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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Why is there no reason for something to be that thin? When you hang a poster or put a decal on something thats pretty thin. If I put a sign on an electrical panel that says Danger! Electrical Hazard I don't want it to stick out 1 unit because you can tell its sticking out one unit. Looks dumb. At any rate, I just cut up part of the box I made to the size of the decal I want and stuck the texture on it and I'm fine now..
  2. Not sure to be honest...never really thought of that..
  3. I've made up a bunch of real world signs with Star Wars language font instead of english on them. Stuff like Caution, Danger! Electrical Hazard, and so on. I am making some brushes .25 units wide and using these sign textures on them. I read about that on an old Quake 3 forum. This way, I don't have to make decals out of them. At any rate, these .25 unit thick textures are causing mirrored plane errors when I compile. When they signs are 1 unit thick I'm fine, but anything under that I'm skunked. Any ideas why this happens?
  4. I could care less about the voices but why do we have to have all the recycled phrases all the time. This is the one thing that really bugs me about Star Wars dialogue in games or other media, as well as the prequel movies.
  5. The only one I've ever used and will use in the future again is Xtreemhost.com. I have a few small business websites I made and used their free plan since I didn't need any of the pay features. Basically, I just needed hosting. Their full service package is $42/yr. They only have these two plans. They weren't rated high when I first found them but the more I searched the more opinions I found and the more confused I got, so, I just went with them.. hehe.. No complaints.
  6. Sad thing is I live in this town.. hehe.
  7. So by this scale his non-force jump length should be a maximum of 64 units? I'm assuming the second number is the length since its bigger...
  8. Does anyone have any information on how far Kyle can jump or how high he can jump in map units. Same with min opening widths and such.
  9. Thanks a lot. I wish I could post more images but while it looks great in game the screenshots just come up a bit darker and you can't see the cool stuff. There are some really neat areas that look too dark to discern what's what.
  10. Well, I have had plenty of ups and downs since the last update. My level hit about 11,000 some brushes and I ran into a shader issue where it just stopped drawing them. I think I hit a limit or something. Kyle started to look like the liquid metal terminator from T2.. hehe. So, once you go down the big platform to the bowels of the facility I had to stop there. The map was a bit short to play so I figured I make another area and release both at the same time. This shot shows the second room starting part2. It's basically a hangar that now has crates all over it. The view is from the catwalk above where you access the crane to get across the cavern that isn't shown to the other side. You go into the gondola and it will take you to another smaller, similar hangar across the gorge. Here is the hangar from the bottom. You can see the pallets, cargo containers, and the overhead crane much better. From here, you'll reach the second hangar but all the doors are locked. There is, however, a ladder down to a maintenance access area where you go through some ducting and you end up in a pretty nasty place. You don't exactly start here, but, this is a really dark, gloomy area and the screenshots turn out much darker than they appear. This is the waste treatment area of the facility. I've started using textures from Texturelib.com since they are free. I can only download 1 per day, but, again, they are free! The 3 pipes are a new texture. The wall textures area actually stock game textures. This shot shows an open hatch to a dangerous area. You can see on the hatch some signs that are slightly modified. I decided to find hazard/danger/electrical/toxic ect... signs on google and using the Gimp change the text to the Star Wars Font. The sign basically says " Respirators must be worn beyond this point " and "Toxic Chemicals". I have quite a bit of these throughout the level and it just adds a nice touch I think. This part is nearing completion for the basic structural/light/main architecture stuff. Should be another week. I have to find a Geiger counter sound so if anyone has any ideas or has one let me know. I'm going to add in radiation detection and damage with triggers. Then, go through and fine tune it, add more detail, and npc's. Hopefully I'll be all done at the end of the month.
  11. Lets say you made a hallway and you had a brush 2 units thick on the wall for a light. This brush was also player height. When you walked or ran down the hall against the wall, that brush would stop you. With the noclip texture, you could envelop the brush that protrudes out and the player will walk right through it. When I first installed JKRadiant on my system I thought I saw it in there. Then, when I switched to GTK Radiant, I don't remember seeing it in there.
  12. Does Jedi Outcast have a noclip system texture? I could have swore it did.
  13. As of today I have nearly all my NPC's placed in the map. They are all scripted which was pretty easy once I figured it all out. Well, its easy for NPC's. Was able to add some alt-fire guys, better aim, and so on. When the player only has 100 health and no shields it makes it interesting. I also gave up on limited ammo on start up and am just going for no shields instead. I also just made my opening text crawl!! WOO HOO! I didn't want the map to start cold so at least I have this. It sets the story and explains why the player is there so I'm pretty happy. Here is how I did it. 1) Make a .tga file with a size of 512 x 2048 and give it an alpha channel. I used The Gimp 2 for this. 2) Add WHITE text over the image. Again, I used The Gimp 2's Text tool. The font is Franklin Gothic Bold for the titles and Franklin Gothic demi for text. I used whatever The Gimp had for Franklin Gothic and it worked out well. Font size I have no clue on. Just make the text bigger for the title and a bit smaller for the body and it should be fine. Then, make sure you adjust the separations between paragraphs as equal as you can. 3) Save this file as tc_engl.tga. DO NOT replace the original file in game. Make a folder named MENU. Inside this, create a folder called VIDEO. Inside this VIDEO folder, put the tc_engl.tga file in that folder. Menu/Video/tc_engl.tga Place the MENU folder inside a .PK3 file and name it whatever you want. I named mine crawl.pk3. Finally, place this in your gamedata/base directory. 4) Make a room in Radiant. A small one will do. Texture it but do not light it. Add a misc_camera somewhere in the room and add a Key: targetname Value: ********** <----- anything you want to name it. I named it Cam_start1 5) Now, add in an Info_null entity in the same room. Select the misc_camera and then select the Info_null and connect them with Ctrl-K. Now the camera is pointed at the null and we are done with this room. 6) The script now needs to be made. Open BehavED and create a new script. Below is an image of the one i followed. In the first line, the file name jk0101_sw is the opening video from Jedi Outcast with the Star Wars logo and music and stuff. You'll use this file. For JA, though, you may have to look at see what that video is named. In the MOVE and PAN lines, you name the tag part the same as you named your misc_camera targetname. I have no idea what the PAN line does or if its needed but that's what I read so that's what I used. It works. Save and compile your script with whatever name you want. I saved mine as Crawl 7) In your regular, lit, playable map or room, add in a target_scriptrunner. Give it a Key: usescript Value: Script directory/ Script name. Mine was Icestationwampa/crawl Next, add in a trigger_once brush and have it touching your info_player_start entity. I put my Info_player_start inside the trigger brush. Finally, select the trigger brush and the scriptrunner and connect them in that order. 8) Compile your map and run it. You should get the Star Wars logo and your new scrolling text.
  14. That's a great looking moose the way it is. In fact, why not toss in a Wossamotta U sweater for him, just like Bullwinkle's from college.
  15. So, how did he use the Bryar Pistol Weapon to get the ammo down?
  16. I really have no idea where this topic could go so bear with me. Is it possible through BehavED to change the ammo count for starting a level from the default 300 to something lower? I know there is a count field in the items.dat for weapons and BehavEd has a set_count feature. I've tried a script to change the Bryar Pistols count to 25 using the set_count choice but nothing happens. I still pick up a pistol with 300 ammo. Any ideas?
  17. If I do this then it'll just sit there and fire under I get close enough then it will run to the point_combat. If I don't put in a point_combat it'll just sit there and fire until I move far enough away or i kill it. Now, in some cases I have spawned an NPC and used a point_Combat in my map and it works for that situation, but, I do need to implement this follow waypoint method, somehow.
  18. Do you mean like "investigate" or "flee" types of point_combat? I'm mapping for Jedi Outcast so are there different ones from Jedi Academy? Basically, I'm trying to interpret this from the tutorial To set up this system, add a point_combat entity where you want the enemy to stand when he's done fighting. Then make a series of waypoints for the NPC to follow to get to its point combat. Then target the NPC at its closest waypoint. Target that waypointat the next closest waypoint, and so on, down the line, until you get to the point_combat. According to this, I am TO target the NPC the first waypoint, then the second, and so on until I get to the combat point. Now, do I stop at the Point_Combat and not link it? Do I link it? Either way it doesn't work. Thus, when you play in the game, the Stormtroopers will just look around until they see you, at which point they will run along theirwaypoints until they reach their point_combat - at which point they will stand there until you kill them. And when I do this my Stormtrooper will ignore any waypoint and just run to the Point_Combat. All i'm using for the waypoint is the yellow waypoint entity. I assume thats the right one..
  19. I think it has to do with the SET_BEHAVIOR to WANDER. I tried what was mentioned but it didn't work. I also switched the BEHAVIOR to SEARCH. My npc will walk from the spawnpoint to the first waypoint but then stops. Now, If he sees me before he gets there, then he'll run to the combat points. But, once he gets to the waypoint, thats it. He just sits there. I think I have to use nav goals instead of WANDER for the NPC's to fire at me on their own.
  20. I think I can set this stuff in BehavED from what I glanced over in the manual. Now, where would I add those script lines to? Would I put it in my Wander script or would I put it in the Alert Script?
  21. flush ( );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*@BSTATE_STRINGS*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );
  22. I've followed a tutorial and managed to get my NPC to wander. When you fire at him he runs to the nearest combat point and returns fire along the way. But, when you don't fire at him, you have to be right up next to it or it will ignore you. Is there anything in Behaved I can add to the script to make the NPC see me earlier? Here is the script. //Generated by BehavEd set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*@BSTATE_STRINGS*/ "BS_WANDER" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANGERSCRIPT", "icestationwampa/alert1" ); here is my alert script flush ( );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*@BSTATE_STRINGS*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );
  23. When I followed Rich Diesal's tutorial on NPC routing I'm running into an issue getting the NPC to follow the waypoints to the combat point. I made an L shaped path for the NPC to run along but when it does move it runs straight to the combat point. The way the tutorial reads it seems the NPC should follow the path to the combat_point. I have the NPC linked to the first waypoint. Then, waypoint to waypoint are linked. Finally, the combat_point is linked.
  24. Hurray! That is a pretty good overview. Thanks for writing it. Are there any # limits to adding NPC's to the game? Like there are only so many slots for this NPC or that one?
  25. Hey, thanks for the help!! I've been trying a bit here and there for two days trying get this to work!
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