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    Black Mountain
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
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    Windows 10 Home 1511 64 Bit

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  1. Staff for sure, Its quick and does loads of damage. I play passive with Reds, they can ruin my day if they land a thrid strike.
  2. This model, holy crap. If jka can handle it, it will be my main skin for jka. That thing is awsome, you got real talent dude! keep up the goood work!
  3. Your are my hero! Many Thanks!
  4. No, it came from our clan skin pack, on the default model icon. I have thought about trying to clean it up to the best of my ability. I have been updating the models since the author left our group.
  5. That worries me, I wish i knew who did the original skins, but I never meet or knew the author. It looks like it may have been his own created font. If anyone knows a font even remotely similer or a good replacment let me know.
  6. Hey everyone, I have had this nagging question about what font this is. If anyone here reconizes it please let me know. It looks like a font from a video game, I do know the skinner who made the models was a legacy of kain fan also. the skins were made around 2003-2005. Forgive me for the low quality picture, its from a modeldefault icon. *Ps feel free to move if in the wrong forum catagory
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8ExPHzQqcs
  8. Folk Metal Cover Time?
  9. If you can see if he has anything GTX series 650+ branded or AMD HD 7770+ let me know. Alot of cards on newegg are being inflated by the bitcoin craze.
  10. Hey guys, I really need a better GPU then this junky R7 240. I have a budget of about $200 provided my power supply can handle the GPU, otherwise $150 is my top dollar. My specs are as follows: Corsair CX430 System Builder PSU AMD FX 6300 (No OC) A single stick of 4gb 1600 DDR3 MSI 970a-g46 (People love to hate this board) And 4 120mm Case fans I also want a GPU thats price isn't getting inflated because of the bitcoin rush. I was toying with the idea of a GTX 750Ti, but I may want to swap my PSU out anyway depending on what you guys recomend. Oh and I want it to be able to atleast play modern titles on medium settings and have wiggle room to where I will still be using it for a year or two. If I posted this in the wrong board feel free to move or remove it.
  11. The only good thing In Episode 2 was when Yoda fought Dooku and It was kinda impressive for the time. From an ingenious hand puppet to a fully rengered CGI model (For better or for worse.) it was impressive to see Yoda jump around because he was always seen slow or stationary.
  12. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Personally, I didn't like the Ewoks, but Jabbas Palace, the fights on the Skiffs, the battle with the entire Imperial Fleet and the redemption of Vader makes the movie worth it and enjoyable. Personally, this was the best Star Wars movie because I had just finished The Empire Stricks back and felt really sad that Han Solo "Died." (I was 6 at the time.)
  13. I don't know much about JKA problems, but it sounds like you have somesort of confliction between the game and a mod or mods. But to be sure, make sure your game is fully patched. Also your firewall could be restricting your connection. If push comes to shove you can uninstall Jedi Academy, just backup the skins you know work. Also it helps to delete your mod folders like JAPlus and reinstall them. PS: What OS are you using?
  14. Anyone remember Windir? Also for AshuraDX
  15. I would of voted for Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, but it tecnicly was remade via the modding community. And it was done very well I may add.
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