be freely available somehow due to the terms of the GPL license. Not specifically on Github though; if someone asks for your code you have to be able to provide it. I think there's some benefit to putting your code up on Github though because it means that people could fork your repository and help contribute by making pull requests.
  6. @@DT85 do you know if this model is still around somewhere? Apparently I didn't include it in JK2:Enhanced when I released.
  7. He's been spotted a few days ago on the JKCommunity Discord server (https://discord.gg/ZWGEDjX). @@Almightygir
  8. What is the NPC code for it? galak_mech?
  9. Where is the source code? is it on Github?
  10. I haven't really worked on it, but all that's left to do is the last bits of scripting - making the crane minigame work, making sure the crane snaps back to the default position after leaving the area, any scripted enemy encounters, etc.
  11. Not bored, I'm just unsure of how to proceed. I looked in the source code pretty extensively and I wasn't able to find any sort of issue indicating the problem. But I can provide the source code, sure.
  12. Because it's an experimental/incomplete feature.
  13. I mean that JK2:Enhanced and JA:Enhanced are on the same repository, not in two separate repositories. Sorry if I was unclear about that.
  14. Thanks, I will check it out. EDIT: Where does this occur? Can you give some more details?
  15. I've started work on getting JK2:Enhanced working using rend2, based on SomaZ's work with DF2 mod (which made me realize how much code is actually shared between the two projects, interestingly enough). Currently so far I've got it merged in a rend2-sp branch. Current status: it crashes upon startup with this error: https://pastebin.com/Gcpqphqq
  16. It's going to be a branch for right now.
  17. The source code for all of the JK:Enhanced is now on one codebase. The OP has been updated with this information.
  18. That would mean it's failing anywhere in this chunk of code: Cmd_Init (); Cvar_Init (); // get the commandline cvars set Com_StartupVariable( NULL ); // done early so bind command exists CL_InitKeyCommands(); #ifdef _XBOX extern void Sys_FilecodeScan_f(); Sys_InitFileCodes(); Cmd_AddCommand("filecodes", Sys_FilecodeScan_f); extern void Sys_StreamInit(); Sys_StreamInit(); // This just forces the static singleton in the function to call // its constructor, which allocates a stupid 12 byte block of // memory that never gets freed. Otherwise, it ends up stranded in // the middle of the zone: TheGhoul2InfoArray(); #endif FS_InitFilesystem (); //uses z_malloc R_InitWorldEffects(); // this doesn't do much but I want to be sure certain variables are intialized. Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n"); // skip the jaconfig.cfg if "safe" is on the command line if ( !Com_SafeMode() ) { Cbuf_AddText ("exec jaconfig.cfg\n"); } Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n"); Cbuf_Execute (); // override anything from the config files with command line args Com_StartupVariable( NULL ); // allocate the stack based hunk allocator Com_InitHunkMemory(); // if any archived cvars are modified after this, we will trigger a writing // of the config file cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_ARCHIVE; // // init commands and vars // Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", Com_Quit_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("writeconfig", Com_WriteConfig_f ); com_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("com_maxfps", "85", CVAR_ARCHIVE); com_developer = Cvar_Get ("developer", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); com_logfile = Cvar_Get ("logfile", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); com_speedslog = Cvar_Get ("speedslog", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); com_timescale = Cvar_Get ("timescale", "1", CVAR_CHEAT ); com_fixedtime = Cvar_Get ("fixedtime", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); com_showtrace = Cvar_Get ("com_showtrace", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); com_terrainPhysics = Cvar_Get ("com_terrainPhysics", "1", CVAR_CHEAT); com_viewlog = Cvar_Get( "viewlog", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); com_speeds = Cvar_Get ("com_speeds", "0", 0); #ifdef G2_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS com_G2Report = Cvar_Get("com_G2Report", "0", 0); #endif cl_paused = Cvar_Get ("cl_paused", "0", CVAR_ROM); sv_paused = Cvar_Get ("sv_paused", "0", CVAR_ROM); com_sv_running = Cvar_Get ("sv_running", "0", CVAR_ROM); com_cl_running = Cvar_Get ("cl_running", "0", CVAR_ROM); com_skippingcin = Cvar_Get ("skippingCinematic", "0", CVAR_ROM); com_buildScript = Cvar_Get( "com_buildScript", "0", 0 ); if ( com_developer && com_developer->integer ) { Cmd_AddCommand ("error", Com_Error_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("crash", Com_Crash_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("freeze", Com_Freeze_f); } s = va("%s %s %s", Q3_VERSION, CPUSTRING, __DATE__ ); com_version = Cvar_Get ("version", s, CVAR_ROM | CVAR_SERVERINFO ); // So any controller can skip the logo movies: inSplashMenu = Cvar_Get( "inSplashMenu", "1", 0 ); controllerOut= Cvar_Get( "ControllerOutNum", "-1", 0); #ifdef XBOX_DEMO // Cvar used to hide "QUIT TO DEMOS MENU" options if we weren't started by CDX extern bool demoLaunchDataValid; if( demoLaunchDataValid ) Cvar_SetValue( "ui_allowDemoQuit", 1 ); else Cvar_SetValue( "ui_allowDemoQuit", 0 ); #endif SE_Init(); // Initialize StringEd Sys_Init(); // this also detects CPU type, so I can now do this CPU check below... Netchan_Init( Com_Milliseconds() & 0xffff ); // pick a port value that should be nice and random // VM_Init(); SV_Init(); CL_Init(); #ifdef _XBOX // Experiment. Sound memory never gets freed, move it earlier. This // will also let us play movies sooner, if we need to. extern void CL_StartSound(void); CL_StartSound(); #endif Sys_ShowConsole( com_viewlog->integer, qfalse ); // set com_frameTime so that if a map is started on the // command line it will still be able to count on com_frameTime // being random enough for a serverid com_frameTime = Com_Milliseconds(); // add + commands from command line #ifndef _XBOX if ( !Com_AddStartupCommands() ) { #ifdef NDEBUG // if the user didn't give any commands, run default action // if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) { Cbuf_AddText ("cinematic openinglogos\n"); // if( !com_introPlayed->integer ) { // Cvar_Set( com_introPlayed->name, "1" ); // Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "cinematic intro" ); // } } #endif } #endif
  19. Removed a lot of pointless drama here (10+ posts), but bottom line: when a file says as its license, "Other players may not share or modify this work." that means you don't share or modify the work. Likewise, you don't attack people for their decision to license such a work that way. That's their decision, and their right to defend their work. If you don't understand that or why that's bad, that's your problem, not theirs. Let's keep it civil now and stay on topic.
  20. Which screen does it fail at? Before the license screen? After the license screen?
  21. @@Teancum here, try this version out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjymtlvp7e29jlu/gobconvert_test.zip?dl=0 You'll want to specify compression level in the commandline with the argument: gobconvert.exe <filename.zip> -compress=<number from 0 to 9> So for instance: gobconvert.exe assets_mp.zip -compress=1
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