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Our Picks

Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.

Winners of the Duel Map Mod Contest
Back in January we announced a new mod contest: maps built for the Duel gamemode. These maps are typically smaller with a central dueling area. The deadline to submit was 6 weeks later on February 23rd, when then the poll was open to any forum member to vote on which they thought was the best map. Due to a great turnout with the number of submissions, I decided to award the top 3 voted maps with a Gold, Silver, and Bronze award.



@Reepray with Rishi Station 2



@chloe with Oasis Mesa



@Artemis with TFFA Brutal


Congrats to the winners, your work was astounding! However, huge shoutout to all submissions because seriously, they were all astounding. It was a very hard decision to pick just one to vote for. Very well done. This contest had a much better turnout than I expected. You guys are awesome, thanks for making all of this worthwhile and keeping the JK modding scene alive and well!

See poll results [screenshot]

See all submissions [video]

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Relics of the Sith [Progress]
For some time we've been working on a Jedi Outcast single player mod. We expect to have a video teaser at some point to showcase gameplay and cutscenes, etc. But in the meantime, we'll start with some screenshots.

Our focus is on delivering:

Fully fledged missions (Stealth, combat, puzzles) all voice acted and scripted, similar to Raven's Jedi Outcast experience.

New NPC classes, bosses and Force Powers.

Difficulty non artificially amped up (extra-hp), puzzles, secrets, movement challenges, stealth.

Storyline based after the events of Jedi Academy, with Master Skywalker, Katarn and Korr back to action.

Current state of the mod is at two fully playable missions end to end (including their respective cinematics), taking each to completely roughly 1h~ if you are good at the base game.

It's a long shot, but if you are able to model/animate creatures, we'd love you hear from you, as we'd like to introduce the Sithspawn in this mod.

Our progress is slow but the Jedi won't stop us.

Mod setting

  • 5 replies

Epic Challenge Mod V (the final ECM)
At last. Years have passed, and I feel like I'm playing less and less at this game, which made my childhood and early aduldhood. And I hate to leave without a gift. So, this final chapter is dedicated to all of you, all of us, Jedi Knight lovers, Kyle Katarn's friends.
  • 3 replies

Duel Map Contest Poll
We've got a bunch of submissions for the Duel Map Mod Contest, and they all look outstanding. This will be a very hard decision! Please vote for the map you believe should win!

Due to the great turnout with the number of submissions, we're going to do a GOLD 🥇, SILVER 🥈, and BRONZE 🥉 award for this contest, depending on the votes they receive.

I highly recommend actually downloading all of these and taking them for a spin ingame. Pictures say a thousand words but experience is priceless.

View all Contest Entries
  • 11 replies

Motion Capture Animations in Jedi Academy
Hey, it's been a while since I posted here.

So I wanted to update this thread because I've been working on something interesting for the game: importing motion capture animations. I managed to do this using the Auto Rig Pro addon for Blender, which you can basically use to retarget any custom rig to the Jedi Academy skeleton in this case.

Most of them were taken from mixamo, but you can basically retarget anything. Here you can see a video showcasing the results:

Credits to @MagSul for the amazing mod used in the video. As you can see, the retargetting it's not perfect. There are some details such as the fingers that may need to be adjusted. But it's still very useful for NPCs in the background that you see from a distance.

If I combine this with the facial animations workflow that I showcased in this same thread, I can make the ultimate SP missions which I plan to do at some point. For now, I hope you enjoy this!

New year, new contest
We haven't had a contest since the 20th anniversary event, but here we are with a contest focused on just duel/tffa maps. This idea was originally from someone in the community @banhammer and I agreed to host it for them. What makes a duel map? The requirements for a duel map are more than just the .arena file. Duel mode (and Power Duel) are typically small maps with minimal obstacles or paths from spawn to action. The reason TFFA can be looped into this as well is the way that TFFA is played is similar to duel, where typically 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 has the action limited to one dueling area. For example when TFFA is played on FFA3 (Tatooine City), everyone spawns and immediately makes their way to the main area in front of the giant door across from the brown ship. The best duel and TFFA maps typically have spawns that are far enough away from the action area but not far enough that it takes forever to get to it. TFFA maps are typically bigger than Duel maps, however there is a sweet spot to being able to cater to both modes and how they are typically played. If you have no experience playing duel or TFFA in multiplayer with real players, don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments below, or don't be afraid to jump into a server and ask to be shown how it works.
  • 3 replies

Coruscant Mega Map (WIP)
Well, you all have been asking for it. "Why don't you make Coruscant?" "Make Coruscant" "Where is Coruscant!????"

Originally, I did not want to make Coruscant, but this summer I got to experience living in NYC for the first time and out of all of the other cities I've lived in, this place absolutely broke me. In post cards and movies, you see the glistening lights of the skyline and times square, and the city inflates itself as being a world capital. But everything in NYC is fundamentally broken, healthcare, the subways, something as simple as seeing a dentist becomes a Kafkaesque nightmare. While walking over a bridge from the Bronx into Manhattan, it hit me, What would Coruscant actually be like? A NYC on steroids with even more problems! How would a planet scale ecumenopolis break you?

So for the past few months I've been conceptualizing a map that takes up a good chunk of the entire GTK Radiant grid. What would it be like to stand on the surface of Coruscant, where its a long way up, and a long way down? How about a map so large you have to take a literal train to go from one end to the other (or you could just walk which will take up a good chunk of time and might be just a little dangerous since OSHA doesn't exist in the Star Wars Universe and most platforms don't even have guard rails. I've been drawing inspiration from games like NaissanceE where you explore a horrifying megalophobia inducing city that was clearly not built for humans. When I look at Coruscant with its lack of outdoor parks and green spaces (even the touristy Senate District has no parks, just concrete and durasteel) and a planet sized city with thousands of levels below and above, I see potential to make something fascinating. 

The images above are the mostly the (unfinished) skybox, I now need to rework the rest of the playable map area to blend with it, This map will most likely take a long time to complete with the scale so I am enlisting some help as this will be a community effort. 

Proposed features I want to include:

* A Metro Rail that crosses from one end to the other: That Coruscant episode of the Mandalorian was my absolute favorite.

* NPC civilians: I do not want this place feeling like an eerie liminal space when played solo. (Yes, I'm addicted to hour long video essays about these lol) 

* Four distinct neighborhoods: Vibrant neighborhoods with numerous clubs and places to explore. (This can't be all doom and gloom.) 

*Physicalized 3D flying speeders and large transports: That 2D air traffic I made in Valora was cute, now it's time to take it up a notch. 

* A deep canyon where the jet blast from said low flying speeder can push you off and then you can experience the horror of falling to your death. (for a good while before you hit the kill trigger)

As the residents of Coruscant would say.

  • 8 replies

[WIP] Ragdoll Physics

Just wanted to share a little something I've been working on - adding ragdoll physics to Jedi Academy's single player.

Still pretty rough, it's a big pain, not gonna lie, but I'm excited about how it's shaping up.

You can tell how much of a pain it is watching the progress in a few clips, from the very first basic test to where it stands today.

First test:


Starting to get bones to actually move:


Kinda starting to work?:


Current state, still very rough:

  • 8 replies

Post in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)
Tales of the Galaxy: Legend of Revan

Taris Cantina/Dueling Arena mission map is in progress by mjt,SomaZ,Cornelius,GP

Finally learned how to properly UV unwrap with the help of @Noodle so I've started creating some custom assets for some maps, thought I'd try with food items first so I present 'Sushi' 😄






Qira's Lounge on Valora
Hello. So this map, namely the city in the skyportal has been a work in progress for a long time. I guess you can say its an experimental map, I've always wanted to build a city and decided to compromise a bar for now otherwise this would never get released. The skyportal is fully animated and the entire map is almost all custom textures and shaders. I did borrow one of Szico's tree models though lol. Valora City almost feels like a personal diary to me, Its been my project that I've turned to when times get stressful or tough or whenever I just feel inspired by either Star Citizen or visiting a city in the real world. This city and the hard drives its been on have seen numerous real world cities too. 

The map will be releasing on here soon, I just need to fix a few shader issues first. 

I'd like to thank MJT, and Noodle for their technical help. 

I also want to give a special thanks to ZanderNeo, Numberwan, and Omega for testing this map's various iterations and giving me feedback as well as the motivation to keep going on this project. 

  • 2 replies

IGN covers Movie Duels!
IGN.com made a video showcasing the Jedi Academy mod Movie Duels!

Update for Holocron Challenges
I thought I'd share some of the things I've been working on for the first update of Holocron Challenges.

Masters of the Teras Kasi
I've added a new gametype in called Masters of Teras Kasi (MOTK) which is based on the PS1 Star Wars fighting game of the same name.

I hope that gives you some idea of what I've been working on for the last few months, I'm not sure when the next update will be out but I'm hoping to have it finished before the end of the year. In the mean time if you haven't played the mod it might be worth jumping in and trying it!

Post in [Update] SW: New Beginning SP Mod
So, I got a new PC recently and was finally able to replicate the bug a few people mentioned where the NPCs would just stop in the Academy7 level, preventing progression. Splitting the script into two parts resolved the issue.

Additionally, I've begun work on a new follow-up level. Some preview below. 😃


Post in Chloe's WIP Thread - Jedi Knight: Reborn
Thank you both, I appreciate the feedback!

June Update:

Since my last post I've been working on redesigning the menus. At the moment, these are just mockup designs and not functional, so I'm unsure how feasible they actually are to achieve at the moment. Any feedback would be appreciated! The main menu layout is mostly done too, however I'm still working on a background illustration that's taking longer than I'd like (painting Jedi Temple brickwork is tedious haha), so didn't make it into the June update.



New staff & the future of JKHub
A little word about the future of JKHub (don't worry, nothing bad), welcoming new staff, a bot attack on the wiki, and a new video series!
  • 5 replies

Post in [W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence
I am messing at the moment with some of the looks of the Imperial installation, but i like all the tiny details i am puttinig in, sinking in the lights, making it very effective. I feel like in this stage, Imperial lighting is simply just "tl" light, same with geometric shapes, slanting to make it look more imperial

Dev Diary - Twenty Years of Movie Battles 2
Twenty years ago today, RenegadeOfPhunk released the first build (B14) of Movie Battles 2. Last year on the twentieth anniversary of the original Movie Battles release for Jedi Outcast, we ran through a brief history of Movie Battles as well as a look into our first open mode class upgrade in years. This year we will be focusing on what is coming in the near future as well as things we plan on delivering over the course of the next year. Our focus this year is to deliver some of the largest sets of new abilities & weapons, revamps to existing ones, and overall class updates than we have ever delivered before.
  • 2 replies

Post in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)
The top of the Rakata temple is ready for the fight of Bastilla and Revan!


Post in Noodle's WIP Zone
Its been some time since my last post and even though I've been a bit inactive with my board activity that doesn't mean I haven't been doing things lately. I've been doing a lot of modelling and texturing recently but I haven't posted it around here because I don't want to give people false expectations about my future stuff. Some of the things I've done recently include helping Zander_Nao with a bunch of his cool ideas (like rigging the awesome Shadows of the Empire trooper model) and trying to contribute to JKGalaxies, which is my favorite mod by far. 

I was a bit bummed that I couldn't finish a Nightsister related mod for last halloween so I hope this year I'll be able to upload at least 2 nightsister related things. Maybe an update to one of my already posted mods, who knows! 

All that aside, here are some of the coolest things I've done in the recent months that I've neglected to share here:

JKGalaxies has a bunch of unfinished assets that are quite well done, so one of the things I've done is to try and finish up some of them and get them to work ingame. Here's the texture I did for the "pyro" helmet:

This was a headpiece for my male twi'lek model that was based on Hera's in the Ahsoka live action show. Since it wasn't finished in time for the last contest it didn't make the final cut, but here's how it was looking so far:

Another thing I was doing for JKGalaxies were new enemy models for a certain map I'm working on. This is one of the concepts I did for the "Desert Biker Bandit" armor set:

Part of the idea for this set that I had was that the player could equip different parts of the set to get a more customized look:

Now that I feel more confident in my skills as a modeller I started working on an idea I had for a very long time, which was to create a "Cultural Mod Pack" for both JKGalaxies and creative modders that want to use it in their projects. The idea is to pick a star wars culture and create a bunch of assets that can be used for map making or role playing. Right now I'm working on a "Tusken Culture" mod, so far I've worked on the female tusken and child tusken outfits we saw in Attack of the Clones. Here's how they look so far: 

Female Tusken:

Tusken Children:

So far this is what I've done, I hope soon I'll be able to update this thread again with cooler stuff! 

The Academy V4
Well after talking it over with the community I am proud to announce the Academy IV - continuing on Virtue's work. A much expanded on rebuild of the idea. 


  • 22 replies

JKA with the whole family
Hi guys.. I found my way back to JA two weeks ago after 20years. I played JK2 single player back in boarding school 21+years ago till I could help complete the game with my back turned and we played the JK2 multiplayer so hard on LAN back then. Then I finish school and started as a electrician and JA came out, the campaign was okay, but had nobody to play mp with.. two weeks ago I put JA on 5 laptops I had and took it with me to the club for school kids and the 4 boys loved it. .found some extra laptops and now at my wife's family's annual get together camp/celebration of Christ's resurrection. I brought these and the kids gamed for little over an hour. It was great, there's not a lot of people on these pics, but two minutes before the pictures,  cake was brought out, that's why the low count of gamers 😁😉 this is great, what you guys are doing, is nothing short of amazing.
  • 8 replies

The Acolyte trailer
This trailer is incredible and I’m super hyped for this show! Finally a live action show with brand new characters and timeline! The tone looks very dark but with lots of aliens and cool worlds that make it feel very Star Wars, not to mention a focus on Jedi.

JKA — Warhammer 40000
I'm developing a mod for Wh40k. The point is to radically replace Star Wars assets with Warhammer 40,000 cassettes. Also, in setting up weapons for the realities of Warhammer 40,000, as far as our skills and abilities allow us.

I'm developing a mod here - https://discord.gg/CQ3CwbkjdC


chainsword teeth are moving

I use the imperial soldier from another mod as a temporary stub











  • 4 replies

Post in AngelModders Jedi Temple on Coruscant - Knightfall
Well after about 2 dozen compiles and adjustments the lighting in general for the Jedi Temples Lobby is finally where I want it. Still a lot of work to do, the models are acting up etc but it'll get there!

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