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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Black Mountain
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Home 1511 64 Bit

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Enthusiast (2/10)

  1. I have the worst UPS guys in the world, last year I had them smash my doorbell, so it fried the ringer. Then now I get my Asrock M8 is pieces.

  2. Someone needs to find Zappa and get him to upload BDC Racing Club, I really need that map!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. z3filus



      that laptop seems more than enough for most PC games, R6 series and 4GB. I've only heard that laptops need to be kept cooler than PC's since they heat up quicker.


    3. Vulcan


      Guys, 1.9 Ghz? You guys sure? :P

    4. Syko


      Ghz count doesn't even really matter. Check the benchmark score on CPU bench to judge how good the processor is.

  3. Why do people even bother DDoSing JKA, what a waste of time, money, energy and resources.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ping


      Because they are pathetic.

    3. JAWSFreelao
    4. Vulcan


      ^ and some men just want to see the world burn

  4. Staff for sure, Its quick and does loads of damage. I play passive with Reds, they can ruin my day if they land a thrid strike.
  5. This model, holy crap. If jka can handle it, it will be my main skin for jka. That thing is awsome, you got real talent dude! keep up the goood work!
  6. My amd A10-7850k is telling me its running at 53c in bios and its 0 using the linux temature moniter, what is wrong with my APU?

    1. Vulcan


      Dunno, tried Core-Temp?

  7. God Bless JKHub, for hosting a new master server.

    1. Futuza


      wut does that have to do with anything?

  8. Is it possible to port JKA or atleast its single player portion to the Source Engine

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Porting to a new engine would be pointless. The models and maps would look awful. It would make more sense to start from scratch.

    3. T.Zealot


      You'll need Q3Map2 and Hammer. Then you'll have to go through the process of completely recreating the lighting and converting the textures to .vtf format.

    4. Zappa_0


      too bad that movie battles source never finished.

  9. Is there a way to get the JKhubs master server list ingame? Also why is it down?

    1. leadarc


      not the main "master server"

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Yes there's a file on JKHUB that lets you see JKHUB master server list's servers

    3. Didz


      It's down because people didn't play nice with their toys. It'll be up again in a few minutes :)

  10. http://splur.gy/r/HVdDQ/r/2RtlRbV6y1M Death Adder Gaming Mouse Competition, click that if you want to support me. (Shameless Promotion)
    1. Ping


      "Perform a social action to enter" rofl

  11. Your are my hero! Many Thanks!
  12. No, it came from our clan skin pack, on the default model icon. I have thought about trying to clean it up to the best of my ability. I have been updating the models since the author left our group.
  13. That worries me, I wish i knew who did the original skins, but I never meet or knew the author. It looks like it may have been his own created font. If anyone knows a font even remotely similer or a good replacment let me know.
  14. Hey everyone, I have had this nagging question about what font this is. If anyone here reconizes it please let me know. It looks like a font from a video game, I do know the skinner who made the models was a legacy of kain fan also. the skins were made around 2003-2005. Forgive me for the low quality picture, its from a modeldefault icon. *Ps feel free to move if in the wrong forum catagory
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