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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Well, all the "selectable" force powers are now disabled, but since I never tried to jump, guess what force power is still there... That's right.. Jump is still forcified... any ideas?
  2. I just tried it out and it works, but, I had to use a trigger and scriptrunner. I couldn't get it to work under the info_player_start. Also, I had to use "kyle" instead of player but it all works now.. Thanks for the help.
  3. I had to figure out what you meant by runscript. I figured it was in the console.. It works there but it does not work when i attach it to the info_player_start. In the kejim post map the script has an "affect" tag and is run from a scriptrunner I think. Would I have to go that route?
  4. I'm having problems trying to figure this out. I've created a script which sets all force powers to zero but when I spawn I still have force powers. I've looked at the Kejim Post scipt but it has some variables I'm not certain of viewing in DEvaheb. It also looks like the force removal script is part of a larger one. Like what is 56? I set the force power in the script, re-evaluated it and got the numbers 0-4 so I'm assuming that 0 means no force power.
  5. If you start with nothing and pick up a weapon it gives you full ammo automatically. The next one you'll pick up then gives the smaller amount.
  6. After a hiccup with NPC scripting I'm finally done. I've been playing these battles nearly every compile in my head and its finally nice to actually see NPC's fire back. Its even better with the Ultimate Weapons mod as well. I'm hoping people will download it and use it because its so much better to play with than stock blasters. One thing I don't like is the 500 ammo count. I know its the REAL count for the E-11, but, for a video game its a bit overkill. I've made up a new ammo count PK3 that lowers this amount so you actually have to conserve ammo. I'm also going through and re-arranging my area portals. It's making for a better playable experience and I've been eliminating some of my stutter issues. Adding more detail in places now while I wait for a few folks' contributions to each map. I've got some sound effects and stuff in place near terminals and whatnot. My outdoor world terrain will now have rocks blended in thanks to KhorneSyrup which is pretty neat looking, although your only outside for a short time. Also, I'm making one last plea here if anyone know how to change the amount of ammo you start with at the beginning of a level it will help out.
  7. Well it took a while but I just figured this out. While I cannot seem to figure out how to start with lower ammo, I did figure out how to change Max ammo. So, all you need to do here is copy the EXT_DATA folder and remove all the files except Weapons.Dat. Open that up and change the numbers down the bottom where it has maximum ammo counts. Change this to whatever you want and then put this new EXT_DATA folder with the Weapons.Dat folder in a pk.3 and place it in your Base directory.
  8. I got the idea when I imported the Geiger Counter mp3 for my radioactive waste pit. I put a wait key in the same length as the file and it didn't keep repeating constantly. It seems that a trigger_hurt acts like a trigger_multiple. i replayed Nar Shaddaa and noticed that at the point where you give the password there is a computer sound being played by the window. It only has a limited range but its a constant range. So, somehow they managed to set it up where the range was limited. I've been messing around with Trigger_Hurt and seeing if I can use that with no damage. No luck. I'm ok with it my way though since its not very noticable. I did, however, learn how to make a Trigger_Heal. You just have to add a negative value to the dmg key and you'll gain health. I had it up to 452 before I just gave up watching it. I just have no idea how you would cap the hit points.
  9. Glad you liked it. I found it last June when I stumbled across interviews a radio station did with many of the Band of Brothers cast, which is where the music came from. It was just there among all the cast interviews. Funny how you find this stuff sometimes..
  10. I actually figured out a way to get it pretty close to what I originally wanted. Set the sound to a trigger multiple and then add a wait key with the value of the length of sound file, in whole numbers. also, select player only in the check boxes. Then, make the trigger to the size/shape you want and when the player enters the sound will play. It may have a bit more range when you leave the trigger area, but, its not really noticeable with short length sounds.
  11. Any of you guys ever see this video before? http://youtu.be/-HvfzXtTJQQ
  12. I really enjoyed the Clone Wars series. Not the crap animation one, but the one they recently cancelled. I was sorry to see it go since the ending was a cliffhanger. At any rate, I think the new Star Wars is going to be fine. Kathleen Kennedy said in an interview that she personally watched fan films online that used real sets and props and cgi, as much cgi as fan film cans do, and they are going to make sure that its not overdone. You can't do anything but have faith in that and hope they do, which I think they will.
  13. Well, I'm using the only tutorial I found online and this is what that guy did with the DOWAIT part. There are also DOWAITS used in the game scripts so I'm just following that. Also, no matter what I do, no NPC's of mine will follow a waypoint network. I've followed Rich Diesal's tutorial on it but my npc just likes to sit there. This is why I used the navgoals. It works fine.
  14. Well, thanks for your help. It works consistently now with 2 troopers. Unfortunately, your recommendation of switching to a behavior state of Cinematic didn't really work out. Not sure why. They just ran to the end and stared at me until I shot them, then they fired, even with this new script, below. I switched it back to BS_Default and unchecked the Cinematic tag for the NPC and it all worked. This stuff is beyond confusing. I can't even get Waypoints to work correctly which is odd. Every NPC in each of my two levels is scripted in some way.
  15. Well, no... I just put the set type anger script line in its own task. I didn't put all the stuff within the tax on its own. I'll give that a go and see what happens. I've been messing around with it more and I'm getting closer.. We'll see what happens.
  16. No, that didn't work all the way. My storm trooper will run to the point consistently but he'll just stand there staring at me. If i shoot him, then it seems the anger script kicks in and he does his alt-fire thing. He won't fire at me on his own.
  17. I have a firefight where the player goes behind some crates to take cover. There is a trigger here which spawns two storm troopers to run from the room the player was just in. Its a long, L shaped hallway. I have the NPC's set up to wait for 3 and 4 seconds before entering the fight. My problem is that both will enter the room and fire, 1 will enter the room and fire, or both will stay in the room they spawned in and not move at all. Here is the script I have written. I'm not sure if I have the WAIT in the right spot or should it be stuck under the first task. I'm using some basic tutorials I've found. BTW, I have the same script for the second npc just with different values. Could the angerscript be triggered when the NPC's hear the firing and its overriding their tasks?
  18. I'll have to add in more of those types of hallways in the next level. I wasn't aware using area portals like that with those hallway with the one door portaled and the other not. Nice to learn this stuff when two maps are done.. hehe.. Why don't you explain how hint brushes are used and where you use them since you seem to know about this stuff..
  19. I've noticed that between my two maps this is an issue that is more annoying then anything. Sometimes when walking through a door w/ an area portal there be a slight stutter once when going through the door. Same with triggers. I have spawning NPC's and I can tell when I hit the area portal because I get that slight stutter. Sometimes I'll hear a crackle but I'm sure that has to do with the target_speaker nearby. This does not happen every time but it happens enough to be noticeable. Could it be something in-game, the compiling process, my video card?
  20. I forgot to comment on this... Funny you should mention this! The Thing was on AMC's Fear Fest this year and that was part of the inspiration for this part of the map. I had a small station made, a landing pad.. It was pretty neat but I could never get the terrain right for snow. Also, I had problems making snow drifts on the walkways with patch meshes. Anyhow, it all worked out well in the end.
  21. Heck, I wish I could do what I'm doing in Source! Yeah, I don't have JA unfortunately but I'm sure you'll be able to play it when its done....somehow....
  22. Well, you're hired. I have to make some adjustments to the script itself and I'll send it to ya. You can do both troopers if you want, just change the pitch on one of the voices is all.
  23. Well, I really don't know how to do that which is why I didn't mess around with it. Terrain threw me for a loop. I think its just the tutorials that get me screwed up, like when I used EAsyGen to do this. The now renamed Gnur helped me with a new skybox and I switched from snow to sand and it worked out well enough.
  24. You ever watch Futurama? Its how Zoidberg pronounces Robot. He has that Jewish-Catskills accent that's funny. " Again, with the fighting" or saying "What is" in an inquisitive manner instead of saying what is this or what is that. If you watch the Twighlight Zone Rod Serling pronounces it the same way. My family isn't Jewish, but older folks from the North East where i'm from pronounce it that way too. My grandmother always said Robits.
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