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  1. quakefreed liked a post in a topic by Circa in How do I spawn the player into a custom map with attributes equipped?   
    Assuming this is meant to be for single player, I believe most of that will need to be done via scripting, but I think some things can be set to the info_player_start entity.
    You'll find some helpful info in here:
    Particularly in part 3 he shows a script that sets force powers and weapons.
  2. Tempust85 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    That looks incredible, holy balls.
  3. Circa liked a post in a topic by Szico VII in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Thanks to @SomaZ the ocean deformvertexes are now working with rend2. Looks even better with true deformity - see video below:
    Very soon this ocean work will be done and I can start adding some more to the map itself

    And this last one is vanilla, which still looks ok!

  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in Banner Artwork Contest   
  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by Szico VII in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Guys, I found a workaround using tcmod turb and adding parralax to the waves (so no deformvertexes needed)
    It looks really nice!

  6. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Well look who it is! This looks amazing. Would have been perfect for our Summer Mod contest last year!
    Good to see you haven't forgotten about JKA! 🙂
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by Szico VII in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Well still messing with cubemaps - got them to work on a glass window but not on the water, also as suggested have made the water line sand darker, thoughts?

  8. Szico VII liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Just an FYI, I created a rend2 tutorial section and moved a couple threads to it as per SomaZ.
    Tagging the Rend2 Acolytes that sing its praises regularly, that I can think of. @DT85 @minilogoguy18 @SomaZ @mjt @Stoiss @Mandalorian @AshuraDX
    More tutorials for it would be appreciated, if anyone is up for that. I know SomaZ is working on some, in case others wanted to as well.
  9. SomaZ liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Just an FYI, I created a rend2 tutorial section and moved a couple threads to it as per SomaZ.
    Tagging the Rend2 Acolytes that sing its praises regularly, that I can think of. @DT85 @minilogoguy18 @SomaZ @mjt @Stoiss @Mandalorian @AshuraDX
    More tutorials for it would be appreciated, if anyone is up for that. I know SomaZ is working on some, in case others wanted to as well.
  10. mjt liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    I think @SomaZ is usually a good resource for rend2 questions.
    If rend2 tutorials are spread around the forum we should probably get them in the tutorials section to find easier. I could always make a new category for it if people think that would be used.
  11. SomaZ liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    I think @SomaZ is usually a good resource for rend2 questions.
    If rend2 tutorials are spread around the forum we should probably get them in the tutorials section to find easier. I could always make a new category for it if people think that would be used.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lazarus in [W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence   
    Wrapped up the outer rock walls, the whole area is now nicely surrounded with rock wall.
    Starting to combine this with my grass blending (got now 4 different blends, and I really start to feel this area...)

    may gonna tweak the distance rendering of the sprites, but this really starts to look great. Maybe some occasional color of flowers in it or so.. gonna dig for that in it. I think the dry grass blended in the regular grass really makes it great. It pops, showing alteration that not everywhere the grass is green.
    And i changed the sun shader as you see, less yellowish, more grayish now, wich makes other colors more vibrant.
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by Szico VII in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Some progress:
    And tried some rend2 features, parallax/specular on the sand and boat
    As well as the dynamic sky light and shadows
    @SephFF no its 1024x1024 the sky was a premade one I found on google, had to add the horizon and water below so it properly worked with the ocean blending
    Skybox source: Pin page (pinterest.co.uk)

  14. Circa liked a post in a topic by katanamaru in The next saber style   
    I'm back... kind of. The recent youtube video of JK:Enhanced was awesome. 
    However I'm super rusty and I'd have to hope my old laptop still works. The hard drive I backed everything up to died a few years ago. 
    I do have my notes written down so I could potentially get Dragon up and running again. I'll see what I can find. 
    @davidortillaDo you want the dragon data save or it finished and ready for game? And for which stance? 
  15. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Tompa's WIP thread   
    They said: "are these all still in progress then?" so I think they were referring to all of them, including Plo Koon.
    So the real question is, are you planning to release your other models that aren't in the file section yet?
  16. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Tompa's WIP thread   
    I think they're referring to the ones you have posted but aren't in the files section like the Obi-Wan models. 😛
  17. Droidy365 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Well look who it is! This looks amazing. Would have been perfect for our Summer Mod contest last year!
    Good to see you haven't forgotten about JKA! 🙂
  18. SephFF liked a post in a topic by Circa in Relaxing day at the beach   
    Well look who it is! This looks amazing. Would have been perfect for our Summer Mod contest last year!
    Good to see you haven't forgotten about JKA! 🙂
  19. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Hey folks, a new contest has been long overdue, I know. I meant to start this one up shortly after the last one but too many things took my attention away. I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. 😅 No summer themed contest this year, but that could be up to you depending on your submission.
    Everyone likes mod contests but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and try something different. We have a decent number of in-game photographers, digital artists, and lots of creative people that could make this one really cool.
    Essentially this is a contest for who can make the best Jedi Knight-related poster/banner for JKHub. I’ve been wanting something really nice and flashy looking to use for the front page and for social media accounts, and I made one really quick back when we launched the new theme. I can probably spend a lot more time on making a better one, but I figured it would be much better to involve the community.
    This isn’t just to win and get the award badge on your profile. This will be the new banner on the front page of JKHub in place of the existing one and will be used on social media.
    So what qualifies as a banner?
    An image in PNG or PSD format. Dimensions at minimum 3200px X 2000px with 72ppi (more is okay). Aspect ratio of 16:10. If you include text, you must also include a textless version. If you include a signature, make it unobtrusive but still legible. Must be related to the Jedi Knight series (particularly Outcast & Academy), including characters, locations, weapons, items, etc. Multiple entries are allowed. Additional orientations are allowed, but a horizontal 16:10 is required. Upload in a ZIP file to ensure no unnecessary compression is added anywhere. No pornographic or ultra violent subjects or content allowed. Huge bonus points if you make a version for each major season of the year or holidays. The deadline to submit is September 24th, 2022. After which we will sort through all submissions over the following days and announce the winner then. By submitting to this contest, you are fully aware that your art will be used by us, for JKHub. Full credit to you will be given when and where possible.
    We also reserve the position to not choose any submissions, or to choose multiple. If none are chosen, you still get an award badge and be featured on the contests page. All submissions will be displayed on a page when the contest concludes.
    Need inspiration?
    Here’s an album full of the kinds of things I’m looking for. Something like a movie poster or something very cinematic-looking. You can take screenshots in-game, post them in ModView, digital paint, Blender, literally anything.
    Poster examples and inspirations
    How to submit?
    You can submit like a normal contest: in the Files section in the Contest Entries category. You can use the button below. You must submit the PNG or PSD file in a ZIP compressed folder file. Include all versions of your work in one zip file. If you are submitting multiple works, please submit them separately. 
    EDIT: Results are in! Click below or scroll down to see the submissions and winners!
    See results and winners

    View full article
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: July 2022   
    July has been an interesting month (to say the least). So let's get started!

    Back when Galactic Legacy was initially released, we removed the option to play the Father vs. Son mission, expecting ourselves to deliver a full remake of the mission at some point in the future. It has been almost 2 years at this point with no sign of the remake whatsoever (despite us announcing it multiple times).
    Father vs. Son will be returning to Galactic Legacy in the next update, released exactly as it was back in Knights of the Force; on the same map, with the same questionable game design choices as before. As of typing this, Luke's and Palpatine's POVs have been fixed up, with Vader currently pending, but should be fixed very soon.
    This was done in order to hopefully provide some missing content intended for GL that we have so far failed to deliver on, and hopefully will hold you over once we release the actual remake at a later time.


    We've continued our slew of adding new characters, with a number of fixes to the Imperial Military to complement them. Below is the list of new characters:
    - Meetra Surik (Updated model)
    - Cara Dune
    - Imperial Officers (New models + variations)
    - TIE Pilot (New models + variations)
    - Ren
    - Supreme Leader Snoke (Black Robe)
    - Inquisitor Asmodeus
    - Hedera
    - Pash Fairchild

    During the month of July, the amazing and talented Plasma has added and updated the lightsabers in his pack. The following sabers have been added to the mod (and applied to their respective characters as necessary):
    - Dan G'Vash
    - Sharad Hett
    - Darth Bane
    - Tajin Crosser
    - Jedi Temple Guard (Rebels)
    - Ady Sun'Zee
    - Halcyon Training Saber
    - Nari
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exile)
    - Second Sister
    - Ninth Sister
    - Third Sister
    - Fourth Sister
    - Grand Inquisitor


    In addition to these new things and fixes, we've also taken some more time to fix up and add some other minor things. Including, but not limited to:
    - Fixed some bad team assignments for some characters when spawning them from the console without changing anything else
    - Created a new soundset for Luke Skywalker (Sequel Trilogy), using voice lines from Mark Hamill's performances from The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.

    - Lowered the volume of Darth Vader's breathing so it's no longer extremely loud.
    - Increased the force power cost of Force Blast from 30 to 40, given the power's OP nature.
    - Force Destruction will now require a minimum of 70 force points to cast (still using the same rules as before)
    - French Translations
    - Adding new logic for the player to adopt the health and force of their character selected (disabled in missions) as a toggleable option.
    - Using a bacta tank or force heal while playing as Kyle (or someone using a Kyle soundset) will play his healing sound instead of the default Jaden sound.
    We're feeling good that we're close to the end of development for this update that I've begun the Final Countdown posts on our Discord server. I'll post the list here, but all updates made to the post will be made on our Discord server.
    - Return Father vs. Son as a playable mission
    - Remove maps from the MP listing that no longer exist
    - Add a toggle option to allow players to adopt the health and Force of any character they choose in sandbox mission.
    - Add more characters
    - Add more maps
    - Fix a bug where your character would have no textures upon loading a save
    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  21. Darkish liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy: Enhanced v1.1 released   
    Well it's been forever, but we finally have an update for y'all. Work on 1.1 started over a year ago. The focus was bug fixes and a handful of new features on the code side by @redsaurus and adding some bundled mods on my end, as well as testing. Life gets busy, but we finally made it to v1.1.
    You can look at the changelog below, but essentially I think this mod is finally in a place where I can recommend it to new players wanting the best experience or old players and modders to take advantage of some of the new feature set.
    Do keep in mind this is still a huge work in progress, and there are bugs, glitches, and unfinished features. Remember to give feedback knowing that fact and knowing that your bug or request may not get fixed or implemented any time soon.
    Non-exhaustive changelog for v1.1 (many may have slipped our minds or bug fixes fixed much earlier that weren't mentioned)
    Changes in v1.1 (old saves not compatible with this version!) - Added eezstreet's AI workshop - Added g_UseIdleAnims to disable/enable idle animations - Removed black bars from cutscenes so scenes aren't half obstructed on widescreen resolutions - Added g_noIgniteTwirl to disable the twirl animation on ignition (like MP) - Added cg_ignitionspeed ton control how fast or slow the saber blade ignites - added a COMPLETE button to the saber builder UI to close it - r_mode -2 is now default at launch to be fullscreen at native resolution (set to -1 to go back to windowed mode) - Added cheat menu in the in-game pause menu - Added in-game character and saber edit menu in the in-game pause menu - Added in-game photo mode menu. The binding currently doesn't work from the CONTROLS menu, it needs to be added manually in the console: bind [key] uimenu camsp - Toggle between pistols when you have the Bryar and DL-44 with the weapon2 button - Replaced the old E-5 blaster with KhorneSyrup's new version - Removed Force Blinding bind in the menu since it is not ready for use - replaced DL-44 with AshuraDX's HD DL-44 - Added Kahn's UltimateWeapons mod as an optional PK3 with some revisions (removed saber effects, replaced some explosions with the smaller efx) - Added Plasma's saber pack as an optional PK3 with removal of a lot of duplicates to make the list easier to navigate - Added *holsterorigin tags to vanilla sabers and many of Plasma's sabers to work better with holstering - Added HapSlash's stormtrooper model to replace the vanilla model - Added Toshi's Luke to replace the vanilla model - Added r_ratioFix for full native widescreen support for the HUD and menus - Added new splash screen and menu logo I also spent some time getting a nice trailer video made so people are more drawn to the mod and are aware all it has to offer.
    The grand vision of this mod was supposed to be a "remaster & expansion" of sorts, which included modern textures, models, sounds, effects, and new missions and characters. That vision is on hold for now until more people can help out with implementing it. We want it to be more than just including a PK3 of an existing mod, we want to make sure the experience is as streamlined as possible.
    For more improvement mods like HD textures, fonts, models, etc. please see JKHub's big list of recommended mods.
    It's based on OpenJK (so the code is released under the GPL and available at [https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/]) and a slightly modified version (for SP) of AJL's SFX Saber code. It also uses Open Jedi Project code for TrueView.
    Main coding done by @redsaurus
    Features and Commands
    All OpenJK features and fixes. RGB Sabers • These can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It is possible to set the sabercolors of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file. If you want to set one sabercolor for base and one for this mod, you can set the sabercolor of the NPC or lightsaber to the base value, and sabercolorRGB to the RGB value for this mod. Higher blade numbers are set with saberColorRGB2, saber2ColorRGB3, etc. SFX Sabers • SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1. This is on by default, allows for more vibrant and high quality saber blades. Ignition Flare • A lightsaber ignition flare can be enabled in the console by setting cg_ignitionFlare to 1. A custom ignition flare can be specified for a lightsaber with "ignitionFlare <shader>" in the .sab file. Ignition twirl animation disable • If that little twirl of the saber that you do in SP when activating it bothered you, you can now disable it to be more like MP with g_noIgniteTwirl 1. Disable idle animations • Use the command g_UseIdleAnims 0 to disable them. Very helpful when taking screenshots. Saber Holsters • Lightsabers are now holstered on the belt when not in use. A tag_holsterorigin can be added to a hilt for better placement. Adding "holsterPlace <none/hips/back/lhip>" in the .sab file specifies where a hilt will be holstered. Currently broken, default is right hip for now. Headswapping • Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file. RGB Character Colors • Adds an RGB slider option to all player species. Better Entity Spawning • The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file". .eent files • Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the .bsp file. MP Movement • Not identical to MP but close. Allows for bunny hopping and less "slide" effect when moving. g_bunnyhopping 1. Also in the menu. Extra Player Tints • (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this color rather than the usual. Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use .glm models using eezstreet's code. Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it. While the E-Web is equipped, the player moves more slowly. More usable weapons The tusken rifle and noghri stick are fully usable by the player. The DC-15A clone rifle (made by Pahricida), DC-15S clone blaster (Made by AshuraDX and Som3) and E-5 droid blaster (made by KhorneSyrup) have also been added. Only given via cheats right now. give weapon_tusken_rifle give weapon_noghri_stick give weapon_e5 give weapon_dc15s give weapon_dc15a Saber throw is now a force power • This was to be compatible with the katarn saber style (listed below) - this was restored to alt attack to work with all styles like before. New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. First person lightsaber with TrueView • As seen in Open Jedi Project and all the other mods that used it, TrueView shows the player model in first person view. You can turn it on for guns with cg_trueguns and turn it on for sabers with cg_fpls or through the menu. Change FOV with cg_trueFOV. Recommend set to 120 if using first person lightsaber. Radar • The radar system from Siege in MP now works in SP. Giving NPCs and misc_radar_icon entities the icon key will set a custom icon. A 2D minimap is also loaded from minimaps/mapname.mmap. AI workshop • Created by eezstreet to give more control over NPC AI. See full thread here. Switch pistols • Toggle between DL-44 and Bryar if added to inventory with pistol bind (+weapon_2) Saber ignition speed • cg_ignitionSpeed scales saber ignition speed Click-drag to rotate player model in customization screen • To help with seeing your character more easily instead of waiting on it to rotate around again. MP-style saber hilt list • Lists lightsabers in the menu without the need for adding menu listings r_mode -2 is now default • sets the game to the monitor's native resolution at launch. Change back to r_mode -1 to use windowed mode. Widescreen HUD fix • Fixes the HUD to support widescreen resolutions without stretching the HUD elements, default to on. r_ratioFix. Removed black bars in cutscenes • this helps with widescreen resolutions not cutting off half of the scene. Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful Ingame character and saber menu  • Change your character skin and lightsaber from the pause menu at any time! Ingame cheat menu  • A simple menu in the pause menu to give access to some common cheat codes like god mode, noTarget, setforceall, and increased dismemberment! Ingame photo mode  • Use sliders to get the right angle and take a screenshot. Thanks to therfiles for camSP! Screenshots save to the JAEnhanced folder (Windows: C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced) Optional features (separate PK3's):
    Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Unfinished features, only use if testing:
    Unstable and black saber blades • use with console command: sabercrystal 1 unstable or sabercrystal 1 black - the number is the saber number, so use 2 if you want to change your left hand blade. Katarn saber style • A gun / saber stance. No animations yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console. Z-6 rotary cannon • Added slot for this weapon, but it has no model yet. give weapon_z6 Installing
    If you've installed an earlier version (from when this was just called SP Customization Mod or 1.0), it'd probably best to uninstall the old version.
    If you're using a Mac, you should put "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" alongside your regular Jedi Academy base folder - depending on your version the base folder might be hidden inside the original game's application bundle or in /Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/
    If you're on Windows, install the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable, then put all files in your GameData folder. For Steam this is in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy. For GOG.com this is in C:/GOG Games/Jedi Academy. For Amazon this is in C:/Amazon Games/Library/Jedi Academy.
    If you’re using Linux, install SDL2 via Terminal [sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0], then install Jedi Academy via Steam Proton, right click the game, browse local files. Put the files in GameData.
    You can launch the mod with or ja_enhanced.x86.exe on Windows, JAEnhanced.app on Mac, and ja_enhanced.i386 or ja_enhanced.x86_64 on Linux.
    User files will be saved to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/JAEnhanced on macOS or to /Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced on Windows.
    Known bugs:
    holsterPlace for .sab files currently does not work, which should allow the option for left hip, right hip, back, and none. Some sabers in the saber pack do not line up well when holstered The ingame saber menu won't let you switch from dual sabers to single saber. Workaround is to use /saber kyle (or any single saber) and then use the menu to choose one. g_forceRegenTime doesn't go less than the default value Player RGB tints can't be removed in the menu Player RGB tints can’t be used in the in-game player menu The option to bind photo mode to a button in the controls menu currently does nothing. Workaround is to use the console: /bind key uimenu camsp Ultimate Weapons effects can be invisible if using all weapons back to back. It’s unlikely to happen in normal play sessions but is a bug (also in basejka). Potential future features:
    More bundled improvement mods Health regeneration Default saber holstering to left hip to be canonically correct For modders: add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. Adding to the above bullet point, SFX sabers translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything Headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another Aim-based blaster deflection for added difficulty License
    The code and menu files are GPL. The relevant GPL license is included in the "readmes” folder. For completeness the Open Jedi Project readme is included although permission has been granted to use the TrueView code under the GPL.
    redsaurus for all coding and implementation. AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Circa for various icons, in-game menus, testing, release. Raz0r for the MP-style movement code. AshuraDX for the saber hilt, DL-44, and DC-15s models DT85 for the improved jedi_hm. HapSlash for the improved Stormtrooper model. JKG team for the unstable saber blade graphics and shaders. eezstreet for the Ghoul 2 weapon view model code. razorace (and the Open Jedi Project) for the use of the TrueView code under the GPL. OpenJK maintainers and contributors. Pahricida for the Clone Rifle (and omeewan for the textures). SoM3 for the clone blaster. KhorneSyrup for the droid blaster. Kahn Dahlaine for UltimateWeapons effects mod. Dark Forces mod team, Salvador Barale, Luke Ashdown, for E-11 blaster, thermal detonator, bryar pistol models. Toshi/DT85 for the ROTJ Luke model v2 therfiles for his amazing camSP tool for photo mode macsourceports.com team for the macOS Universal 2 build Daggo for general helpfulness Support
    Support for this mod will be limited. Please post questions in the subforum on JKHub.
  22. Cor liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Hey folks, a new contest has been long overdue, I know. I meant to start this one up shortly after the last one but too many things took my attention away. I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. 😅 No summer themed contest this year, but that could be up to you depending on your submission.
    Everyone likes mod contests but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and try something different. We have a decent number of in-game photographers, digital artists, and lots of creative people that could make this one really cool.
    Essentially this is a contest for who can make the best Jedi Knight-related poster/banner for JKHub. I’ve been wanting something really nice and flashy looking to use for the front page and for social media accounts, and I made one really quick back when we launched the new theme. I can probably spend a lot more time on making a better one, but I figured it would be much better to involve the community.
    This isn’t just to win and get the award badge on your profile. This will be the new banner on the front page of JKHub in place of the existing one and will be used on social media.
    So what qualifies as a banner?
    An image in PNG or PSD format. Dimensions at minimum 3200px X 2000px with 72ppi (more is okay). Aspect ratio of 16:10. If you include text, you must also include a textless version. If you include a signature, make it unobtrusive but still legible. Must be related to the Jedi Knight series (particularly Outcast & Academy), including characters, locations, weapons, items, etc. Multiple entries are allowed. Additional orientations are allowed, but a horizontal 16:10 is required. Upload in a ZIP file to ensure no unnecessary compression is added anywhere. No pornographic or ultra violent subjects or content allowed. Huge bonus points if you make a version for each major season of the year or holidays. The deadline to submit is September 24th, 2022. After which we will sort through all submissions over the following days and announce the winner then. By submitting to this contest, you are fully aware that your art will be used by us, for JKHub. Full credit to you will be given when and where possible.
    We also reserve the position to not choose any submissions, or to choose multiple. If none are chosen, you still get an award badge and be featured on the contests page. All submissions will be displayed on a page when the contest concludes.
    Need inspiration?
    Here’s an album full of the kinds of things I’m looking for. Something like a movie poster or something very cinematic-looking. You can take screenshots in-game, post them in ModView, digital paint, Blender, literally anything.
    Poster examples and inspirations
    How to submit?
    You can submit like a normal contest: in the Files section in the Contest Entries category. You can use the button below. You must submit the PNG or PSD file in a ZIP compressed folder file. Include all versions of your work in one zip file. If you are submitting multiple works, please submit them separately. 
    EDIT: Results are in! Click below or scroll down to see the submissions and winners!
    See results and winners

    View full article
  23. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy: Enhanced v1.1 released   
    Well it's been forever, but we finally have an update for y'all. Work on 1.1 started over a year ago. The focus was bug fixes and a handful of new features on the code side by @redsaurus and adding some bundled mods on my end, as well as testing. Life gets busy, but we finally made it to v1.1.
    You can look at the changelog below, but essentially I think this mod is finally in a place where I can recommend it to new players wanting the best experience or old players and modders to take advantage of some of the new feature set.
    Do keep in mind this is still a huge work in progress, and there are bugs, glitches, and unfinished features. Remember to give feedback knowing that fact and knowing that your bug or request may not get fixed or implemented any time soon.
    Non-exhaustive changelog for v1.1 (many may have slipped our minds or bug fixes fixed much earlier that weren't mentioned)
    Changes in v1.1 (old saves not compatible with this version!) - Added eezstreet's AI workshop - Added g_UseIdleAnims to disable/enable idle animations - Removed black bars from cutscenes so scenes aren't half obstructed on widescreen resolutions - Added g_noIgniteTwirl to disable the twirl animation on ignition (like MP) - Added cg_ignitionspeed ton control how fast or slow the saber blade ignites - added a COMPLETE button to the saber builder UI to close it - r_mode -2 is now default at launch to be fullscreen at native resolution (set to -1 to go back to windowed mode) - Added cheat menu in the in-game pause menu - Added in-game character and saber edit menu in the in-game pause menu - Added in-game photo mode menu. The binding currently doesn't work from the CONTROLS menu, it needs to be added manually in the console: bind [key] uimenu camsp - Toggle between pistols when you have the Bryar and DL-44 with the weapon2 button - Replaced the old E-5 blaster with KhorneSyrup's new version - Removed Force Blinding bind in the menu since it is not ready for use - replaced DL-44 with AshuraDX's HD DL-44 - Added Kahn's UltimateWeapons mod as an optional PK3 with some revisions (removed saber effects, replaced some explosions with the smaller efx) - Added Plasma's saber pack as an optional PK3 with removal of a lot of duplicates to make the list easier to navigate - Added *holsterorigin tags to vanilla sabers and many of Plasma's sabers to work better with holstering - Added HapSlash's stormtrooper model to replace the vanilla model - Added Toshi's Luke to replace the vanilla model - Added r_ratioFix for full native widescreen support for the HUD and menus - Added new splash screen and menu logo I also spent some time getting a nice trailer video made so people are more drawn to the mod and are aware all it has to offer.
    The grand vision of this mod was supposed to be a "remaster & expansion" of sorts, which included modern textures, models, sounds, effects, and new missions and characters. That vision is on hold for now until more people can help out with implementing it. We want it to be more than just including a PK3 of an existing mod, we want to make sure the experience is as streamlined as possible.
    For more improvement mods like HD textures, fonts, models, etc. please see JKHub's big list of recommended mods.
    It's based on OpenJK (so the code is released under the GPL and available at [https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/]) and a slightly modified version (for SP) of AJL's SFX Saber code. It also uses Open Jedi Project code for TrueView.
    Main coding done by @redsaurus
    Features and Commands
    All OpenJK features and fixes. RGB Sabers • These can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It is possible to set the sabercolors of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file. If you want to set one sabercolor for base and one for this mod, you can set the sabercolor of the NPC or lightsaber to the base value, and sabercolorRGB to the RGB value for this mod. Higher blade numbers are set with saberColorRGB2, saber2ColorRGB3, etc. SFX Sabers • SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1. This is on by default, allows for more vibrant and high quality saber blades. Ignition Flare • A lightsaber ignition flare can be enabled in the console by setting cg_ignitionFlare to 1. A custom ignition flare can be specified for a lightsaber with "ignitionFlare <shader>" in the .sab file. Ignition twirl animation disable • If that little twirl of the saber that you do in SP when activating it bothered you, you can now disable it to be more like MP with g_noIgniteTwirl 1. Disable idle animations • Use the command g_UseIdleAnims 0 to disable them. Very helpful when taking screenshots. Saber Holsters • Lightsabers are now holstered on the belt when not in use. A tag_holsterorigin can be added to a hilt for better placement. Adding "holsterPlace <none/hips/back/lhip>" in the .sab file specifies where a hilt will be holstered. Currently broken, default is right hip for now. Headswapping • Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file. RGB Character Colors • Adds an RGB slider option to all player species. Better Entity Spawning • The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file". .eent files • Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the .bsp file. MP Movement • Not identical to MP but close. Allows for bunny hopping and less "slide" effect when moving. g_bunnyhopping 1. Also in the menu. Extra Player Tints • (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this color rather than the usual. Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use .glm models using eezstreet's code. Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it. While the E-Web is equipped, the player moves more slowly. More usable weapons The tusken rifle and noghri stick are fully usable by the player. The DC-15A clone rifle (made by Pahricida), DC-15S clone blaster (Made by AshuraDX and Som3) and E-5 droid blaster (made by KhorneSyrup) have also been added. Only given via cheats right now. give weapon_tusken_rifle give weapon_noghri_stick give weapon_e5 give weapon_dc15s give weapon_dc15a Saber throw is now a force power • This was to be compatible with the katarn saber style (listed below) - this was restored to alt attack to work with all styles like before. New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. First person lightsaber with TrueView • As seen in Open Jedi Project and all the other mods that used it, TrueView shows the player model in first person view. You can turn it on for guns with cg_trueguns and turn it on for sabers with cg_fpls or through the menu. Change FOV with cg_trueFOV. Recommend set to 120 if using first person lightsaber. Radar • The radar system from Siege in MP now works in SP. Giving NPCs and misc_radar_icon entities the icon key will set a custom icon. A 2D minimap is also loaded from minimaps/mapname.mmap. AI workshop • Created by eezstreet to give more control over NPC AI. See full thread here. Switch pistols • Toggle between DL-44 and Bryar if added to inventory with pistol bind (+weapon_2) Saber ignition speed • cg_ignitionSpeed scales saber ignition speed Click-drag to rotate player model in customization screen • To help with seeing your character more easily instead of waiting on it to rotate around again. MP-style saber hilt list • Lists lightsabers in the menu without the need for adding menu listings r_mode -2 is now default • sets the game to the monitor's native resolution at launch. Change back to r_mode -1 to use windowed mode. Widescreen HUD fix • Fixes the HUD to support widescreen resolutions without stretching the HUD elements, default to on. r_ratioFix. Removed black bars in cutscenes • this helps with widescreen resolutions not cutting off half of the scene. Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful Ingame character and saber menu  • Change your character skin and lightsaber from the pause menu at any time! Ingame cheat menu  • A simple menu in the pause menu to give access to some common cheat codes like god mode, noTarget, setforceall, and increased dismemberment! Ingame photo mode  • Use sliders to get the right angle and take a screenshot. Thanks to therfiles for camSP! Screenshots save to the JAEnhanced folder (Windows: C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced) Optional features (separate PK3's):
    Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Unfinished features, only use if testing:
    Unstable and black saber blades • use with console command: sabercrystal 1 unstable or sabercrystal 1 black - the number is the saber number, so use 2 if you want to change your left hand blade. Katarn saber style • A gun / saber stance. No animations yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console. Z-6 rotary cannon • Added slot for this weapon, but it has no model yet. give weapon_z6 Installing
    If you've installed an earlier version (from when this was just called SP Customization Mod or 1.0), it'd probably best to uninstall the old version.
    If you're using a Mac, you should put "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" alongside your regular Jedi Academy base folder - depending on your version the base folder might be hidden inside the original game's application bundle or in /Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/
    If you're on Windows, install the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable, then put all files in your GameData folder. For Steam this is in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy. For GOG.com this is in C:/GOG Games/Jedi Academy. For Amazon this is in C:/Amazon Games/Library/Jedi Academy.
    If you’re using Linux, install SDL2 via Terminal [sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0], then install Jedi Academy via Steam Proton, right click the game, browse local files. Put the files in GameData.
    You can launch the mod with or ja_enhanced.x86.exe on Windows, JAEnhanced.app on Mac, and ja_enhanced.i386 or ja_enhanced.x86_64 on Linux.
    User files will be saved to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/JAEnhanced on macOS or to /Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced on Windows.
    Known bugs:
    holsterPlace for .sab files currently does not work, which should allow the option for left hip, right hip, back, and none. Some sabers in the saber pack do not line up well when holstered The ingame saber menu won't let you switch from dual sabers to single saber. Workaround is to use /saber kyle (or any single saber) and then use the menu to choose one. g_forceRegenTime doesn't go less than the default value Player RGB tints can't be removed in the menu Player RGB tints can’t be used in the in-game player menu The option to bind photo mode to a button in the controls menu currently does nothing. Workaround is to use the console: /bind key uimenu camsp Ultimate Weapons effects can be invisible if using all weapons back to back. It’s unlikely to happen in normal play sessions but is a bug (also in basejka). Potential future features:
    More bundled improvement mods Health regeneration Default saber holstering to left hip to be canonically correct For modders: add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. Adding to the above bullet point, SFX sabers translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything Headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another Aim-based blaster deflection for added difficulty License
    The code and menu files are GPL. The relevant GPL license is included in the "readmes” folder. For completeness the Open Jedi Project readme is included although permission has been granted to use the TrueView code under the GPL.
    redsaurus for all coding and implementation. AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Circa for various icons, in-game menus, testing, release. Raz0r for the MP-style movement code. AshuraDX for the saber hilt, DL-44, and DC-15s models DT85 for the improved jedi_hm. HapSlash for the improved Stormtrooper model. JKG team for the unstable saber blade graphics and shaders. eezstreet for the Ghoul 2 weapon view model code. razorace (and the Open Jedi Project) for the use of the TrueView code under the GPL. OpenJK maintainers and contributors. Pahricida for the Clone Rifle (and omeewan for the textures). SoM3 for the clone blaster. KhorneSyrup for the droid blaster. Kahn Dahlaine for UltimateWeapons effects mod. Dark Forces mod team, Salvador Barale, Luke Ashdown, for E-11 blaster, thermal detonator, bryar pistol models. Toshi/DT85 for the ROTJ Luke model v2 therfiles for his amazing camSP tool for photo mode macsourceports.com team for the macOS Universal 2 build Daggo for general helpfulness Support
    Support for this mod will be limited. Please post questions in the subforum on JKHub.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by mrwonko in Texture problem with nose   
    The problem is not the Blender version, but the plugin version. Older versions of the plugin do not import normals. Use the latest version from here.
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