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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. I'd consider those extras at the moment, but I'm not against having them added at some point. There's still a lot of little problems as you've found that need sorting out first though.


    One problem with a dynamic sun as well is how do you show the sun is moving in the sky? Skyboxes are static images so there would probably need to be a way to add a procedural sky box which draws the sun and the sky.

    Archangel35757 likes this
  2. @@KENNITHH I'm not sure what I should be looking at in those 2 in-game screenshots? They look like they're different guns and what are the red circles showing?


    Also, I've just realised you might need to do some extra work to get the Ghoul2 models working properly in SoF2 with rend2. JKA's version of Ghoul2 doesn't implement all the features that are required by SoF2.

  3. I've found Gimp saves jpeg images with progressive loading by default. When the jpeg save dialog box shows up, you can find the option to disable it under the Advanced (or Additional?) options drop down.

  4. @@Xycaleth


    misc_model & misc_model_static produce accurate visuals (just don't use modelscale with the misc_model_static or normal maps won't appear). Ghoul2 looks better than what it did with r_sunlightmode 1. Using r_forcesun 2, ghoul2 npcs/player models don't seem to receive light the same way as a misc_model_static does.


    I would have though that all loaded models receive light the same way?

    Which way looks better, misc_model or misc_model_static?


    The reason they look different is because misc_models are actually baked into the map itself. When you create a misc_model, the geometry from the MD3 are taken from the file and inserted into the map file. They become part of the map geometry. With misc_model_static, they are essentially the same as regular game-entities. The advantage of this is you reduce the map filesize - the downside is it can potentially increase loading times as you now have to load the map and the model that you wanted to show.

  5. Glad to see you guys are still working pretty hard on this. And glad to see you now have proper Specular, Gloss, and Environment Cubes as well. I have known that you have had normals for a while, but seeing those editions are much more exciting to me.


    I haven't been paying too much attention and mostly skimmed over things so I ask:


    How much have you upgraded JKAs ability to use the power of newer computers? For example, baseJKA uses only roughly 15% of a GTX 660 FTW edition at maximum settings and as you know one CPU core. 


    If yes to the previous, how much more room would we have for detail in meshes, brushes, and textures?


    What version of Gloss/Roughness do you guys use? For example, UDK uses black for fully reflective, while Marmoset uses white. I am assuming you are using the White for fully reflective based off of the shader values posted.


    What dynamic shadow model are you using? For example, I believe the most efficient, most recent, and highest quality variant for games is RTW (Rectilinear Texture Warping)


    Have you guys increased JKAs ability to properly load textures & lightmaps (Higher resolutions, better efficiency like using texture aliases)?


    What shader version/model have you guys been utilizing?


    So far, you guys have been doing a good job from a visual standpoint. Maybe there is hope for me getting some of my newer stuff into JKA at some point. Like these: 

    Hey Mace, it's good to see you're still lurking here :)


    Firstly, we can't take credit for the current features in rend2. We're actually porting this across from the ioquake3 project which @@eezstreet started off, and now I'm continuing hopefully to completion. Once all the regular JKA stuff works I'm planning to rewrite a fair amount to take it to the next step.


    JKA itself hasn't really been upgraded. It still only uses a single core - the aim of this is to up the renderer as far as we;re capable of doing. Having said that, I can tell you that the renderer is still very inefficient and currently it's doing too much CPU processing to feed the GPU fast enough (at least on my computer, with an i5 3750k and an AMD Radeon HD 6870). This is something that can be solved without utilising multiple cores though I believe... at some point I might look into using multiple cores but that would require a huge effort.


    So my aim is to get somewhere near UDK-quality in terms of detail - using models will be preferred over regular brushes as the same models can be instanced/drawn in one go, rather than having to submit multiple draws. Textures, I'm not really sure how you can have more detail other than by making it bigger :P


    I'm not sure what gloss/roughness algorithm we're using, I would have to delve into the code to find out.


    For dynamic shadows, I believe rend2 uses cascaded shadow maps with regular PCF filtering (judging by the weird edge patterns I've seen). The shadows are kind of buggy so they need improvement. I don't think RTW is used by many (any?) games at the moment, so I'd prefer to go with something that's proven to work well.


    Textures and lightmaps are pretty much the same. Rend2 attempts to pack lightmaps into a texture atlas, but nothing like that happens with regular textures - do games still do this? I plan to add support for .dds textures in the future to provide a fast path for texture loading. I'm still not decided as to what I want to do with lightmaps.


    Shader models don't really apply to OpenGL but I can tell you that rend2 use features roughly equivalent to those found in DX10.


    There's still a long way to go, and as you might have seen from the last few pages of the thread there's still a lot of teething issues. Hopefully all of this work will be worth it in the end though :)


    Hopefully that answers all of your questions, @@MaceMadunusus!

    Stoiss, Boothand and Tempust85 like this
  6. Nope. This shader. Same thing happens with and without the blendfunc.




    	qer_editorimage	textures/bootland/asphalt
    	map $lightmap
    		stage diffuseMap
    		map textures/bootland/asphalt
    		blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		stage specularMap
    		map textures/bootland_nmaps/asphalt_spec
    		specularExponent 8192

    Don't use a blend func for the specular map stage and see how it is.

    Can someone please verify that adding a .shader / .mtr to an MD3 misc_model / misc_model_static doesn't do anything? Tried to in both rend2 & vanilla renderers, which leads me to think that MD3 has been broken somehow.


    Also confirm that the MD3 model angle is borked, as in it doesn't face the same way as in radiant/jamp.

    How are you adding it to the misc_model/misc_model_static?

    @@Xycaleth, I still have the issue with the black dots appearing, using that shader. As in this post: http://jkhub.org/topic/2804-rd-rend2/?p=53470


    Here's the specular map - using a TGA with the same image in the alpha channel, for now: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/asphalt_spec.jpg

    I'm not sure still. Are you using any other texture maps like parallax or normal maps?

  8. If you use the q3gl2_sun keyword, then the sky will cast real-time shadows. You'll need to set r_sunlightMode 1 and r_depthPress 1, both of which are a bit buggy :P I'm not sure about shadows from regular lights just yet.


    Keep in mind it's all very WIP.

    Boothand likes this
  9. I guess I can post what I did to get the specular and cube maps working before I disappear unexpectedly again.


    For cubemaps, you simply place a "misc_cubemap" entity where you want the cube map to be generated. All rendered surfaces use the cubemap that is closest to them. You need to enable it in-game using r_cubeMapping 1.


    For specular, this is the shader I've been using:

      qer_editorimage textures/bespin/newfloor
        map $lightmap
        stage diffuseMap
        map textures/bespin/newfloor
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        stage specularMap
        map textures/bespin/newfloor_s
        specularReflectance 0.25 // default is 0.04 - non-metallic surface
        specularExponent 8192 // default is 512

    The main thing to notice here is the use of 'specularReflectance'. The value here describes the material's refractive index, i.e. how much light is reflected or refracted. For non-metal materials, the default is good. For other types of material, you can look up the refractive index from http://refractiveindex.info.


    You can also control how much specular specific parts of a texture has by making use of the alpha channel. The value in the alpha channel then gets multiplied by the 'specularExponent' to give the overall shininess of the texture. As you can see from the video, the shininess also makes use of the cube map, so the shinier something is (and the more reflective it becomes), the more visible the reflected scene becomes.

    Archangel35757 likes this
  10. So, I'm ignoring the lightmap problem for now cause that's blocking me from looking at other things.


    Just had a look at testing specular for map textures and it seems to work fine. You can also see it using the environment cube maps. Here's a short video.



    From left to right, each sphere has an increasing specularity until it becomes really shiny in the last sphere. The first sphere has no specularity, and only diffuse.


    I'll release the test map with all the assets at some point so you can see how it's done :)

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